Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 82: Act alone


"What about junior high school?" I decided to go down a level.

Then, there was a book in front of me. When I opened it, I saw the geometry that I was familiar with. Therefore, the people in this world have higher IQs than my world. Judging from Silvery Moon City alone, the technology of this world is ahead of ours.

I read quietly, and Harry slept quietly. For a long time, there was only silence in the entire cockpit, so quiet that I almost forgot Harry's existence. This is the quietest he has ever been since I met him.

"The signal is connected." Ice Dragon reminded, and then, Lessius appeared on the screen in front of me. When he saw me, he could not hide his excitement: "The signal was successfully connected!" He looked to the side excitedly, as if he was beside him. There was someone else, and then, Uncle Mason's face came over, and he stood with Lessius.

Uncle Mason looked at me, as if he didn't see Harry, and his face sank: "Where's Harry!"


"What?! Let him get up!" Uncle Mason yelled angrily!

I looked aside and saw that Harry was motionless. I looked at Uncle Mason and said, "It's okay. Nothing happened along the way. Harry said, wake him up when the time comes."

Uncle Mason looked gloomy.

Lessius looked at him: "Uncle Mason, I need to check some data with Luo Bing."

Uncle Mason left with a sullen face and walked out of the screen. Suddenly, he inserted the screen again from the side and shouted: "Let him contact me when he wakes up!"

"Yes!" I was startled. Uncle Mason was like an angry lion when he was angry.

Lessius had already taken out his notebook and looked at me seriously: "Luo Bing, this is the first voyage of the Ice Dragon. Data collection is very important to me. You ask the Ice Dragon to transmit the data to me all the time."

"Okay, Ice Dragon, you heard what Lessius said."

"Data transmission is ready. Data transmission begins." The data in front of me began to be transmitted. Lessius also turned away and looked to one side in the screen, as if there was a screen next to him that was displaying the transmission of data.

"Luo Bing, start entering the Crow ruins." Binglong said.

"What? So fast!" I looked ahead in surprise, and saw the ice dragon beginning to slowly descend. After we left the clouds, I saw the barren ground below. The ground here was different from the deep red I had seen before. , it is pale, and the pale ground is like a thick layer of salt covering the ground. No matter what color it is, there is still nothing in the field of vision, no trees, and no water. It is like flying on a piece of snow. above the sea.

"You should have reached the radiation periphery of the Crow ruins now..." Lessius seemed more excited than me. "The current radiation amount should be around level three. The highest radiation that the ice dragon can resist is level six. According to previous investigations, level six There should be woods in the level area..."

And the woods!

"But the trees over there have been mutated by radiation. They..."

Suddenly, the picture of Lessius was cut off. I was stunned. The ice dragon appeared in front of me again. The ice dragon pointed to my side carefully. I looked to the side. Harry sat up at some point and looked straight ahead: " It’s so noisy, focus on your mission! I’m not here for you to chat!” He hummed, but still only looked ahead, not at me.

I looked at him for a while and then said with a serious face: "Harry, should we talk about it? This will affect our mission."

"I have nothing to talk to you about. I want to focus on my mission."

"What are you arguing about? If it was that punch in the morning, I can apologize to you, but please don't get so close to me in the future."

He still only looked ahead: "Switch to manual." He began to take over the posture of the ice dragon, not listening to me at all.

I was also angry because I had already taken the initiative to apologize to him, but he still looked like that, unreasonable!

"Entering the level four radiation zone..." came the prompt from the ice dragon in front of me, which also made me nervous. I stopped talking to Harry. My mission was important!

The white on the ground in front of me began to gradually fade, revealing black land, with some sparse dead grass visible on it. Asuna said that the plants in the radiation zone have also undergone mutation and self-evolution. Those who cannot adapt will be killed by radiation. The genes of those who survive have mutated, and even if they grow fruits, they are inedible.

"Entering the fifth-level radiation zone..."

Suddenly, there was a dazzling light ahead, and when we flew closer, it turned out to be a huge body of water! It is unbelievable that this would be a radiation zone where humans cannot survive, because there is water and grass here, and it looks so harmless and full of temptations to survive.

"Entering the sixth-level radiation zone..." Finally, we arrived at the sixth-level radiation zone. Immediately, a piece of green came into view. It was a tree! There are real woods!

Although the woods in front of us are not as dense and sparse as the woods in our world, and they are extremely scary-looking, with branches growing like claws and roots protruding and coiling like stacks of black snakes, but at least they are trees.

"Prepare to separate the cockpit." Suddenly, Harry said.

I immediately looked at him, what separation

At this moment, my seat began to move backwards, actually leaving its original position. When I moved back and moved out from behind Harry's driver's seat, a door suddenly closed the entire cockpit from bottom to top. The transparent door seemed to isolate the entire cockpit.

My seat continued to move back, and another isolation door appeared in front of me. After the three isolation doors appeared, there was a "thump", and my seat was adsorbed to the ground, steadily, followed closely by the cabins on both sides of me. It started to open, the sun was setting from above, and I was exposed to the outside world!

When the sound of "click" sounded, the ground under my feet separated from the cockpit in front of me, and I started to retreat. Harry was getting further and further away from me. He only looked ahead of himself from beginning to end. The white cabin door began to close, and I immediately turned around to look behind me. My cockpit was connected to the original cargo cabin. The oval cargo cabin came down layer by layer and covered my small cockpit. The cargo cabin and I formed a ship. New little spaceship.

I looked to the front again, and saw that the cockpit had been wrapped in the cargo hold, and the separated main cabin in the front was closing. At the moment of closing, Harry quickly turned around and looked at me, and I looked at him too, with the same gaze. At the moment of the collision, I saw the worry and irritability in his eyes. When he saw me looking at him, he frowned in frustration. His eyes wandered for a moment, and he immediately turned his back to me again and disappeared from the main cabin without explaining to me what was happening in front of him. Condition!

"Luo Bing." The face of the ice dragon appeared in front of him, "From now on, you have to act alone."

"I got it." The ice dragon can only withstand level 6 radiation, which means Harry will be in danger if he enters again. Therefore, from now on, I will drive the cargo bay alone into the core area to look for resources.