Love at First Sight

Chapter 60: 060. Why didn't you say it earlier!


Many people like narcissism, and the definition of narcissism is the ability to ignore everyone’s objective and correct cognition, stick to one's own independent thoughts, and be proud of it. If you hit the south wall with one head, you must insist that the wall falls instead of the head. . Shu Jiong

For example, this big guy with a lot of color hanging all over his body now.

He snorted from his nose. I wondered if he sprayed all the nosebleeds out. After thinking about it, Chen Xi rewarded him with a lot of fists, and it was really unscrupulous not to give him a say.

So decisively took Chen Xi's arm about to move again, listening to this black tower arrogantly said:

"Huh! Do you think I'm afraid?!" He glanced around at the audience and wiped his face vigorously. It was probably because of a painful touch. He hissed slightly, as if he couldn't hold on to his face. The tone rose a bit, "My dad is the political mayor of the entire Nanhua District! If you mess with me, it will be a day or two to overthrow your Zhen League!"

I smiled and replied seriously:

"Then give you one day or two, you can try to look at it."

"You!" He stretched out his fingers arrogantly and arrogantly, and stopped in front of my nose, "You are also a powerful mouth! Miss Zhen Meng is actually an embroidered pillow... Ah!" The last word was not blurted. The black tower has been smashed to the ground gloriously.

Rubbing my wrists, I took a step forward, raised my foot and stepped on his back, raised my chin slightly, and looked at the group of people who had been shocked, my eyes stopped on the pale waiter girl, and greeted me. She looked a little frightened, and pulled the corner of her mouth coldly:

"Did you see it? Only those who are capable are qualified to speak big," narrowed his eyes, bent over and patted a large headache-stricken cheek, with a gentle voice, "but the one who has no ability... Only to be trampled on the soles of the feet , Even if you are the district chief’s son, I’m just the underworld eldest lady."

The audience was silent, and the sound of the music had changed several gears at some point. At this time, an English song was slowly circulating. The woman's hoarse voice was filled with vicissitudes of life, and the poking heart was also empty for a while.

I nodded in satisfaction, retracted my feet and prepared to put it on, flicking my hair and leaving, but a loud roar suddenly came from behind me:

"Zhen Xiaozhu! This young master remembers you!"

Tilting my head slightly, I lightly raised my eyebrows to follow kindness:

"Sorry, I have a bad memory, I can't remember you."

Qu He walked up and walked side by side with me to the door, with his hands resting behind his head, he looked like a fool:

"Tsk tsk, the pig's madness is quite human," the eyes were slightly cold for a moment, I was stunned, and listened to his voice slightly reminded, "Zheng Minghan, the head of Nanhua District, is famous He has been in office for three years and has accumulated a lot of supportive forces. Although Zhen Meng and Bai Dao do not violate each other, once they face each other, they are not so good to retreat."

I am angry:

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

He chuckles, taking for granted innocence:

"You didn't ask, even if I said, you still can't beat him? And, it's really useless for you to call me, isn't it?"

I lowered my head feebly and answered honestly:

"You are only here to carry Chen Xi."

Chen Xi shouted:

"Zhen Xiaozhu, just give Lao Tzu a hard heart! A dead woman, no conscience! Young master, I will dig my heart for you... Hey, you go slower! Hiss..."

Today’s things are over today. If Zhenjiapu causes disaster because of me, I will try my best to bear it alone. Zhen Xiaozhu is indeed hard-hearted, but he will be responsible for anything that arises from himself.

It's just... I couldn't help but smile, and my heart was slightly warm, because I always knew that if the father was present, the boy could only report to the underworld, regardless of whether his father was the district head or God.

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)