Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 95: Return safely


The ice dragon began to return, and the world around it gradually became deserted again.

I sat in the cockpit and looked at my hands quietly. Now my hands were back to normal, without any blue light. The blue light was like a drop of ink dropped into a thousand liters, diluted and completely disappeared.

I turned around and looked at the cargo hold behind me. While the Ice Dragon was flying, I stood up and walked to the bulkhead of the cargo hold. After thinking for a while, I raised my hand and placed it on the white bulkhead of the cargo hold. Sure enough, the blue light spots slowly The bulkhead slowly emerged, more and more, far more than the blue light in the reservoir. Almost the entire white bulkhead turned blue, just like in the test cabin, blue light was all around, turning the entire bulkhead in front of it into a blue light. It became like a wall of light that sealed the mysterious garden.

At this moment, blue light spots continued to come from all directions, on the ground, left, right, and above. In the blink of an eye, the ice dragon's whole body was covered with blue light. The light spots were connected to each other, forming thin blue blood veins in the ice. Dragons flowed all over the body, and they finally gathered in the palm of my hand. The entire cabin was like a space traveling among the stars, surrounded by twinkling stars.

"Oh~~ I feel like I took a bath, my whole body feels refreshed and I can't feel the itching caused by the radiation." Binglong said comfortably.

The blue light finally disappeared in the palm of my hand, and my arm began to glow faintly again. I pulled up my sleeves, and the blue light wanted to flow deeper, and finally disappeared on my arm.

Each time the blue light appears and disappears, so does the radiation. It was the same every time in the reservoir, in the test cabin, and in this mysterious garden. Now, the ice dragon and the items in the cabin no longer have the radiation brought back from the central area.

I laughed, this ability is really good.

When the ice dragon connected to the main cabin again and I entered the main cabin, Harry suddenly rushed out of the isolation walls, grabbed my collar and pressed me hard against the bulkhead: "You want to die?" Do you know that you are looking for death?!" He was very emotional and very angry.

"Hey!" He opened the zipper of my collar too hard.

"Harry! Luo Bing is a girl! Let her go! You pulled her clothes away!" The light and shadow of Lessius jumped to the side anxiously, and stretched out his hand as if to push Harry away, but the light and shadow of his hand only Will be cut off by Harry.

Harry suddenly came back to his senses and looked down subconsciously. His fair face turned red instantly and his eyes stopped blankly. I slapped him up and said, "Don't touch me!"

"Pah!" He was staggered by me again and let go of my collar. There were five red fingerprints on his face. He seemed to be stunned by me for a moment and stood there blankly.

I glanced at him worriedly, pulled up my collar, and walked past the shadow of Lessius shaking his head: "Hurry! Xingchuan knows I'm here, and the spaceship from Silvermoon City will be here soon."

"Yes, yes, let's go quickly!" Lessius said hurriedly, "Ice dragon, start it quickly."

Only Harry stood there blankly, his face flushed.

I sat back in the cockpit, and the light mask in front of me had fallen. I still had a vest in my sportswear. I usually take off my clothes during training. Harry couldn't see anything, but the fact that he pulled on my clothes made me very annoyed. What bothers me the most is people pulling on my clothes.

The ice dragon immediately rose up from the ground. Harry, who was standing still, staggered, and finally came to his senses. He sat back down with his face turned sideways, and there was a red mark on the side of his face facing me.

"I forgot you were a girl." He looked away and said, "I'm sorry. But can you obey the order?" He emphasized his tone, "Even if you are a girl..."

I angrily tore off the thin film on my neck and let go of my girl's voice: "What do you mean, forget it!"

He twisted his eyebrows in embarrassment and turned to look at me. The blush on his face had not subsided: "Luo Bing! I am the captain, and I am responsible for your life. I will not let you go just because of a girl, because we are performing a mission. Since I am the captain, you must obey my orders absolutely!" He spoke righteously, rarely speaking like a mature man.

"But I can also adapt to circumstances!" I spoke using my own ability. "No one has ever been in there. Do you dare to say that the order you gave must be correct?!" For unknown environments, adapting to circumstances can increase the chance of survival.

"Harry, Luo Bing is right." Lessius said seriously, "No one can enter there, not even in Silvermoon City. For exploring unknown areas, adaptability is more important."

"Shut up!" Harry flicked his finger at Lessius, "You are hurting her by doting on her like this! Have you ever been on a mission! You will kill her if you do this!"

Lessius was startled and blushed slightly. He lowered his face and glanced at me secretly: "What Harry said... is correct. He was thinking about your safety."

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and began to sulk.

I also looked forward and stopped looking at him.

There was an awkward silence between Lessius's light and shadow between me and Harry.

"I brought you out, so I have the responsibility to take you back!" Harry said angrily, "The first moment you met Xingchuan, you should have destroyed him! What nonsense did you say to him..."

"How could I get out after I broke him at that time?!" I asked back, turning to look at him.

"Back there!" Harry was speechless for a moment, gritted his teeth angrily, looked to the side, and raised his hand to frown, as if I gave him a headache.

I also turned back to look ahead, no longer looking at him. I admit, at that time I wanted to take revenge on Xingchuan more, so I didn’t break him at the beginning.

"No..." Harry seemed to notice something and became confused, "Radiation!" He jumped up suddenly.

I turned to look at him: "What are you doing? You were so surprised!"

He looked at me with wide amber eyes, and looked at me with a hint of panic: "You came back from the radiation center! I, I, I actually touched you!" He hurriedly looked at his hands as if frightened, "Yes Damn it, it would be... strange, why didn't you respond?" He became confused again and looked at his hands.

This is the first time I heard a boy say that he would die if he touched me!

However, looking at Harry's horrified expression, it shows that radiation is indeed dangerous and scary. He said it would rot if he touched me. Could it be that their skin would really rot if they touched me

Perhaps because I am completely resistant to radiation, I don't know the harm that radiation does to them, so I don't feel their inner panic about radiation.

"Harry, don't you know Luo Bing's ability yet?" Lessius became excited, "Think about it! You saw it too!"

Harry blinked and looked at me slowly.

I glanced at him and looked ahead: "Remember, if you touch me, you will die. Don't touch me in the future."

"Uh, no, honey, that's not what I meant..."

"Don't call me wife!" I rolled my eyes at him, "Do you really like being beaten by me?"

"Cough." He coughed heavily and subconsciously touched his face where I had just hit him, but he smiled and shook his head.

I looked at him inexplicably. It was the first time I saw a boy who still laughed after being beaten by me.