Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 6: Antidote


Harley looked down sadly at the frightened girl, and clenched his hands into fists angrily. Gritting his teeth in hatred, he turned around and kicked the bonfire next to him hard, causing sparks to fly immediately.

"Two missing! Their leader is not here!" Axing said suddenly.

So this is the purpose of Ah Xing's counting of dead bodies? This Ah Xing is indeed not simple.

Herrey immediately turned around, neatly tied the work jacket he had taken off around his waist, drew out his pistol again, raised it and looked around.

Axing groped around in a corpse and took out two guns: "Here, your guns." He threw the two guns at Here, who immediately threw the gun in his hand and stretched out his hands. Two black pistols painted with silver lightning patterns passed through a beautiful arc in the firelight, and fell into Herrey's hands. Herrey turned them handsomely, smiled with satisfaction, and held them in his hands, his eyes flashing across As excited as a panther about to hunt!

"Find the antidote!" He Lei only said this. On the other side, Axing was already groping in another corpse. He blinked, his eyes flashed, and he dug out a small tube from the corpse. A small injection with blue liquid in the syringe!

He picked up the syringe, looked at it, and threw it at Here. Here raised his hand to catch it, and stabbed it directly into his neck. He watched blankly as he injected the liquid into his neck. Here was still poisoned. Already

After he finished the injection, he threw away the syringe, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Something surprising happened to me. I seemed to see a circle of lightning-like light on his body, but the circle of light quickly disappeared in the light of the fire. As if it was just an illusion of my eyes.

He opened his eyes, and a sharp look flashed in his black eyes.

"Be careful, their leader is usually a radioactive person with supernatural powers." Ah Xing stood up and looked at He Lei nervously.

"What the hell?" I looked at him doubtfully, and he was stunned for a moment. Purple light flashed in his black eyes: "It's not a ghost, it's a human, it's a radioactive person! Aren't you also a radioactive person?" He was full of confusion and confusion. Looking at me suspiciously, I finally saw the shining purple light in his pupils.

"What the hell are you wearing in your eyes?" I pointed at his eyes. He was startled and quickly turned away. Suddenly, the people in the cage next to him said, "Run away! They ran outside!"

He Lei and A Xing were startled. He Lei looked at us: "You stay here, I will kill them!" After saying that, he picked up the gun neatly and chased out.

"Wait for me!" Axing also chased after him.

I looked at the girl who was still huddled by the campfire. She was clutching the shirt Herre had given her tightly. I slowly squatted down, and she immediately curled up tighter. I raised my hand to comfort her, but my voice sounded like a boy now. She must be very resistant to boys now.

My bag.

I immediately looked around, and sure enough I saw my dirty bag among a pile of debris not far from the campfire. My black bag looked particularly dirty due to the mud.

I took out my bag, opened it and looked, hey, everything is there. I took out a box of pure milk and walked towards the girl. She immediately curled up again and backed away quickly. She was now like a frightened young animal, afraid of anyone except the owner who gave her the shirt that covered her body. .

I immediately stopped and put the milk one meter away from her: "It's okay, it's safe, this is milk."

When I said the word milk, she seemed very surprised. Although she still hugged her body tightly, her eyes were directed towards the milk in my hand. When she saw the milk in my hand, she became suspicious and seemed not to see it. Giving her milk like this put her on guard, as if I was giving her a suspiciously poisonous liquid.

I looked at her, removed the straw and inserted it into my mouth, and then took a sip under her wary gaze before placing the milk one meter away from her. The firelight illuminated the shining word "milk" on the milk carton.

I didn't look at her after I put it down, turned around and went straight after Ah Xing and He Lei.

As a girl like her, I heard everything she went through. If it were me, I would hold my body tightly in fear, afraid of anyone coming close. I, I think I would lose control, and I would chase her like Herre. Kill them! Until the last one dies at my feet!

Her experience was horrific and those people deserved to die!

The anger in my heart dissipated the previous panic and fear of dead bodies. I ran past the prison cars, which were full of people quietly holding on to the railings. Only pairs of eyes of various colors could be seen on their dirty faces. They looked in the same direction with panic, even fear, as if they were afraid that someone would come back to kill them, or that Here could not kill the escaped people, and they would fall into terrible things again.

If such a terrifying and cruel person escapes, I can't imagine their revenge!

I chased to the warehouse door in the increasingly dim light, and saw He Lei and Asing standing at the door of the warehouse. He Lei pushed open the warehouse door, and immediately a huge wind blew into the entire warehouse like a sandstorm. The pursuer cannot open his eyes. He just stood there in the wind and sand, with the wide warehouse door becoming a huge photo frame for him. He looked small under the warehouse door, but the firelight hitting his back made him look so dazzling that it was impossible to see him. Look away.

He and Ah Xing chased each other out one after another. I chased them to the door and froze. This world... seemed to be dying!

I saw an endless desert in front of me. Under the bright moonlight, the entire desert had a strange purple-red color, as if the skin of the earth had been peeled off alive, revealing its bright red flesh that was beginning to rot. There was a rancid smell, and even the moonlight was tinged with a strange red color.

In the navy blue night sky, a round disk hangs high, and next to it... there is actually a moon! That's a crescent moon! It seems to be the same size as an ordinary moon, but its surroundings are uneven and uneven. Moreover, it is very close to us, and it seems to be really hanging in the night sky near the earth, instead of being far away from the earth like the moon. .

Wait, it doesn't look like the moon, because there are twinkling stars in it, twinkling and twinkling, just like the signal lights on our tall buildings. Moreover, it was filled with dense black spots. In the blink of an eye, it seemed to be still moving. It moved very slowly, as if it was slowly moving forward with the earth.

"Boom!" Suddenly, I heard the roar of the locomotive.

The wind suddenly calmed down, and Herley's pursuing figure clearly appeared on the endless dark red desert, and not far away from him were two... motorcycles!

Damn it! Is Herre trying to chase the motorcycle on two legs? ! Moreover, the motorcycle’s exhaust pipe emits not smoke but blue light! The roaring buzz is also like the sound of those blue-light motorcycles starting up in science fiction movies.