Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 32: What happened to Apple?


"Oh... it should be somewhere else." Harry sighed as he looked at the water and chocolate, "There are many places in this world that I have never been to..."

I looked at him and said casually, "I don't remember where I got these things from."

"I know." Harry hugged them again and looked at me excitedly, "This will be your home from now on, and you brought us such a precious thing!"

Judging from his expression, it seems that these foods that can be bought everywhere in my world and can be eaten whenever you want are very precious in this world. If these foods are so precious and he knows them, it means that these foods once existed in this world. In the past, but now, it should be becoming rare.

how come

If these things become scarce, there is only one reason, that is... The resources in this world are scarce and there are not enough raw materials to make chocolate, so chocolate is naturally lacking.

I thought about it and put my hand into the bag: "Then... do you want this?"

He looked at me more expectantly, as if my bag had now become Doraemon's treasure bag, which could take out many magical things.

I slowly took out a green apple. It was an apple for eating, not a mobile phone.

But when this green apple appeared in front of him, he was completely stunned. I looked at the green green apple and couldn't help but take a bite. Until now, I haven't even bothered to take a sip of water.

There was a "click", and the fragrance of apples immediately filled the whole room, and the sweet and sour juice moisturized my throat. I instantly felt a satisfied sense of happiness, and then I saw Harry's open mouth... leaking out Drool!

This guy is drooling again!

"Pah!" He grabbed my wrist suddenly, stared at my apple and swallowed. I immediately said: "Don't worry, I still..."

However, before I could finish my words, he suddenly grabbed me up, pulled me to the door, and pressed a red button next to the door! Immediately! The entire underground city flashed red lights like an alarm!

What, what’s going on!

"Woo--Woo--" the alarm sounded, making people panic.

Harry pulled me out of the door and stood in the corridor. The next moment, the whole city gathered around me.

Instructor Sisi supported Elder Arufa, Xueji and the others protected Asuna, Lessius hurried over while writing in a notebook, Uncle Mason also brought his exploration team, as well as the guards and people in the city , came from all directions, men, women, old and young all gathered in the square below us.

The alarm stops and the red light stops flashing.

Harry held my wrist tightly, but his expression was extremely serious and excited. His hand holding my wrist actually trembled slightly with excitement. He stared closely at the person below and did not speak for a long time.

The square was quiet, and everyone looked up at him with a slightly nervous and confused look on their faces.

"Harry! What happened!" Uncle Mason looked at Harry seriously. It was obvious that raising the alarm was not child's play.

Harry's lips moved, but he didn't say anything for a while. Everyone continued to be confused. Suddenly, Harry took my hand holding the apple and shouted: "Luo Bing brought us apples!"

Finally, he didn’t call me wife anymore, but Luo Bing!

And just when he finished saying this, there was an instant silence downstairs!

The two hundred or so people suddenly became silent, as if they were all holding their breath. Their eyes widened, and they opened their mouths in shock to look at the apple I held high in my hand, which I had taken a bite out of. Their eyes were so excited, even a little unbelievable and disbelieving, just like a person on the verge of despair in the desert finally sees water, like a person with a terminal illness seeing good medicine!

"Pah!" The notebook in Lessius's hand fell to the ground, and he stared blankly at the apple in my hand, "Dry, clean?" He even stuttered in excitement

Harry nodded solemnly: "Yes! Clean!"

"No pollution?" Uncle Mason asked excitedly.

"No pollution!" Harry replied excitedly.

"Is it true?" Elder Alfa's voice almost trembled.

Harry said with a trembling voice, "Yes! Really!"

I stood aside, his eyes were actually wet!

what happened? When I looked at Harry suspiciously, I was shocked! He was already in tears!

Yes, is it necessary? It's just an apple!

"What is an apple?" Suddenly, I heard a child's voice. I looked downstairs in surprise. It was Dali. Dali was asking Princess Asuna. Have you never seen an apple

Asuna looked down at her tenderly with moist eyes: "It's a fruit, a... very precious fruit..."

I stood frozen in the corridor, the children... never saw an apple...

Apples... have become very precious...

What is happening in this world

Water, chocolate, and apples have all become extremely precious. The resources in this world are scarce to an extent that I can no longer imagine.

Although the history teacher told us that many fruits and vegetables were not available in ancient China, and apples were not introduced to China until the 19th century. Before that, the Chinese had never seen apples. The history teacher always talked endlessly when talking about the loopholes in time-travel novels, and we listened with interest.

However, Harry's reaction was different. They knew apples, so it was more likely that apples became extinct here later, so these children could not see them again.

The children became excited and raised their faces one after another: "It's food!"

"Princess Asuna said it was fruit!"

"What's the fruit?"

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Luo Bing..." Harry wiped his tears, put down my arm, and looked at me, "Can you... give the children something to eat? They have never eaten fruit..."

I looked at Harry's sincere and expectant eyes, and I knew that I couldn't refuse at all, and I wouldn't refuse. I nodded heavily: "There are two more in the bag."

"Wha, what?! You still have it! You, you are so amazing! Hahaha!" Suddenly, he picked me up excitedly and spun me around in circles, making me feel dizzy. He stopped, Shouting down, "Elder Arufa! Asnarasius! Luo Bing said she had three! Three complete apples——"

I was dazed hanging on his back, and then I heard thunderous cheers...


In the square downstairs, there was a long table of brown wood. The long table was pitted and very worn.

Including Dali, a total of twelve children gathered in a circle, seven boys and five girls, all looking at the three green apples on the table and drooling. I took a bite of the apple, and it has begun to turn slightly yellow. .