Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 50: Brother Bing’s abilities


They were like liquid water droplets suspended in space, neatly swirling between my fingers. I gently turned my hands, and they turned with me. When I waved my hands, the shape of their circles also changed, and they were I stretched into a long oval, as if my movements caused the flow of air. I was amazed by the magical phenomenon. My movements would make their arrangement change accordingly.

I raised my hand and gently crossed it in front of me. They immediately formed a long track behind my hand, like a streamer made of stars, beautiful and magical!

I laughed playfully and started waving my hands. My fingers brought up those blue light spots. They were so beautiful. They surrounded me as I danced. They became elves dancing with me, just like in a fairy tale world. of magic.

I slowly stopped, and they also slowly stopped, returning to a circle again, quietly surrounding me. Only then did I realize that it was not just my hands, but also my surroundings. Follow them, round and round.

I sat down gently, not wanting to destroy the connection between them. I looked at my hands and pinched them. The light spots began to gather inward, and some of them adhered to my skin. I looked attentively. Suddenly, the light spots attached to my skin disappeared. I was startled and opened my fist. Immediately, the light spots began to spread again, as if they were pushed away by me.

I looked at my hands worriedly, had I broken them again? Just like in the reservoir before, those light spots slowly disappeared after touching me.

I stretched out my finger and carefully touched a spot of light, which attached to the pad of my finger...

"Bang!" Suddenly, the blue light was turned off, and the surrounding white became dazzling. I subconsciously covered my eyes, not seeing whether the light spot disappeared.

The test chamber should be restored to its original state.

I got used to the reappearance of white, slowly let go of my hands, and looked at my hands again. Those light spots had disappeared along with the disappearance of the blue light.

"Tester's radiation resistance level..." A female computer voice came from the test cabin, "Level 10."

The surroundings were still quiet. I put down my hands and raised my face, and saw the glazed faces behind the glass window. They were completely glazed over, as if what they saw in front of them had made them unable to recover and unbelievable.

"Hahahaha -" Suddenly, Elder Alfa burst out laughing. Everyone slowly came back to their senses amidst his laughter, their expressions still filled with huge shock and indifference. Elder Alfa looked at me with a smile: "Haha Hahaha - It seems that the treasure lost in Silver Moon City is not their rescue capsule, but you, Luo Bing. Hahaha - Mason, Luo Bing is yours. She is our Noah's treasure, you must protect it well." After that. , he turned around and left with a laugh, showing a kind of immortal demeanor.

Asuna came back to her senses and looked at Elder Alufa who was leaving. She turned to look at me with a gentle smile: "Luo Bing, now you are our Noah's treasure. Please take good care of our Noah." She actually knelt down and nodded to me. A gift, the elegant princess gift made me feel honored.

I immediately returned the gift in a hurry, but I didn’t know how to reply for a moment. In a hurry, I directly clasped my fists: "I will try my best!" Damn it! I feel so earthy.

Asuna smiled, turned around and left with Elder Arufa.

Uncle Mason, who was standing by the window, turned around proudly and looked at Sister Ceci with a smile: "My dear, it seems I can't give Luo Bing to you anymore. Our exploration team needs her more, and Noah City needs her more!"

Sister Ceci frowned, looked at me in disbelief, shook her head in disbelief, and then looked at Mason angrily: "Protect her, and more." She turned to look at Harry, "Don't let Harry touch her ." After saying that, she turned to her DR team: "Let's go." She turned and left.

Harry stood stunned behind the window looking down at me, his jaw seemed to be dislocated.

Xueji, Mingyou and Sister Pao still looked at me in surprise while leaving with Sister Saiqi. He jumped up and lay on the window, waved to me, jumped off the window, and disappeared behind the window.

From beginning to end, I just felt like I was being exposed to blue light again and again, and I didn't know how terrifying the radiation level of this world was as it went up one level at a time, so I couldn't feel the shock they felt. Perhaps, this is the fearlessness of the ignorant? It is precisely because I don't know that I have been standing here so calmly and accepting this radiation resistance test.

Uncle Mason waved to me from the window: "Luo Bing, let's pick you up." As he said that, he slapped Harry on the back of the head, "Did you hear what your mother said?!"

Harry was beaten and looked at me blankly, motionless.

"Luo Bing will be our Noah's treasure from now on, you can't touch her!" After saying that, Uncle Mason directly grabbed Harry by the collar and dragged him away. Harry fell back, still looking at me dumbfounded.

Uncle Mason took two steps and turned back to look in the direction of the console. Lessius hadn't left yet.

"Lesius, come with us to pick up Luo Bing." Uncle Mason said.

Lessius frowned: "I'm going to be here for a while. It just showed that some radiation energy disappeared. It's strange. I'm doing maintenance to see if there is any leakage."

"What?! Then you have to be careful!" Uncle Mason shouted nervously.

But Lessius didn't seem to care too much. He began to have a double-brained state again. His hands were constantly operating, but his eyes were looking ahead and he kept saying something.

Uncle Mason looked at him nervously: "As soon as you find out, let people from the engineering department repair it. Radiation leakage is no joke!"

Lessius is still in a fugue.

Uncle Mason probably knew Lessius, so he didn't say any more, but dragged Harry away in a hurry.

I raised my face to look at Lessius. His gray-blue eyes were constantly moving and calculating, and there was no expression on his face. He looked a bit like a robot at this time.

"Whoa!" The door opened, and Uncle Mason was already standing in front of the door, looking at me with a smile: "Luo Bing, let's go, I will take you to meet the members of the exploration team, they are all superpowers from our Noah City. "

stranger? ! I immediately became interested and ran to Uncle Mason: "Am I really going to join the exploration team in the future?!"

Uncle Mason was still dragging Harry. When I came out, Harry still had the same dumbfounded expression, looking at me a bit like a monster.

"Of course!" Uncle Mason opened his hands slightly, as if to warmly welcome me, "Elder Alufa said that you have joined our exploration team, Luo Bing, losing you is the biggest loss for the people of Silver Moon City!"

"Because they only accept ability users and girls~~~" I chuckled.

"Hahaha! But you have both! Hahahaha -" Uncle Mason laughed even more wildly, sounding more like a big mockery.