Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 79: To a certain extent, he is your boss


In the South Island Bay, the cruise ship still has bright lights, the sea is still calm, and there is peace everywhere you look.

Outside the door of a certain room, Nan Yunchuan was leaning against the wall, holding a half-burned cigarette in his hand, and slowly exhaled mist of mist from his thin lips. The originally flawless white suit had some wrinkles due to the accident just now. The dark blue tie was loosened by him, and the ruffianism wrapped in the noble coat was faintly exuded.

The unruly air between his brows disappeared a lot, leaving a lingering sadness that lingered for a long time.

At this time, the door was opened and a man came out.


"How about it?"

"Miss Wen just fainted due to excitement. She will be fine after a while. Master, don't worry."

His narrow black eyes narrowed, and his expression became darker than before, "You go down first."


Nan Yunchuan walked into the room and stared at the woman lying on the bed with dark eyes. She was wearing simple denim trousers and a short-sleeved jacket. It was obviously an ordinary outfit, but when it came to her, this The clothes seem to be worth a lot of money.

He walked over and sat next to the girl, and suddenly a self-deprecating arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, "You will never be with me until you die, tsk tsk tsk... Xixi..."

His eyes became darker, and a certain emotion that he tried to suppress seemed to be about to burst out.

But seeing the girl's tightly closed eyes, he could only slowly close his eyes and slowly suppress the air.

He reached out his hand to the girl's face, and gently brushed his cool fingertips over her smooth skin, like an effective sedative, slowly calming down his anger.

Good things are hard to find, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a little harder.

After thinking this way, his irritable mood almost completely disappeared, and he suddenly remembered that his original intention of approaching her was because of this face.

But now, it seems that he is no longer satisfied with just a face.

His eyes focused on the pink lips, and uncontrollably, he lowered his head following his instinct and pressed towards the girl's face.

The hot breath gradually came closer to the girl's skin. At that moment, the girl's eyelashes trembled.

At this moment, the buzzing sound of the cell phone made the man frown. His eyes turned away from the girl's face and fell on the person who prompted the call, his father's phone number.

A phone call that cannot be ignored.

He glanced at Wen Xi, then stood up and went outside to answer the phone.

Hearing the door close, Wen Xi exhaled slowly and relaxed all over.

About half an hour ago, she was carried off the deck by Nan Yunchuan. He completely lost her mind. At that moment, she really panicked. In desperation, she could only pretend to be faint and escape.

It's just that she doesn't know how to escape from the ship yet.

She was a little annoyed. She had completely underestimated Nan Yunchuan's determination to possess her before. Maybe she really needed to find someone to protect her like He Yan said.

She groped around on her body and took out her mobile phone to call her father, but she didn't know that the mobile phone had been turned off at some point.

Only then did she remember that the battery of her mobile phone was already low when she came back from school. After such a long time, it had automatically shut down.

With a click, the door suddenly opened. Nan Yunchuan's still gloomy face faced her, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, "Come out when you wake up."

He seemed to be deliberately suppressing his temper and trying to speak to her as nicely as possible.

Wen Xi hesitated before putting on his shoes.

"What are you afraid of? I won't hit you." There was incomprehensible anger in Nan Yunchuan's words.

Wen Xi glanced at him indifferently and said nothing.

Nan Yunchuan slowly took a breath and said a little casually, "Okay, go and eat your food. I will take you back after you finish it."

He took the initiative to walk over to hold her hand, but was immediately avoided.

The man pursed his thin lips tighter, clenched his fingers into fists, and slowly loosened them again. A forced smile appeared on his lips, "I won't touch you, okay? Go eat."

"No need, I want to go ashore immediately." The girl didn't look at him, her voice was cold.

Nan Yunchuan spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter. If you don't eat, it will be wasted. Anyway, I have plenty of time."

In the end, Wen Xi still had dinner under his pressure.

He did not break his promise and sent Wen Xi ashore.

Two cars were parked on the shore. He said, "I have something to do in a hurry. I'll ask the driver to take you back."

Wen Xi didn't stop for half a second, walked over directly, passed the two cars, and walked straight forward, obviously not wanting to get involved with him in any way.

Staring at the girl's stubborn back, his face became colder and more unwilling.

What his father said on the phone just now echoed in his ears -

"Yunchuan, don't forget, to a certain extent, He Yan is your superior. The He family is still riding on top of our Nan family for the time being, so no offense is allowed."

Thanks to Xiyang for the reward.

Goodnight everybody.

(End of chapter)