Love at First Sight

Chapter 85: [V085] Pig, I heard you cry


People can always tell their stories as other people’s things, as if they don’t care about that, but in fact, it’s because they care so tightly that they are afraid that they will even have their own name and identity and will immediately experience that kind of thing again. Real feelings, and choose to use the third person instead. Shu Jiong

Psychologically speaking, evasive narration is a popular way of saying that you are afraid of substituting yourself.

Just like someone asks you, do you want to listen to a story? Then ta said from the beginning that a and b have been in love for many years.

And I thought that I never told anyone about Fu Tianchen and me because of a kind of love for treasured memories, but I didn’t expect that once the other protagonist in this story sits quietly with me on the ground, When I talked about me in his eyes, it would be such a subtle feeling.

Just as now, Fu Tianchen pushed aside the weeds on the ground and sat directly opposite me. The sunlight fell again because of his short stature. I squinted my eyes slightly, but after seeing his eyes glancing at me, Drifting over several bushes, drifting towards the sky.

"They knew each other inexplicably," he chuckled, his face was the warm smile that I had been missing for a long time, "If you really want to say something, maybe it should be regarded as a hero to save the United States."

I twitched my mouth to retort:

"I was ugly then."

He was startled, and turned his gaze back to look at me with some helplessness:

"You are not beautiful now."

I endured for a long time and suddenly interrupted the topic he was about to talk about, and issued a serious question that even touched me: "

"Fu Tianchen, are you jealous lately?"

If I know that the lethality of this sentence can break the warm atmosphere that I have finally created between me and him, I will definitely let myself be dumb for a long time first!

In fact, Fu Tianchen suddenly stood up because of my extremely narcissistic problem, and looked at me condescendingly again, the temperature in his eyes dropped by more than one degree or two.

"Zhen Xiaozhu, you think too much." After saying that, it was a real throwaway.

Afterwards, I suddenly realized that Qu He didn't almost lie down in bed because of his hatred for iron and steel. He should be regarded as dead.

Because he said that his hard work finally caused Fu Tianchen's jealousy and impulse, and he was strangled to death in the cradle, or in the placenta, by me. I'm really sorry for his struggle in the sea. It took a minute or two!

But I felt aggrieved, why didn’t he discuss the plan with me in advance this time, it was more like an impromptu, so that not only did I really feel sad for him, but also because I didn’t get the timely instructions from the organization. , And something bad happened.

He shuffled back in a daze, and ran into Luke who was coming from the front. He probably discussed something with the old witch. He didn’t look like he was shrivelled, but I was true. Still embracing the injustice for Qu He, so he stretched his leg to block his way.

"Miss Zhen," he saw that I was a little more respectful than before, and his tone was cautious, "Is there something wrong?"

When I am in a bad mood, I hate rhetorical questions the most, not to mention that I am not happy with this person, so I raised my chin and laughed quite provocatively:

"Luke, if I say that I regret that I am allowed to coerce me to come here because of some Brahmin's commission, shouldn't I punch you to vent my anger?"

His expression was stiff, he took a half step back in embarrassment, but still maintained a respectful attitude:

"Ms. Zhen, Nanyang's geographic location has long been highly valued by the Maritime Patrol Headquarters. It is the quickest way to recruit security or surrender. If you want to be willful, you shouldn't be arrogant with this kind of thing."

capricious? Playing temper

This person is simply challenging authority! I squinted my eyes and kicked him viciously with a willful and temperamental kick!

I feel so depressed that I want to vomit blood for three liters. What is it like now? One by one can order me to dispatch me. The old witch in the room “spurs” me at will, even if it is comforting, she stabs me sharply; Fu Tianchen can easily make me happy and sad. Take away a cloud; and then this big guy in front of me, even he can say that I am self-willed!

Unexpectedly, he just flashed to one side habitually and easily avoided my attack, but he didn't guard against the movement of my hands. He forced a face to suffer a fist from me. Although he didn't have much strength, it was enough. He suffered, and it happened to be hit on the bridge of the nose. Seeing his painful eyes were red, I suddenly felt refreshed and warned with a grin:

"Don't always threaten me with the country and my head. When I am in a good mood, I can let you preach. If I am in a bad mood," he shook his fist and bared his teeth. "The fist is not very obedient."

After venting for a while, my mood really improved a lot. I walked towards the room whistling and didn't notice the sudden gloomy face of the person behind me.

He hesitated for a while outside the room, pushed the door in, and saw that Qu He had woken up and was sitting lazily and making phone calls.

I guessed whether the child was cheating on the corpse or returning to the photo. I felt like rushing over to look at him very miraculously, only to get him to slap his head with a big palm. Although it was cruel, I felt that my heart was a little bit more inexplicably. Sub-warm.

Because the strength is still that strength, and the temperature is still that temperature.

Sure enough, it was the real body of Master Quhe who was not stiff.

I sighed silently, the scourge was left for thousands of years.

He stood aside boredly, listening to him speaking in an unknown country's language, speaking very fast, but his expression was very relaxed, occasionally laughing a few times, it seemed that the other party was still an acquaintance.

I was suddenly curious, what exactly is Qu He? I don't believe that he was just a psychologist after killing him. I haven't heard of the symptom of broken-hearted syndrome. It is said that it originated from a psychological study in country m. The term is "heartbreak syndrome".

Under normal circumstances, people experience great changes, especially for girls, heartbreak caused by depression and decadence after a broken relationship often easily leads a good girl to go astray, or commit suicide or fall. The medical community puts this research on most of the broken-hearted women, in order to summarize the corresponding countermeasures.

If you really want to say that Qu He is like a psychiatrist, I can only say that he is good at analyzing people's hearts, and his control has always been calm and extremely accurate.

But apart from these, he also understands current affairs gossip, is proficient in various organization secrets, and even once he can answer a few questions that I randomly found on the Internet that involve a wide range of intelligence.

This person is so clever and perverted, so powerful that he is invincible, with nine bends and eighteen bends in his mind, and if I want to see him through, I may have to reincarnate for several rounds.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally waited until he hung up the phone. I swallowed and leaned over to observe his face. Well, although there was still no blood, it was really not dead anyway.

"Pig, I heard you cry." Just as he was about to tease, he suddenly said such a sentence with a smile.