Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 108: The heartbeat is throbbing


"Hahaha-hahaha-" The laughing sister Pao and the snickering Xiaoying helped Mingyou walk towards the dormitory.

Harry stood frozen on the spot, his red face turning purple again.

"You can't." Xue Ji walked past Harry coldly, said these three words expressionlessly, and then left.

Harry looked crazy, holding his head and helpless to the girls in DR.

"Zizzi." My communicator rang, a text message from Lessius: Come to the conference room after training and let Harry lead the way.

I looked at Harry who was still upset and said, "Lesius asked us to go to the conference room."

Harry exhaled angrily, stroked his forehead and nodded.

I turned around and walked away.

"Wife! Wife!" Harry chased after me. "Are you tired? Do you want some water?" He handed me the water diligently.

I didn't answer.

He came over to take a closer look at me, and smiled mischievously: "Honey, you... are jealous, hahaha—"

I couldn't bear it and rolled my eyes: "If I say that I still prefer you when you are serious, can you be more serious?"

Harry's amber eyes immediately sparkled: "Then if I become serious, will you marry me?" When he finished speaking, he was stunned, his face suddenly turned red, and his eyes became wandering and he did not dare to look at me.

"Impossible." I said directly. He stopped and started to daze while holding the water.

I continued forward, shaking my head unbearably, "If you make such a joke again, I won't talk to you anymore."

He immediately chased after him and became a little nervous: "I'm sorry, just pretend I didn't say what I just said." After saying that, he turned his face to the side and looked a little annoyed, and whispered softly: "Why would I say that? What if she really agrees?"

I couldn't bear it and rolled my eyes again. He was so pretty. Who would agree

"I don't care who you provoke, don't provoke me, I will beat you up!" I stated my attitude directly.

Harry followed me with a smile: "I asked you to do that. Do you really think you can hit me?" He raised his chin, looking very proud.

My hands started to move, and I couldn't help but swing my fist at him in the narrow passage. "Pop!" The fist that could have hit him was blocked by him!

He raised his hand lightly to block my fist. His amber eyes shone like citrine, filled with pride and confidence: "Come on." He also leisurely raised his fingers at me and raised his eyebrows, full of provocation.

Since he invited me to punch him, I was not polite. I turned around and punched him cleanly and neatly.

He also moved quickly, as fast as a leopard. Sometimes he jumped up and sometimes turned around. We fought at close quarters in the narrow white passage.

He seems to be very familiar with my routines now. To use my father's words, Harry is a good martial artist. He has memorized everything I usually teach and integrated it into his own fighting skills.

I punched him, and he quickly grabbed my wrist and used the Tai Chi method I taught him to throw me out. But I was their master, so I used my strength and stepped on the wall of the passage. Using the force, he climbed onto the wall of the passage, jumped up, turned around in the air, and kicked Harry directly on the neck. Harry was immediately kicked out by the force and fell to the ground, rolling around and motionless.

I landed firmly and stood there watching. He was lying on the ground motionless, as if he had passed out.

Although I know that he is very durable and should be invulnerable, but the force I just used was very strong, will it really hurt him

Feeling nervous, I hurried over and squatted next to him, pushing him: "Harry! Harry!"

He didn't respond, too bad.

I became worried and slapped his face: "Harry! Aren't you usually very resistant to fighting? Why did you faint all of a sudden? Harry? Wake up!!"

"Bah bang bang." I slapped his face, but he still didn't wake up. I immediately leaned on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"Thump, thump, thump thump!" His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, which was a bit abnormal.

My face immediately sank, and I felt angry. I saw the water bottle fastened on his trousers, took it out, opened the cap of the bottle, and poured the cold water inside directly on his face.

"Ah!" He woke up, sat up and wiped his face, "Honey, you are so wasteful!"

"Hmph!" I threw his water bottle and walked past him.

He hurriedly got up, picked up the water bottle and ran to me: "Luo Bing, I found that your movement has become faster recently."

Hearing him call me Luo Bing, I know that he is relatively serious now.

I looked at him, and he looked at me with a smile: "It's great to play with you."

"Why doesn't it feel good to be beaten by me?" He is always beaten by me. In fact, I also feel very happy. I can learn a lot from Harry. Moreover, he is the strongest ability user in Noah City. To make progress, he must of course challenge the strongest people and become stronger when he encounters the strongest.

Harry shook the water droplets from his hair and looked at me: "How about we make an appointment every day, just like Sister Pao and Kai."

I was stunned: "Are they going to have a fight every night?" I was a little surprised, I thought! My face turned red all of a sudden, it was me who was dirty!

"Huh? Wife, what do you think it is?" Harry came towards me in a bad way, almost touching the tip of my nose. The water droplets on his bangs slowly slipped from the ends of his hair. He looked at mine. My face began to be lost in thought, and the gaze in my amber eyes was fixed on my face, which was starting to turn red.

"Go away!" I pushed him away immediately. I didn't want him to see me blushing. He staggered back a step dullly and still didn't come back to his senses.

I turned my face away and walked forward angrily. It was so embarrassing.

However, there were no footsteps behind me. I turned around to look at him, and he was still in a daze.

"Harry! Go to the conference room!" I shouted, and he came back to his senses. He suddenly blushed, lowered his face and hurriedly followed me.

I turned back and continued walking, but he was still following me. Surprisingly, he became quiet and didn't speak again along the way.

At the end of this passage is the elevator. I have never been to this passage. This road leads to the control center of Noah City. No one can enter without high-level permissions.

Harry and I entered the elevator. When the elevator door closed, Harry and I were also enclosed in the small space inside the white elevator.

Harry was a little weird today, because Harry's excessive silence gave the atmosphere in the elevator an awkward atmosphere of silence.

I just don't look at him.

"Luo Bing." Suddenly, he called me.

"Huh?" I responded casually.

"I..." He said the word "I" without saying anything else.

"What?" When I wanted to turn around and look at him, the elevator door opened, and in front of me was a huge, spacious white conference room. In the center of the conference room is a huge oval silver table. It is more like a console than a table. Its smooth surface is like an LCD screen.