Love Code at the End of the World

Chapter 99: Future Girl Rangers


"You're lying!" Lessius' face flushed angrily, waving his notebook in his hand, "I saw it all from the side!"

"What did you see?" Harry slapped Lessius' face. "Don't talk nonsense if you didn't see clearly." Harry pushed Lessius' face with his own hand.

Lessius slapped Harry's hand away angrily and pointed to his brain: "Even without using my brain, I can calculate that the angle you just took was because you wanted to fuck... Uh! Uh!" Suddenly, Lessius's mouth was hazed. Rui covered him, and Harry held his shoulders affectionately, but obviously tightly to prevent Lessius from struggling, and also covered his face.

Suddenly, he suddenly leaned over and kissed Lessius on the forehead. Lessius immediately stared at Harry with wide gray-blue eyes.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Elder Alufa shook his head and chuckled, stroking his white beard.

Sister Ceci covered her face and sighed. Uncle Mason was a little stiff and whispered softly: "My son likes boys?! Why didn't I find out?"

Harry looked at everyone with a smile: "Lesius also contributed a lot to this mission!" He said loudly, throwing out his arms and pointing at everyone, his eyes suddenly became serious, "In the future, who of you dare to call him mascot, little cutie or It’s Miss Lessius and I, Harry, promise not to beat him to death!”

Lessius stood stunned in Harry's tight embrace, Harry's words obviously surprised him.

Not to mention Lessius, I was also a little surprised.

"Lesius—" everyone cheered again, "Lesius—well done—"

Harry patted Lessius' dull face, held his shoulders, and allowed him and himself to accept everyone's cheers and praises.

Lessius stood completely blank next to Harry, as if he was confused because he had never been treated like this before, and he didn't react for a while.

Everyone suddenly swarmed up, and I immediately got out of the way. The next moment, everyone lifted up Lessius and Harry. I breathed a sigh of relief and watched the nervous and frightened Lessius and the contented Harry being lifted up by the men. Go, their figures one after another in the cheers.

Elder Alufa shook his head in confusion: "These children..."

But Uncle Mason nodded with pride and pride: "My son has finally grown up!"

Sister Ceci finally put down her majestic look and put on a gentle and gratified smile: "This time, they have grown a lot."

"Yeah..." Elder Alufa stroked his beard and looked at me, "Thanks to you, Luo Bing, the only thing that can make a man grow is a woman." Elder Alufa smiled a little secretly.

My body tensed up and my face began to heat up slightly, feeling like I had been falsely praised again.

"Girls, what are you waiting for?" Asuna smiled at Xue Ji and the others, "You haven't unloaded the goods yet!"

"Okay -" Sister Pao was the first to cheer.

They walked past me one by one. Sister Bao gave me a thumbs up, Xue Ji nodded to me, and Sakura smiled cutely: "I envy you! Your clothes are new, right?"

"Work quickly!" Sister Pao pulled her away, "Can that dress cover your breasts? Hahaha -" Sister Pao laughed loudly again, and the laughter was louder than the cheers just now.

Sakura pouted and snorted hard at Sister Pao. When she jumped, the huge jade rabbit on her chest also bounced.

I looked at it for a while, and my mind began to search for the clothes I saw at the Crow ruins. There seemed to be a few more clothes under the clothes I was wearing! I don’t know if there is a size suitable for Sakura.

"That's great!" Mingyou had already opened a box of medicines and became excited.

Mingyou's healing ability is also limited. She is very effective at healing wounds, but she cannot cure ordinary colds. Moreover, if there is excessive blood loss, Mingyou's ability cannot replenish blood cells, so drugs are still needed.

The members of her medical team also excitedly took out the medicine inside and looked through it excitedly, as if they had found a rare treasure that they would never tire of.

"These medicines are so precious!"

"Yes! Many of them are gone now! They are so precious!"

"Look at the shelf life, it starts today."


The members of the medical team rolled in small carts and began to arrange the medicines according to their shelf life.

The warehousing team on the other side began to move the baby items, and they were also amazed.

"Look! The bottle! Send it to Sister Meizi later!"

"There are rice noodles too! Look! They're still meat!"

"Oh my god! These are worth a lot of money!"

"You can sell the leftovers!"

"No! If others find out that we have these treasures, we won't call the robbers!"

"Yes, yes! Leave it for us to eat, we can eat these too!"

"That's right! Ever since I was born, I have never known what meat tastes like."

"Who is different?"

Asuna helped Elder Alufa walk through the supplies, and Elder Alufa smiled happily.

I looked at Asuna and took out a rose from my pocket: "Here."

Asuna looked at me in surprise when she saw the rose.

I smiled: "It's edible, but I haven't found the seeds yet, but I believe there must be some there."

Asuna looked at me excitedly and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

"Everyone, please move quickly!" Sister Saiqi commanded from the side.

Pao Jie, Xue Ji, Xiao Ying and Ming You were busy sorting out the goods.

I looked at them for a while and then walked up to Sister Ceci and said, "Sister Ceci, I have an idea."

Sister Ceci and Uncle Mason standing beside her looked at me.

"Tell me, Luo Bing, what do you think?" Uncle Mason smiled gently.

Sister Ceci also smiled and nodded. She is actually very gentle to us girls.

I paused, stood up straight, and said seriously: "I want to take DR out to the field."

Immediately, everyone looked at me in surprise. The members of the medical team, the warehousing team, Princess Asuna and Elder Alufa all looked at me. The busy tarmac instantly became silent.

"Ta la." A milk bottle in Sister Pao's hand fell to the ground, and she looked at me with surprise and expectation. The calm Xueji, the gentle Mingyou and the cute Sakura all looked at me.

Xue Ji’s eyes were fixed on my face, looking straight at me.

Mingyou grabbed her bag excitedly, and Sakura immediately hugged her heart with her hands and prayed: "Please, please."

Sister Ceci and Uncle Mason slowly put away their surprise and showed serious expressions.

I continued: "I know girls are precious, and DR is even more precious. However, the girls in DR don't want to be the treasure in everyone's hands. They are eager to go out to see the outside world and go out to face the world. Therefore, I hope to bring They go out and perform their mission!"

I immediately said "Pa!" and performed the military salute of Noah City, with firm eyes and a solemn expression, because I knew that once I made this request, I would be responsible for the safety of the DR members!