Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 63: So good that I vomited


"Master, we are going to crash..." Binglong said calmly.

"Change, change Harry!" I wanted to vomit.

"Switch to second pilot Harry."

"Don't replace me suddenly!" Harry also shouted, but the system had been switched to him. He hurriedly looked ahead, and the terrifying rugged canyon appeared again in front of us. It was the place where he saved me. He urgently The ground made a pulling motion and the spacecraft stopped!

"The emergency landing was successful, you two can go down and vomit."

"Beer-" The doors on both sides opened, and the power of the chair back to absorb us disappeared instantly. Harry and I jumped out at the first moment, and then went to the side to vomit.



"This matter... ugh! Keep it a secret..." Harry vomited and looked at me, his face pale.

"Agree..." For the first time, Harry and I reached an agreement that no one else should know about this embarrassing incident!

"Wow - wow -" Small black shadows passed over the stone wall in front of us, and a group of black crows began to circle above us.

Harry looked at the crow above and put his hands on his hips: "What are you looking at? We just vomited!"

"Crash!" A black crow stopped on the cliff, staring at us with its black eyes, as if waiting for the dying prey to take its last breath so that they could have a feast.

In this world, you can see the real predators of the jungle that exist in the wilderness. If you are strong, you will live, if you are weak, you will die. The corpses are also eaten by many birds and beasts. Once you die in the wilderness, no bones will be left.

Harry calmed down and looked at me: "Should you drive or should I drive when we get back?"

My whole body tightened. Will I throw up again when I go back? I immediately shook my head and pointed at him: "You!"

His smile was also a little dry, he scratched his head, clenched his fists and coughed: "Well, let the ice dragon drive by himself."

"Agree..." Harry and I reached a consensus for the second time. I deeply felt that I should not try to fly the spaceship until I can't even control the joystick.

The Ice Dragon stopped firmly in place, watching us vomit quietly. Even though it was a spaceship, its titanium silver shield made it look like it was wearing a pair of cool sunglasses, and it stood there coolly. , watching silently as we vomited.

When we boarded the spacecraft, the Ice Dragon appeared again, looking at us with a pair of charming eyes and smiling: "Are you two happy?" His narrowed eyes made him look more like a cunning fox.

"Shut up!" Harry and I said in unison. We looked at each other awkwardly, which was really a bad start.

I glared at Binglong fiercely: "If you tell me what happened today, I will tear you apart!"

Binglong frowned gracefully: "Oh~ Master, you can't do this to me. You are a girl and you can't be so rough."

"I can!" Suddenly, Harry's gun pointed directly at the ice dragon's face.

"Fuck! I remember you hit me once." Binglong's face was elegant even when he said foul language. Unexpectedly, he still remembered this incident. He pursed his lips, remained silent for a while, and then bowed gracefully, "What do you mean, as long as it makes you happy." After saying that, he disappeared in front of us, looking quite aggrieved.

Harry and I both had sullen faces. I felt so embarrassed. The first flight was completely different from what I had imagined.

In my imagination, I should be able to flexibly control the spacecraft and fly up and down, just like the fighter jets that blasted into the sky at the National Day military parade. I could fly in various fancy patterns. As a result... Alas, there is always such a big gap between reality and ideals. What a disgrace.

But Harry should feel more embarrassed than me. He is also known as the best pilot in Noah City, and he is also my flying instructor. As a member of the exploration team, excellent driving skills are necessary, and he also has to face various complex weather conditions. Legend has it that there is nothing he can't drive. As a result, he also fell into the ice dragon.

The technology built by Lessius is too high-tech for us to adapt to it all of a sudden.

"Get ready to return to Noah City." Ice Dragon said. Then he started to lift off the ground steadily. It turns out that this guy can take off slowly, so why did he look like a flying monkey just now

The ice dragon's take-off movement was also graceful and slow, advancing at a constant speed, like a free bird gliding happily in the valley.

When we were flying away, the crows waiting on the cliff flew down to eat our vomit. They even started fighting about it. Looking at their black figures, I couldn't help but ask. Rui: "What do flying zombies eat?" I actually felt guilty when I asked, and I was also afraid of hearing an answer that would make me shudder.

Harry looked at me for a while, his expression had recovered, and then he smiled softly, and his amber eyes looked forward: "Don't worry, flying corpse monsters don't eat living people."

Not eating... living people

"Flying corpse monsters can fly over the radiation zone. They migrate all year round and will find places with water and fruits. However, along the way they will plunder things from the cities they pass by and sometimes attack passers-by. Humph." Harry suddenly made a sound. He chuckled, bringing out a hint of sarcasm, "They are much better than humans. Humans can also eat humans. They will only eat corpses when they really have nothing to eat. They never eat living people. Perhaps, in their hearts , and there is still a trace of humanity. Tell me, why do monsters have no humanity even though they are humans?" Harry looked at me with a sneer, and I knew that he was talking about the Ghost Eclipse tribe.

"Why don't you attack the Ghost Clan?!" I asked angrily.

Harry frowned suddenly, lowered his face and became silent. He suddenly stretched out his hands and said in a low voice: "Require manual driving." Regarding my question, he chose to avoid it.

I understand that the best energy source in Noah City can only power a spaceship to fly. If I can’t even feed myself, how can I build an army to fight against an enemy that is much stronger than me? It's like hitting an egg against a stone, and it's even more courageous.

From Harry's suddenly silent expression, we could feel that he, like Harry, was full of resentment towards the Eclipse Ghost Clan. Because of this, he suddenly stopped talking in a depressed manner, because, like Xingchuan, he was full of helplessness. . Even Silver Moon City, which controls blue crystal energy, did not attack the Eclipse Ghost Clan, which shows that the Eclipse Ghost Clan is very powerful. They must have many very powerful ability users that even Silver Moon City is afraid of.

Harry began to manually drive the spacecraft. This time, he was obviously more familiar and more experienced than before. He seemed to have been exposed to this operating system. He did not drive fast, but very steadily, as if he was still adapting to this operating method. .

Gradually, I saw a large hole below to the north of the entrance to Noah's City, and a familiar green light could be seen inside.

"Get ready to descend," Harry said.

"Okay." Binglong cooperated with him very well, but I vaguely felt that this cooperation had the feeling that a gentleman takes revenge ten years later.