Love at First Sight

Chapter 53: 053. I look like I ate Bawang's meal?


Qu He was late, and when he finally entered the restaurant gracefully, I had finished eating and was gnawing on the wonderful banana boat. Shu Jiong

"Waiting for a long time?" He seemed to be accustomed to such gentle questioning forever, even his expression was gentle to the extreme, lifting his fingers gently wiped off the cream left on the corners of my mouth, the corners of his eyes were slightly lifted, evil and enchanting, " The pig’s taste is really not pretty."

I grinned, put the last bite into my mouth and tasted contentedly, leaning back on the back of the chair, and squinting at him:

"Don't you think you should please me more than blows? Especially, when Maggie's life is still under my command?"

To be honest, I think I can compare to many people in terms of paragraphs, except for Quhe. Although I have only known each other for only a month, his actions, words, and thoughts have always been rigorous and unpredictable. He Be able to grasp all the information you want to know, and give the most effective methods and strategies in time.

This person is destined not to be something I can provoke, so as soon as I finished such a domineering declaration, I immediately confessed it without any promise:

"Of course, Master Quhe's friend is my friend Zhen Xiaozhu. I dare not say anything else, it's okay to save her life!"

His forehead was lightly flicked, and his smiling voice sounded a bit pleasant:

"What do you say is like a gangster," he put his hand back on the table, slightly propped his chin, his eyes condensed lightly and deeply, "just leave her alone."

It was probably his calm tone that finally angered me, I raised my eyebrows, and only sneered:

"But after all, they helped us to polish the good things, haven't they? I have to be grateful in person. Master Quhe, there is still a distance between us. She doesn't care about helping you, but I care about being helped."

Although there was really no need to confess relatives at the time, I was stuck in my heart for so many days, but I didn’t know what I was mad about. After all, did Qu He truthfully tell Ke Lan’s little mother that he knew someone he knew? In fact, there is no difference, right.

It's just that the feeling of being concealed is really uncomfortable.

He raised his arms and waited for him to answer, but the waiter came to act as cannon fodder at this moment and bends down gently to remind:

"Miss, can your bill be settled?"

I squinted at this sweet-looking girl, and asked:

"I look like I ate a king's meal?"

Looking at the entire restaurant, there are many diners who still rely on them to leave after eating, so why just ask me for money? !

This girl is young and looks one or two years younger than me. She is probably a nearby student doing part-time vacation here. I calmed down and told her seriously:

"Sorry, I have no money."

The man on the other side chuckled and laughed, I shrugged indifferently and took my phone to play the game.

The waiter looked at me without tears, and then looked at Qu He as if for help. Seeing the latter, he just continued to laugh, probably because she finally felt that she was unlucky today and that she had really met her to eat Bawang's meal.

I watched her trying to hold back the tears in her eyes with a smile and a smile, gave me a quick glance and then whispered:

"Please wait, I invite our manager over!" Then he ran away staggeringly.

"Zhen Xiaozhu," Qu He said casually after I played two consecutive games, "You must never know what it means to be kind to others and to benefit yourself."

(Dear friends, please stretch out your paws... here for collection recommendations...)

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)