Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 28: Pretending to be deaf


"Wife! Wife! Don't ignore me! I apologize to you!" Harry followed closely. It was so annoying. Everyone around looked at him and smiled secretly. He also pointed at me: "Don't you guys?" Grab it from me, my wife."

"Harry!" Lessius pulled Harry, "Don't pester Anli! She finally calmed down!"

Harry was pulled by Lessius, and I immediately quickened my pace and blended into the crowd. Behind me was Harry shouting: "Wife! Wife! Lessius! Let me go! Wife!"

I quickened my pace even more, but gradually, the people around me dispersed, or entered the cabin next to them that looked like their home, or walked to other places.


I heard Harry's voice again, and I saw another trestle next to it. I immediately jumped off, leaned against the cold iron wall under the trestle, and sat down with my knees in my arms. I was really annoyed. It's really unimaginable that I have to live with such a guy.

But where can I go

On Xingchuan's spaceship, I also saw how desolate the world was. There were no mountains, rivers, or lakes at a glance. If I walked out of this city, I might not survive more than three days.

Footsteps came from the trestle above, and then stopped right above me. It couldn't be Harry, it was so hard to shake off.

"Xue Ji." On the trestle, it was Sharja's voice. After his call, there was a silence. Then, Sharja's voice came again, "Will you go back to Silver Moon City with me?"

"I don't want to." This time, the answer came quickly, and I recognized Xue Ji's voice. Then, footsteps started again, and someone walked off the trestle. When passing by the roadside, I saw Xue Ji's cold back.

It turns out that Sharjah wanted to poach people. This further proves that Xue Ji is an esper, and is very strong. She can attract the attention of Silver Moon City and is definitely not an ordinary esper.

"Don't waste your efforts. Xue Ji's character will never leave Noah City." Suddenly, Xingchuan's cold and indifferent voice came. He seemed to have no interest in Xue Ji at all. Damn it, why is it him! I subconsciously picked up the hood behind my back and covered my head.

"But, I think she has unlimited potential." Sharjah's voice was gentle.

"you like her?"

"No, no, no, Your Highness is joking." There was a trace of panic in Sharjah's tone. Hey, hey, this is too obvious! I heard it all, let alone Titanium Eyes Xingchuan.

"Your Highness, why are you here?" Sharjah was obviously changing the subject.

"I'm so annoyed up there, come down and take a break." Xingchuan's voice revealed a hint of annoyance.

"The escape capsule's propeller is damaged, so he shouldn't be able to escape far."

"No one can escape from Xingchuan!"

"Thump!" With a sound, someone slapped the railing of the trestle heavily: "Shajia, we must find Luo Bing, I want him."

"Hush~~His Royal Highness Xingchuan of Silver Moon City is serious. It seems that Luo Bing has suffered a lot." Sharjah's teasing words made me shiver. From Sharjah's tone, it seemed that anyone who offended Xingchuan would be tortured by him. Life is worse than death.

"But Your Highness, we have already looked for three cities. According to the geographical location, Noah City is the most likely place. Where is this Luo Bing hiding?"

A deep breath came from above: "Breathe... I have a feeling that this city has secrets."

"Your Highness, every city has secrets."

"Hmph, yes, they all have secrets about us in Silver Moon City."

"There are not many people in Noah City. Now I have sent people to search. Our detectors can detect everyone in the building. As long as someone hides deliberately, that person must be that Luo Bing. If you find Luo Bing, you will Can find the rescue capsule."


Damn it... No wonder instructor Sai Qian asked me to stand in front of people, because Xingchuan didn't know I was a girl. Even if he looked at me, he didn't know I was Luo Bing. Fortunately, I didn't hide.

"Your Highness, are you sure that Luo Bing is not an esper?"

"Shh..." Suddenly, Xingchuan seemed to tell Sharjah to stop talking. Someone above him began to move, step by step, walking down the trestle. I was frightened and turned around slightly. When I heard the footsteps behind me, I fell into High levels of tension.

"It's a girl?! How long has she been here?!" Sharjah exclaimed from behind. It was obviously unwise to run away at this time. Lessius, who was always rowing in the air, suddenly appeared in my mind!

I was sitting on the ground hugging my knees, so it seemed natural for me to reach out and draw on the ground.

"Who are you! Get up!" Sharjah shouted behind me. I was still paddling on the ground. I couldn't hear it. I couldn't hear it.

"Shajia, be gentle with girls." Xingchuan's slow voice came from behind, but I felt that his tone was not gentle at all, but there was a hint of chill in his chuckle, like a poisonous snake, starting to treat you again Raising the corners of his lips, he slowly approaches you.

"Your Highness, she seems unable to hear."

"Oh? He's deaf." I heard someone jump down and land behind me. I continued to draw on the ground. Gently, someone pulled down my hood. I froze slightly and immediately I said in my female voice: "Don't disturb me! I'm calculating the angle of the sun! I finally found a place where no one is and go away!" I pulled up the hood again and covered my hair.

"Oh, Your Highness, this girl has quite a bad temper. Don't mess with her." Sharjah said teasingly.

"Huh... you know I like to provoke people with bad tempers." Suddenly, a hand was approaching from the left side of my face, and something was put to my ear!

"Honey! You are here!" Suddenly, Harry jumped out in front of me. He looked behind me in surprise. Immediately, the hand on my ear slowly withdrew. Harry withdrew his doubtful gaze and immediately ran towards me. , pulled me up: "Honey! If you can't hear me, don't run around, I won't find you! Wife! Look at the shape of my mouth!" He held my face through the hood, his face was extremely serious. With such a look on his face, he really said to me with a slow mouth: "Don't run around, there are people outside."

I looked at him for a while, and I actually felt a little admiration for this annoying Harry. He was so good at acting. At this moment, with the foreign enemy in front of me, of course I had full authority to cooperate. I blinked: "Oh. Is it dangerous?" I still said I asked a question, letting the people behind me hear clearly, I am a girl!

Harry pursed his lips and nodded with an extremely solemn and even exaggerated expression: "Very, dangerous."

"Then let's go home." I followed him.

"This is so good~~~" Harry took the opportunity to pinch my face through the hood, and I glared at him.

He pretended to be invisible and looked behind me: "Your Highness, what did you put in my wife's ear just now? Are you trying to heal her ear?!"

There was a sudden silence behind me. Was it because of Harry's arrival and the fact that I was deaf