Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 117: New member of DR


"Mingyou, if you have any ideas, you must hurry up before our captain likes Harry yet." Sister Pao suddenly said to Mingyou.

Sakura and Xue Ji immediately looked towards Mingyou.

Sister Pao's words surprised me a little, and I looked at Mingyou.

Mingyou's face suddenly turned red and she looked at Sister Pao angrily: "What are you talking about? Who would like Harry if he is so unreliable!" After she finished speaking, she turned away and touched her arm without looking at everyone.

Sister Pao flirted with Xiao Ying again.

Mingyou has always felt like a big sister to me. When she treats Harry, she is also like a big sister who sees her incompetent younger brother. However, after Sister Pao said this, this feeling suddenly changed. There are still many girls who like smooth-tongued boys like Harry.

"Don't discuss irrelevant things during training!" I decided to really ignore Harry.

"Yes!" everyone shouted. Suddenly, everyone looked behind me, as if someone was coming.

When I turned to look, I became surprised.

I saw Asuna walking towards us in combat uniform, and then stood in front of me. Her long hair turned into long braids and was tied behind her head. Even though she was wearing a military uniform, she still looked noble.

She stood in front of me, standing straight: "Asuna reports to the captain!"

Immediately, we all became surprised.

Asuna looked at me with a smile: "Asuna requested to join DR and train with the captain!" Her words were loud and powerful.

I calmed down and looked at her seriously: "Have you obtained the consent of Elder Arufa and Sister Sisi?"

Asuna's eyes were steady: "I am the princess of Noah City. I want to protect our Noah City instead of being protected by everyone. Therefore, I want to become stronger and I want to fight like you!" Asuna was determined. Standing in front of me, I looked at her as if I were seeing a battlefield rose burning in flames.

"Then don't join the team!" I shouted.

"Yes! Captain!" She smiled at me, "By the way, Captain, don't worry, I won't steal your Harry!"

I stood stunned in the square.

Asuna shrugged at me and showed an extremely naughty smile.

"Hahahaha——" Sister Pao's laughter burst out immediately, echoing in the square for a long time.

I immediately held my head and walked to the human-shaped sandbag on the side of the square. In the size of Sister Pao, I hugged the sandbag and started hitting it. I'm going to kill Harry! He actually used me to cleverly avoid the crisis of getting married, what a scheming boy he is!

The morning light once again fell on the city gate, turning it into a dazzling golden passage.

We ran toward the morning light, and suddenly a person jumped out: "Wife——"

I flew up and kicked him as fast as I could!

He was kicked away by me and hit the wall on the side. I followed closely, and before he had time to dodge, I struck his neck with a palm. He fainted instantly and slowly slid down the wall.

"Bang bang." I clapped my hands and looked at the stunned DR team members.

"You can run quietly today." I said.

They came to their senses.

"Okay!" Sister Pao shouted, then clapped.

Yukihime, Sakura and Asuna applauded together. Mingyou sighed again and shook her head.

Kagome came to Harry's side, tilted her head and looked at him.

I took a deep breath and led my team members to run towards the morning light...

"Heh, heh, heh, heh."

After three thousand meters, Mingyou failed again, but today she made more progress than yesterday.

"Mingyou, go back and rest." Everyone said.

Mingyou bit her lip and shook her head. She raised her pale face and looked at me: "I can do it! I've found a way. You just need to wait for me." After saying that, her hands began to cover her legs, green light Covering her legs, it turned out that she used her own healing skills to eliminate fatigue.

She took a deep breath, and the color gradually returned to her face. She stood up and clenched her fists: "Please let me continue to follow you!"

I nodded, Asuna helped Mingyou up, nodded to her, and we started again!

"Ah -" When we ran to the far east, we waved to Brother Qianli who was far to the south, because he said that he could see us running.

The wind blew up our long and short hair, and each girl had a look of perseverance on her face.

The road ahead is still very long, but we DR will support and encourage each other, and we will not leave any sister behind. We will definitely run to the finish line together...

After Harry was knocked unconscious by me, he still ran with us the next day, but he stayed far away from us and did not dare to approach me. When we were training, he was also training by himself.

Like Sister Pao and the others, I stopped talking to him, and he seemed to be used to it and ignored him. He still called me wifey and followed me around.

Sometimes when Lessius comes to see me, he will fight with Lessius and then make Lessius run away.

Lessius was not joking with me. Noah City really used my apple to make a logo. The apple with a bite was made into a logo. It was sewn on new clothes like Silvermoon City's logo. and new flags.

Every time I see that logo, I think of my mother’s promise to buy me an Apple phone after I get into a key high school.

For the people of Noah's city, this apple symbol brought them hope.

However, for me, it makes me extremely sad, as if it reminds me every day that I have completely left my own world and completely lost contact with my relatives.

I dare not think about it any more, let alone imagine the pain my parents felt after losing me. That would break my heart and I would not be able to hold on for a moment.

In the square of Noah's city, a statue of me was also erected, which was a large rock. This made me very embarrassed. I have never walked through the square since the statue was built.

The statue was designed to look like me holding an apple with a bite in my hand. At first, it looked exactly like how I came to this world. I was wearing a school uniform and holding an apple with a bite in my hand. The whole image is very similar to the image of the Young Pioneers during the Revolution in history books in our world, which is really inconsistent.

I repeatedly asked not to build a statue, but Elder Alufa and others insisted. In the end, I had no choice but to compromise. The only requirement was not to wear school uniform and just change into other clothes.

Lessius also seemed to think that school uniforms were not very aesthetically pleasing. He wanted to make my statue beautiful, and by the way, he also made my hair long.

Fortunately, it was a stone, and the facial features were relatively blurry.

The person in charge of the statue happens to be Uncle Rudy, one of Meizi’s husbands. The uncle was very serious and responsible for this matter. When he was carving "ding-dong-dang-dang", he seemed to have melted his gratitude into me.

During these days, I was living in a very awkward position.

Fortunately, I spent most of my time training, so I avoided the embarrassment of saying thank you to anyone I met.

Xiaojing, who ignored me, made me feel more relaxed.