Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 19: Lessius, the multitasker


I don’t know how long I sat there, but the whole underground city had become quiet. One lamp after another started to go out, and the whole world fell into darkness. However, there were street lamps shining. Those street lamps were not light bulbs, but more like absorbed energy. Fluorescent substances that emit a shimmering light in the dark. Their glowing yellow color makes the entire dungeon appear dim, but it brings out a sense of warmth.

I slowly stood up and ran like crazy for some reason. The only sound in the silent underground city was the "clang-clang-clang" of me running through the corridor.

I ran down the stairs in one breath and stood in an empty square that was much bigger than what I looked above. I raised my face and looked up at the completely dark world above. The dark yellow world seemed a little dizzy, as if I had broken into It was as unreal as the old black and white photo.

I ran around like a headless fly, as if only running like this would make me feel safe and not afraid. I was running alone in this quiet world. I didn’t know where I ran, but I seemed to see crops. I kept running forward along the road. The two sides became narrower and narrower, and an upward slope began to appear. I ran up and kept running. Finally, I saw a huge door. I ran towards the door. With a heavy push, the door opened with a heavy sound.

The wind immediately blew in from the outside, like a knife cutting, and the dark world was boundless.

If you are thrown into a strange city, at least you still know the direction of home...

If you were thrown into the endless sea, at least your body would float back to the shore...

If you were thrown into the Sahara desert, at least, you would die on earth...

Now, I am thrown into an unknown and desolate world. How should I go home

"Ah——" I finally shouted out completely, tears fell down instantly, and I shouted towards this vast and unknown world, "Ah——ah——" until my throat was sore from shouting, and then I shouted I couldn't shout any sound. I knelt down in front of this world and hugged my body tightly. After my tense nerves relaxed, I completely collapsed...

What should I do, what should I do, what should I do...

"Woo~~~Woo~~~~~~" A long whimper came from beside me. I looked around me with tears, but it was the monster. She was tied to the door by a chain, and she was sitting on the ground like me. She raised her long neck and whimpered. Her wings seemed to have been healed and tied with wooden sticks.

I walked towards her, and she lowered her head, with tears in her crystal-white eyes.

"We... are the same... are we... not able to go home..." I raised my face and asked her in a choked voice. She lowered her face and looked at me for a while, then raised her face again and let out a long sob: "Oh~~~~ ~~woo~~~~~"

"I really... can't go home..." I fell down in front of her. I didn't know how dangerous she was, but at this moment, I could feel that she was as sad as me. We have become the same fallen people in the world. "Ah - I want to go home - I want to go home -" I began to cry to the sky like her, as if the door of time and space would hear my cry and open for me. Once the seal on my chest is not opened, all the previous The panic, fear, uneasiness and confusion about the unknown world that had accumulated in my heart all rushed out and turned into my cry.


"I want to go home - I swear, I will never hate the teacher, the nine-year compulsory education, the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination. I just want to let me go home -"


"Please go home - ah -" I howled amidst her whining. Under the silent night sky, my howling overshadowed her sobs...

Gradually, I fell to the ground while crying, hugging my body tightly. The wind blew on my face, which became colder because of my tears. In my eyes wet with tears, there were two moons. They told me coldly, Luo Bing, you are already here. You are no longer in your own world, you can only survive in this broken and barren world.

"Woo~~~Woo~~~~" She also lay down opposite me and wrapped her body tightly with her wings. We shed tears at each other. She looked at me and covered me with her intact wing. , with a hint of her warmth.

Perhaps I was tired of crying, or perhaps I had finished venting my feelings. I fell asleep beside this unknown monster. In my blurry vision, I could see the gradually whitening sky. I wanted to welcome tomorrow in this world...

If it weren't for the nagging sound, I wouldn't have woken up.

"It's September now. The time when the sun shines on us is about 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.... The angle at which the sun shines on our crops is about 44.8 degrees. I need to add a few more mirrors. The angle of the mirror is... "

I woke up to this nagging sound, only to find that I was sleeping in the arms of the monster. The monster was sitting with its long legs crossed, forming a small nest, and I curled up in this nest. At this time, she was staring ahead. She didn't seem too alert, as if she knew the owner of the voice.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in her arms. She didn't look at me, but still stared straight ahead, as if she wasn't on guard for the incoming person, but she was also on guard against him.

Then, I saw a vast plain. The plain looked less barren and barren than the place I had seen before, because there was grass growing.

The grass looked sparse, like a shedding dog. The howling wind blew up the grass, revealing one small mound after another.

I raised my face to look at the sky. The sky was exceptionally pale. The sunlight was covered by thick clouds, making the whole world turn blue-white. In the blue clouds, I could vaguely see the faint crescent moon.

"So the number of mirrors I want to increase is... "

I heard that nagging voice. I lowered my face and looked along the sound. I saw a boy sitting two meters away from us. He was sitting on a small mound. He had gray-blue hair. His long hair was tied up casually at the back of his head, and a few scattered strands of hair fell down around his face, flying in the breeze. Did they cross his lips, making him look a little delicate.

He is wearing a linen robe that is somewhat similar to Mingyou who healed me. He has a belt tied around his waist. There is also a big hood on his back and a large cloth bag slung across his body. At first glance, he looks a bit like The Jedi warrior in "Star Wars" is also like a European missionary.

At this moment, his right hand was drawing something in the air, and he was still talking about data, as if he was calculating something. Suddenly, his left hand was raised, holding a yellowed notebook in his hand, the kind of notebook that looked like a sketchbook. There were three words written on the yellowed pages: Are you awake

I was stunned, was he talking to me while calculating