Love at First Sight

Chapter 7: 007. Abbreviation with insulting nature


wedding. Shu Jiong

The ostentation was amazing. Our car came all the way from Quhe’s house, and was directly four or five blocks away from the hotel. It was blocked by a huge wedding party for at least forty minutes.

According to Chen Xi Babaili’s urgent information, Fu Tianchen’s marriage partner was the two daughters of the mayor of Suiye City.

Chen Xi said: "It's called a wealthy family!"

I curled my lips: "Am I rich?"

Chen Xi sniffed, once again a beast: "But the family is innocent."

I calmly said nothing, before he looked up to the sky and laughed, hung up the phone "pop-".

Qu He had parked the car and walked over. I squinted habitually, leaning against an Audi to rest.

Since I came here, I have repeatedly had symptoms of recurrence of the old disease, but I don't want to tell Chen Xi, I'm afraid that the kid's big mouth will be leaked to the old man, and more than sixteen gangs will come to me by that time.

The person walking towards me still looks gentle and innocent. The smile on the corner of his mouth looks very wanting. His body is slender and tall. It is probably the result of a morning run every morning. He is not a scary muscular man, but he is definitely a good guy. Good clothes hangers.

Today he just wore a set of simple casual clothes, and his casual look was completely different from those well-dressed business and political celebrities, but he didn't feel abrupt, perhaps because this person is always so gentle and kind, everywhere. Can melt in.

"Miss, can you move it away, please?"

I could see God, a strange male voice was speaking plastic English suddenly sounded, and when I turned around, I saw a head trying to stick out the half-exposed car window. I was taken aback, almost jumping back several times. Step, but undefendedly planted into a solid embrace.

Qu He's gentle question came from above:

"Pig, isn't your way of greeting too grand?"

Gritting my teeth, I stared angrily, enduring and forbearing, and then I didn't pinch him at the hotel entrance!

Since this person knew my name yesterday and filled in the xxx at the header of the page, he simply used the abbreviation for me!

Still an abbreviation with an insulting nature!

"Miss Zhen?"

The male voice just now sounded again, this time it was actually in Chinese. I turned around and watched the talking man get out of the car with a difficult beer belly shaking. When I saw me looking at him, I smiled at the Mediterranean Sea. They all trembled.

"It's been a long time, do you remember me? How can everything be okay?"

"Not dead." I have always been too lazy to deal with this kind of courtesy. The person in front of me is probably the client in the business, so I am not interested in knowing, let alone talking with him.

The man's face became stiff, and he changed the subject in a jealous manner:

"Hehe, are you coming to this wedding too?"

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)