Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 83: The end of the world


"Ice Dragon, autopilot, enter the central area." Even I don't believe in my posture skills now, so it's better to leave it to Ice Dragon.

"Okay, this is the right decision." Binglong also teased me

"Buzz--" The buzz started to get louder, and the whole spacecraft trembled slightly. Suddenly, the Ice Dragon accelerated, much faster than before. When we flew over Harry's main cabin, I saw that the main cabin was Land slowly.

"The blue crystal energy system is now in your seat." Binglong said. I looked at him in surprise: "What?!"

Binglong continued to explain: "So your seat is like a battery. Now the main cabin has been separated from the blue crystal energy and cannot supply energy."

Ice Dragon's words made me a little worried about Harry: "What if we are in danger?"

"The main cabin has been charged. If there is danger, there is enough energy to return to Noah City, but it cannot carry out other operations or go further." The ice dragon's fox eyes squinted, "Harry is so hateful, why bother? Care about him."

I was stunned, the ice dragon can still stir up dissension, this artificial intelligence is simply awesome. If this continues, his existence will be blurred, and it will be impossible to distinguish whether he is a real person or just a bunch of systems. This is real artificial intelligence.

I looked at him for a while and said, "We are a team. No matter how annoying he is, he is still my captain." After I said that, I stopped looking at the fox-smiling ice dragon and looked forward.

Although sparse trees can now be seen, they still look desolate. Between the endless sky and earth, those lonely trees are like scorched people, standing there in pain, turning into statues on the scorched earth. The trees looked small from my perspective, but they must have been huge because I was looking down from high in the sky.

"Do you want to see what this place looked like before?" Binglong asked.

I immediately looked at him: "Okay!"

Tiny dots began to appear in the nearly spherical viewing window in front of me. The dots gradually disappeared and the picture began to form. My feet also began to become transparent. I seemed to be floating in the air, and the world in front of me slowly returned to form. Original.

In the blink of an eye, a sci-fi city appeared before our eyes, and the barren ground and sparse trees could no longer be seen.

One after another, tower-like buildings rise from the ground, like huge bamboo shoots reaching into the sky!

The metal-like shell and titanium-gold glass sparkle in the sunlight. They stand under the blue sky, like towering giants one after another. They towered into the clouds, as if they were trying to connect heaven and earth, and the ice dragon and I were actually flying between them.

There are closed and transparent overpasses connecting high-rise buildings to each other, which looks like a fairyland in the clouds and mist. Next to the overpass, there is an equally closed park. In the huge sky garden, you can see exquisite musical fountains, flowers carefully designed like beautiful carpets, neatly trimmed trees and... walking humans.

This world turns out to be so beautiful...

Closed passages are like ribbons surrounding these super skyscrapers, forming sky roads. Speeding cars and maglev-like shuttles come and go on these sky roads. The elevators that go up and down seem to be able to rush out of space. Standing on the sky. Watch the stars from the top of the planet.

"Before the end of the world, Kansa Planet had reached a high degree of civilization..." As Binglong explained leisurely, I saw the civilization and technology of this planet, and saw this once great planet, which turned out to be called Kansa Planet.

"Because of the population problem, we were preparing to start the interstellar immigration plan. The Silver Moon City you see now is the prototype of the interstellar immigration starship. However, the end came at that time, and the interstellar immigration starship became the only The escape boat saved some scientists and people who could save the world, and took them to hell. It also became the last hope of the world. Technology has stalled, and the immigration plan can only be shelved. Religious scholars began to spread a saying... "

"What statement?"

The ice dragon paused for a while and said, "God, don't let us leave here."

"Is there really a god..." If there really is, I'm not from Kansa, I'm from Earth. Why have I been dragged here to suffer

I only blame myself for being a bitch and making such a bullshit wish on Mount Putuo, which is full of gods and Buddhas. Now I really want to slap myself!

In the viewing window, the sky suddenly darkened, and the wind and clouds in the sky surged, rolling up layers of red cloud waves. Suddenly, a fireball fell from the sky, drawing a long line of red flames and black smoke high in the sky. Flying forward rapidly, there was a faint blue light shining in the center of the fireball, like starlight.

In the silence, a blue light suddenly exploded in front of the sky. Then, the blue light exploded in the air, rushing towards here like a huge ripple!

The blue light instantly penetrated the building in front of me, covering me and the ice dragon, and quickly headed behind us!

I immediately turned my head, and the entire cockpit behind me became transparent. I couldn't see the bulkhead or cargo hold behind me. I felt like I was sitting outside the boundary of time and space, watching that moment come.

The blue light continued to penetrate the buildings behind me, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. However, those buildings did not suffer any damage at this moment!

I immediately turned around, and at this moment, I saw a huge wave of dust. The overwhelming smoke and dust were mixed with lightning like a magnetic storm, forming a huge black wave that rushed towards me. I subconsciously raised my hand. Blocked, the whole world fell into darkness in an instant.

I don’t know how long it took, but the scene in front of me began to fast forward, and little fires shone in the black smoke. The ice dragon continued to move forward, and a world like a sea of fire emerged under my feet, like hell!

The skyscrapers began to collapse one after another, one hitting another, and everything turned into a sea of fire.

Gradually, the flames began to extinguish, and the remaining buildings weathered rapidly in the scorched earth. It was as if the huge energy in the eyes dispersed their molecular connections and intensified their differentiation. The steel-like buildings actually volatilized in the wind. Blowing away, like long hair flying in the wind.

The weather began to turn bad, and the remaining buildings were washed away in extreme thunderstorms. They melted like ice cream and disappeared quickly in the rain.

In the blink of an eye, the once great civilization and magnificent buildings disappeared in front of me. Even though I was fast forwarding, I was still shocked and unable to recover for a long time. The real picture made me feel like I was actually there, thrilling!

"Everything is gone, what else can be left in the radiation center?" I was full of confusion.

"That's why it's called divine punishment." Ice Dragon clasped his hands together with a respectful look on his face, "Because the center of the impact did not suffer much damage. It was basically well preserved, but it was inaccessible. It was like it was left by God to humans. ridicule and revelation.”

"What?!" Although I only graduated from junior high school, I also know that wherever something like an atomic bomb falls, it will be flattened.