Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 77: Weaning


Sister Ceci looked up excitedly, then looked at Sister Pao and the others: "After taking a shower, let's celebrate together!"

"Oh——" Everyone cheered immediately.

Suddenly, Sister Ceci looked at me and smiled evilly: "Come on! Let's play Luo Bing together! Don't let her stand there stupidly all the time!"

Sister Pao and the others immediately looked at me and grinned: "Okay! Luo Bing! Come on! Come into our arms!"

not good! Just when I was about to run, water was already splashing at me, and the whole bathroom was filled with the laughter of girls. At this time, I realized that they were just ordinary girls who loved to play, just like me.

Sister Meizi gave birth to a girl, weighing seven pounds, and the whole city rejoiced.

Everyone set up more long tables in front of Sister Meizi’s house, put the best food in the warehouse, and the rye wine made from rye in Noah City. It is also the only wine in Noah City. It is said that this wine is only used during the New Year. when drinking.

Then, everyone sang and danced around the long table, and the children received the treasured candies. The whole Noah City felt like celebrating the New Year.

I stood in front of Lessius's machine repair warehouse and calmed down for a while. The second sister left and it was time for me to wean myself.

I have applied for my own room with Sister Ceci, next to Sister Pao, together with Yukihime, Sakura and the others. From now on, I will sleep alone, and like Harry and Sister Pao, I will start a truly independent life.

"Swish!" When he opened the door of the machine repair warehouse, he could already hear the sound of Lessius's swish writing.

"You didn't go to the celebration?" I walked into the machine repair warehouse.

"I'm waiting for you. Uncle Mason gave an order and asked me to inform you not to go to the celebration. You must have a good rest in your room and get up early tomorrow." Lessius said while writing, and I walked past his writing board. We walked to the huge nest-like coil, which contained mattresses that Lessius later laid out for us to make us sleep more comfortably.

"You have worked hard tonight. By the way, Luo Bing, how did you communicate with the Flying Corpse King? Can you tell me the process in detail? This will be very helpful to my research. So far, no one can prove that flying zombies Corpse monsters can understand people's words, but..." Lessius turned his face sideways, with a hint of confusion, but continued to write in his hand, "During the time I spent with my second sister, I felt that she could understand me. Does it mean some kind of telepathy? Breathe-" He took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly. The expression on his face that could not argue between male and female became calm and envious, and the corner of his mouth revealed a smile. With a very pleasant smile, his hand also stopped on the writing board, "Jasmine... I really envy you, you can take a bath..."

I looked at his immersed face, as if imagining the enjoyment of taking a bath, and said, "Lesius, I won't sleep here anymore."

"What?!" His eyes widened immediately, and there was a hint of confusion and panic in his gray-blue eyes. He lowered his face in a hurry, "Did I disturb you?"

"No, I sleep very peacefully with you by my side." My explanation made his expression calm, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile. He raised his face and looked at me: "Then why don't you sleep anymore? ?”

I looked at him for a while, lowered my face and said, "It's time for me to wean myself."

"Weaning?" Lessius became confused. I started to pack my things, and he immediately came to me: "You don't drink milk. We don't have milk in Noah's city. How do you wean? If you want to drink... yes Now, Sister Meizi should have some milk, I can help you get it."

My hands stiffened when I packed my things. It’s a shame that Lessius could figure it out!

"You are our Noah's treasure. Elder Alufa even uses you as the emblem of our Noah city!"

"What?" I looked at Lessius in surprise. Lessius nodded and continued eagerly: "So, if you want to drink milk, Sister Meizi will definitely give it to you..."

"Lesius!" I stood up and grabbed his shoulders, interrupting him. He looked at me anxiously, and I said to him speechlessly, "My weaning means that the child should leave the mother's side and become independent. It means spiritually!"

Lessius's gray-blue eyes looked at me steadily. I let go of his shoulders and stuffed his clean school uniform into his bag: "I lost my memory before. I was very scared and confused. I didn't know the world. What's wrong? Then, my second sister and I shared the same hardships, so I had a... special dependence on her. When I couldn't sleep at night, I fell asleep listening to you talking. So, I also have some dependence on you. Now, The second sister is gone. It's time for me to be independent. I can't always rely on you like a little bird, Lessius." I picked up my bag and looked at him seriously, "My dependence on you will make me vulnerable."

Lessius looked at me and lowered his eyelids for a while, became quiet, and stopped talking.

"Besides, I just won't sleep here. It's not like I won't be friends with you." I said.

Lessius was startled for a moment and smiled shyly: "Ha..." He blinked and raised his face to look at me again. There was a hint of shy tenderness in his gray-blue eyes. He seemed a little shy and didn't dare. He looked at me and lowered his eyes slightly: "Luo Bing, you are a girl. If you are dependent on others, no one will call you weak."

I smiled and picked up my bag: "Thank you, Lessius." I turned around and hugged the quilt.

"I'll do it." He picked up all the bed rolls for me, smiled at me, hurriedly walked in front of me, and opened the door to the West District for me.

Lessius and I walked quietly in the corridor, surrounded by faint, goose-yellow lights. The main energy source in Noah City is solar energy. However, because the density of solar energy flow is relatively low, it cannot form a perfect energy form. The energy storage and utilization rate are relatively low and cannot become the main energy source for spaceships and flying cars. This is also the main reason why spaceships and flying cars in Noah's City cannot travel far.

The best energy now is undoubtedly blue crystal energy. It is a kind of concentrated energy, which is very magical. It can also absorb solar energy. However, it is said that blue crystal energy only exists in the radiation center area, so it is almost impossible to mine it! It is also unstable and can cause an explosion if it shakes easily. Therefore, even Silver Moon City does not dare to rashly mine blue crystal energy.

Why the blue crystal energy was formed and where it came from, I don't know. There are still many places in this world that I need to explore.

When the sound of celebration came, we had already arrived in the West End. Along the way, Lessius didn't speak. He was still a person who liked to talk.

The building where Sister Ceci and the others live is on another street behind Sister Meizi and the others. I am very familiar with this street because across the street is the building where Harry and the others live.

My room was on the fifth floor, and Sister Pao was already waiting at the door of my room. She saw Lessius and smiled: "The mascot is here too, Lessius, you must be reluctant to let Luo Bing leave. Hahaha—" Sister Pao laughed loudly again, hugged my shoulders, and looked more like a bad boy.