Love at First Sight

Chapter 71: 071. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong


If I knew that a group of sturdy women would get up and down as soon as I came in, I would first scream symbolically!

However, the fact is that I was held down by them without even having a chance to speak. My clothes were torn apart with a scream, and the cold air directly encroached on my skin. I couldn't help but fight a cold war without carefully reacting. , The women took a few colorful cloths and put them on me! The hair was also put down, and a few hands swiftly fiddled on top of my head!

I was treated like this for the first time in my life, and I had a resentment of crying without tears, but they had to be smeared with fragrant fat on my lips, which forced me to close my mouth!

After about half an hour of torture, a short, short-haired woman shouted something out of the cave with a loud voice. The previous young man walked in and put his right hand in front of him to make a gentleman's salute. Shu Jiong

"The messenger, please follow me."

Confirming that I was badly injured, I wore a heavy headgear and waved at him.

"You go out first and call in the man named Quhe."

The current situation is a bit chaotic, and I need to discuss it with the military division.

He hesitated a little, and pondered for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, so he nodded and walked out.

The women are not as respectful to me as those men, but after finishing their work, they retreat to the corner in twos and threes to chat.

When Qu He came in under the noon daylight, I was so bored that I was playing with the bead chain hanging from the top of my head, and then unfortunately entangled my hair with the chain, and was trying my best to separate them.

"Can I say that you really know how to entertain?" He asked with a smile, and casually stretched out his fingers and fiddled twice, and the twisted thing in my hand was actually untied obediently!

The corners of my eyes twitched, and I immediately turned to the subject wittily:

"What's the matter with these people?"

Goddess messenger? Really think we are three-year-olds? Fu Tianchen is a businessman, and naturally everything is based on interests first, but I am different from Xiao Yan. Our identity is destined to be vigilant at all times, otherwise any passer-by may kill us!

What's more, now he has been half-coerced into other people's territory!

Qianglong still didn't crush the snake, Zhen Meng's elite troops were all far away in the country. If they really opened fire, only Xiao Yan would bring a gun.

Qu He smiled and patted my tight cheeks, and said softly:

"Let's be your messenger first," he swept his gaze over the women, his voice sinking deep, "You didn't realize that apart from the men just now, these women are also very unusual?"

Only then did I discover that although those women are tall, they are not simply the big skeletons of the West, but almost deformed and sturdy that have been destroyed by years of wind and rain! Their facial features are also very deep and a bit mixed, or are the people here actually mixed with many races

"Because Putuohai was once a sanctuary, it has become a gathering place for many international criminals, and these criminals come from different countries. Although nearly 300 years have passed, there are still a lot of pillage and looting in the blood of their descendants. The guilt factor, we are head-to-head with them, it's no good, you can't take the women alone, can you?"

I chewed these words repeatedly, and finally gritted my teeth viciously:

"So, don't stop you, just follow Fu Tianchen and sell me?!"

Qu He smiled fascinatingly:

"Because people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong."

(Collection collection~!!!)

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)