Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 52: Sitting and chatting


Chapter 52

Wen Xi walked in with her skirt in hand and looked around. At first glance, she felt that this house was deeply in her heart.

The fragrance of flowers is astounding, elegant and quiet.

Various flowers, plants and precious trees are placed in appropriate locations, adding a lot of elegance and tranquility to the house. There is a lotus pond at the end of the long corridor on the left. A small wooden arch bridge rises in the center of the lotus pond, connecting the shore with the octagonal pavilion in the lotus pond.

The breeze came slowly, and the faint fragrance of lotus fluttered on her face. Looking closely, her eyes fell on the small round table in the pavilion. On it, there seemed to be a complete tea set.

Unexpectedly, He Yan is still a tea lover.

When the sound of the car door closing sounded in her ears, she withdrew her gaze and looked at He Yan who was walking over.

He only wore a shirt and trousers, with a suit jacket hanging on his elbows and a well-pressed shirt wrapping his broad and strong upper body.

This man is a walking hormone.

He stopped in front of the villa door, turned his head and whispered to Wen Xi, "Come here."

When she came closer, He Yan pressed the password without any intention of covering it up. Wen Xi's eyes were startled and she politely turned her face away.

“The house is quiet inside and out, peaceful, elegant and soothing.

Wen Xi couldn't help but gradually relax every nerve, and asked casually, "Do you live here alone?"


He Yan bent down and took out a pair of brand new women's slippers from the shoe cabinet and placed them at Wen Xi's feet, "Put them on."

Wen Xi was still wearing her wedding shoes, but as soon as she put on the soft flat shoes, she felt physically and mentally comfortable.

The two walked into the living room, and Wen Xi followed him, carefully holding up the skirt that was in the way.

"Sit anywhere, drink water or coffee?" He Yan walked towards the kitchen.

"Ice water, thank you."

While He Yan was opening the refrigerator, Wen Xi had already looked around the entire living room. His style was clean and tidy, and like him, he was three-quarters casual and seven-quarters rigorous.

The man glanced up with his deep eyes, and when he saw the girl raising her head with a curious expression, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

He carried a glass of ice water over, grabbed a box of tissues, and put them in front of her.

"Thank you." Wen Xi took the water and drank most of it.

She was really thirsty, and the glass of water quickly ran out.

Putting down the cup, she realized that He Yan was staring at her.

"Any more?" he asked.

Wen Xi pursed her lips and shook her head, "No, thank you."

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, a doctor is a doctor, and this thoughtfulness was brought home from the hospital.

He Yan sat down casually opposite her and said nothing.

I'm most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

Wen Xi's eyes began to wander around and he pursed his lips, "My grandparents should be back soon."

"There's no rush." The man said.

Wen Xi's buttocks that had just stood up suddenly sat back down because of his words.

He reached out and picked up the carton and handed it to her, "Wipe off the sweat first."

Wen Xi obeyed again and took out a piece of paper to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

However, she always felt like she was rubbing more and more, and she didn't know if it was because of nervousness.

The man casually picked up the magazine on the table and flipped through it. He lowered his head and lightly opened his thin lips. "Be careful when you go out recently. There may be paparazzi following you."

"Huh?" Wen Xi didn't understand what he meant.

"Xu Rui's position in the entertainment industry is not low, and there are many people who want to dig up information about her. There was such a big fuss at the wedding today, and reporters will not let go of such a good opportunity. As one of the parties involved, you will definitely become their target. .”

His voice was light, but very powerful, and it struck directly into Wen Xi's heart.

He was right.

"I'll be careful." She nodded.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "When does school start?"

"Number one."

He Yan raised his eyes, "No. 1?"

"Well, I transferred to the film school. School starts on the 1st."

(Vote monthly to help with the next month’s explosive update, and you’ll get a base of 10,000 words, okay?)

Let’s talk about the breaking rules in detail—

[1. A one-time update on a certain day of the next month]

Prerequisite: Only when you are in the top ten list can you get explosive updates. According to the ranking, there will be more and less.

Finally ranked sixth to tenth, with 10,000 words.

Finally ranked fifth to fourth, with 20,000 words.

Finally ranked second or third, 30,000 words.

Finally ranked first, with an update of 50,000 words.

[2.Additional update in the current month]

After the monthly ticket reaches 300, for each additional 100, 2,000 to 4,000 words will be added.

For example, if the monthly ticket reaches 300 votes on the 21st and 400 votes on the 25th, an update will be added on the 26th.

(End of chapter)