Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 87: God’s treasure


I stretched out the fingers of my right hand and met the blue light band coming towards me. When it touched my fingertips, suddenly, the entire light wall rippled, as if it was shaken by something. There were layers of ripples behind the light belt, spreading around in the air. It was like a thin wall of water was undulating in front of me, and its color also changed due to its fluctuations. It was a strange light, just like at night. The ever-changing laser water curtain.

In an instant, the wall of light in front of me seemed to be shattered and turned into blue light spots, all connected. The blue light spots were like a waterfall of blue sago in front of me. fall.

Blue light began to appear on my hand. Those light spots were being pulled out from the light wall and rushing towards me. I was frightened by the large number of blue light spots. I backed away in fright and hurriedly retracted my right hand. Immediately, the blue light The colorful light strips were disconnected on the light wall, and a brief hollow appeared where the light wall connected the light strips. It gradually recovered when I was surprised.

And the blue light spots that I pulled out were quickly entering my skin, and my wrists also started to glow, and the light seemed to be shining from my sleeves. I immediately pulled up my sleeves and my whole arm was flashing with blue light! I really became a blue glow stick!

I was confused for a while, but I became excited for some reason. I laughed, turned around and ran towards the abandoned city: "Ice dragon! Let's go! Let's go find milk powder!" I ran forward, and the ice dragon flew beside me. : "Okay, but it's better to fly. It will be very tiring to run up such a high building." As he spoke, the ice dragon's cockpit suddenly separated again and fell in front of me, turning into the familiar little one. An aircraft similar to an escape capsule.

I looked at it in surprise. It's interesting. The spaceship designed by Lessius can also be assembled and is flexible!

When the aircraft shield opened, I immediately jumped up. The ice dragon immediately took me up from the ground, while the heavy cargo compartment stopped in place, like a huge white silkworm egg.

"How will we load the goods later?" I asked doubtfully.

"It has energy stored inside. After finding resources, it will fly over. In order to save energy, it is temporarily parked."

"Awesome! Ice Dragon, you are awesome!"

"Thank you for the compliment." The ice dragon in front of me saluted gracefully, "Lesius designed it perfectly." It seems that the ice dragon prefers Lessius.

I winked at him: "Also, don't let Harry and Lessius bother me again. You can connect again when I want to find them."

"Understood." Binglong smiled, "Now they can still see the screen, but they cannot talk to you. For your safety, the communication with them will not be disconnected."

Ice Dragon is awesome! Ice dragon is the best teammate!

I piloted the ice dragon to fly over the tall buildings built there. The tall buildings and the trees and vines had merged into one. It was hard to tell whether the trees depended on the tall buildings to grow, or whether the tall buildings depended on the trees to stand.

"There is a discovery." Binglong connected to the picture of one of the detectors. The picture showed the titanium silver appearance of the high-rise building. Nothing in the house could be seen. However, during the scanning of the detector robot, I saw the shelves! The shelves are full of items!

"Food found, food found." Probe robot reports!

"Awesome!" I exclaimed excitedly, completely losing my usual composure and calmness, because I can no longer keep calm today. I believe that Lessius and Harry are in the same mood as me at this moment, as excited as A child, "Harry! Lessius! Did you see it! It's food! It's food! Ice dragon! Let's go quickly!"

"Follow your orders!" Binglong speeded up. We shuttled between high-rise buildings, getting closer and closer to the high-rise building full of food. Getting closer, that's where it was!

It was an extraordinarily tall skyscraper, with its graceful twisting arc like a beauty sitting by the stream combing her long hair.

The ice dragon slowly stopped and stopped on the overpass between two high-rise buildings. The glass of the enclosed overpass had been broken by trees, flowers and vines. Fortunately, the current height was not high in the sky, so it didn't matter that there was no enclosed glass.

I jumped off the ice dragon and stood on a thick tree vine. The ice dragon slowly fell down and stopped beside me. In front of me was a big hole. The thick tree trunk had penetrated the entire building, breaking through the glass that should have been the door, and opening the way for me to enter the tall building.

I approached cautiously, my cloth shoes slipping on the thick tree trunk. Then, I got into the big hole. It was very dark inside, and the surrounding glass seemed to be covered with something, not allowing light to pass through. In the dimness, you can vaguely see the shelves: "Binglong, I need to highlight it more. Those glass windows seem to be covered by something, preventing light from passing through."

"It's the security system. The building must have activated the security system during the explosion, which dropped the protective wall and sealed the entire building. I can get you some light." The ice dragon flew up and started to fly to the right. .

When I was wondering, suddenly a beam of light shot out from the front end of the ice dragon and hit the surface of the titanium silver. With a "Boom!", a big hole exploded in an instant. Immediately, I saw a thick protective wall layer. At the same time, the glass behind the protective wall exploded into bright fragments in the sunlight. The bright sunlight shot in instantly, illuminating the world inside! The dust that was lying quietly on the ground suddenly jumped up and danced happily in the beam of light.

"Pop! Pah! Pah! Pah!" One piece of glass exploded one after another, as magnificent as a symphony, shocking people's hearts! The sun illuminated everything in front of me, and I stood frozen on the spot!

A shelf, a shelf appeared in front of me, food! food! It’s all food!

I didn't care about the dust that was blown up and rushed in. Like a hungry ghost, I grabbed the things on the shelves and started to take them apart. No matter what they were, I just grabbed them and ate them! It's jerky! It's jerky!

I almost burst into tears, I finally had something tasty! And it’s still meat!

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, but all I inhaled was dust: "Cough cough cough..." I choked out tears.

In my own world, I was tired of eating meat and didn’t want to eat it again, but here it made me cry. When I entered a world without meat and lost pigs, I realized how delicious and precious meat is.

The dust gradually calmed down. The world was sealed very well without too much dust. The goods on the shelves could still be seen clearly and were not covered by thick dust.

I wiped my tears, stood up, finished the dried meat in my hand in one go, and felt instantly full of energy. I have to calm down, because I still have a task, I can't be confused, I have to complete the task first, I have to find the milk powder!

milk powder! milk powder! milk powder! !

I saw a huge picture of a baby hanging over the south! I immediately ran in that direction. This was a supermarket. I thought Lessius and Harry must be crazy with joy now! This is simply a huge treasure!