Love at First Sight

Chapter 69: 069. The invitation of the pirates


The sea breeze carries the unique salty and wetness of sea water, but it is not sticky when it blows on the face, but it is very refreshing. There are white flocks of birds flying across the sky in Shu Jiu, like white dye suddenly jumping out of the blue picture scroll.

In front of me, there were men lined up, all aged between 27 and 8, with rough and bold features, and fairly open-ended clothes, and the bronze skin exposed to the fabric looked alive and fragrant in the morning light.

I pressed my eyebrows, turned my head and said to Mr. Assistant:

"Does it say in the almanac today that you should be careful to die?" This vigorous hormone, if Chen Xi is here, she must be all-round forward...

The assistant twitched his mouth and groaned weakly | "Miss Zhen, please be more serious..."

Fu Tianchen was talking to advertisers in another place before. When he walked over, his brows were frowning, but he still adhered to the principle of peace as the most important, and brought a man and a woman who seemed to be translators to come forward with this. Negotiations with people who appeared suddenly.

I emptied my eyes at the rising sun that had completely climbed up into the sky. It was hiding behind the white clouds in shame. I wondered if I should also go to find out the situation at this time, but Qu He had already come to explain in due course:

"The predecessor near the Putuo Sea was a three-regardless zone, where pirates prevailed. In recent years, it has been quiet a lot, and the country has adopted a laissez-faire attitude.

As if he had known information a long time ago, his tone was light and breezy, and the hair strands that were slightly tossed by the sea breeze stuck to his white forehead, half-covered a pair of seductive eyes, and the fragile eyes loomed. This time, I finally looked at this man with a magical look. From meeting and forming an alliance until now, he knows almost everything and is omnipotent. Such a person is talented, handsome, and talented. Why is the tendency of split personality to find me

But thinking about it, I bit my lower lip lightly, stretched out my finger and nodded the man who looked like the leader among the pedestrians, and asked:

"Do you know that person?"

Qu He smiled lightly suddenly, kicking a shell casually under his feet, his voice slightly deep:

"Are you testing me?"

Xiao Yan had already put his hand on his waist at this time, and I knew he was also on guard. Coming here this time, sure enough, it was more than just an upright proposal from Fu Tianchen.

After all, the old man has always had many enemies.

"Miss, be careful." Xiao Yan walked to my side and reminded me. The expressionless face was even more like a thick layer of snow in the twelfth lunar month. Even under the big sun, it was still cold and frightening.

I looked at the three men around me with a headache. One shivered timidly, the other squinted lazily, and the other frowned coldly, exhaled silently, and settled:

"Look at the situation first."

Guessing weakly in my heart, it will not happen, because we seem to have made Fu Tianchen unhappy last night, so he planned to sell me to those men, right

However, in fact, it was sold.

So, I watched a handsome man in casual clothes with sloppy facial features walked up, took my hand and walked in front of the pirate without saying anything. After saying something, I was surrounded in confusion, man. Our hoarse voices speak languages that are completely incomprehensible, but their expressions are not terrible, but a kind of surprise and admiration!

"They said they want to invite you to their celebration this time," Fu Tianchen raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Zhen Xiaozhu, you have the face of Goddess Kula."

I’m covering my face right now, Goddess Kura, in the legend... the guardian goddess of pirates...

(This chapter is very full~~Continue to ask for recommendation and collection~~The plot below is more enriched~~~)

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)