Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 10: Sister, I'm hungry, I want to eat


When the doorbell rang for the first time, Nao Asano thought it was her illusion. She had not made any online purchases recently, and the courier should not have come to her door.

It wasn't until the second ring rang in her ears that she had to accept the fact that someone was visiting outside the door.

The crisp ringtone pierced through the darkness and emptiness of the first floor, tinged with a bit of gloom. She shuddered, put down the photo of Nan Youxi in her hand, prepared herself mentally, and walked downstairs.

The stairs were in disrepair and one of the boards creaked. She turned on the light in the living room and walked to the door.

The doorbell rang for the third time.

She put her eyes behind the door and looked out through the peephole.

Outside the door, the street lamp illuminated the face of the person who came in. The slender body, moist eyes, and thin lips were all parts that Asano Nao was familiar with. These parts combined into a familiar yet strange person.

How could he be here! Asano Nao took a big step back in fear. The cat's eyes were like the fierce eyes of a wild beast, staring at her and making her terrified.

Was the secret filming discovered? When he went to school at noon, he glanced at my window and noticed it at that time

I clearly followed the tutorials on the Internet and made a hidden camera room that I claimed would never be discovered!

Asano Nao connected her rash judgment with the boy's abnormal behavior today. The boy went to school at noon. Could it be that he overslept because he was worried about being secretly photographed and peeped at by her at night

If that was the case, the boy would have discovered her evil deeds yesterday.

Now, after thinking for two days, the boy finally made up his mind and came to negotiate with her!

What would the boy say

Is it "Even maggots are cleaner than you, stop your disgusting behavior", or "I've called the police, you perverted old woman"

Neither of them was what Nao Asano wanted. She was terrified to hear such words, so she stood behind the door and let the doorbell ring.

After the fourth doorbell rang, Nao Asano mustered up a little courage. She looked through the peephole to observe Minami Yuki's expression and judge her mood.

The boy's figure was refracted by the cat's eye and was somewhat distorted, but his beauty was not compromised. Asano Nao had already printed the 3D model of this figure in her mind, and she could use her brain's computing power to make up for the optical distortion.

No, now is not the time to peek!

Asano Nao pinched her thigh. Look at his expression, look at his expression!

The doorbell stopped after the fifth ring. Without giving her a chance to figure out his expression, the boy turned and walked towards the bright street light.

Walking to the roadside, in the circle of light cast by the street lamp on the ground, the boy took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket. The cell phone hooked out a white handkerchief, but he himself did not notice it at all.

The handkerchief fell alone on the ground, and the boy disappeared from her sight.

Nao Asano's attention was all focused on the handkerchief. She swallowed and her heart beat faster.

I want that handkerchief!

However, the handkerchief fell outside, on the side of the road.

The throbbing in her heart suddenly dissipated. She didn't want to go outside or walk to the side of the road.

She thought that maybe Nan Youxi would soon realize that her handkerchief had fallen and come back to look for it.

Wait, this means that if she doesn’t pick it up now, the handkerchief will soon be gone from her!

Even if Nan Youxi doesn't come back to look for it herself, a child or housewife passing by might pick it up!

Her treasures will be picked up by passers-by who don't know the value of them, and will be covered in dust and destroyed!


Before her brain could make a decision, her hand had already pressed the doorknob and opened the door.

The doors are open, go and retrieve the treasure!

She took a cautious step and poked her head through the crack in the door to observe the situation.

It's a dark and windy night, so be safe in the sky, in front, on the left and right!

It's time to take action!

She pushed the door open suddenly, walked quickly and quietly to the side of the road with big strides, picked up the handkerchief on the ground quickly and accurately like a thief stealing a mobile phone, and retreated to the front door of her house.

The smooth and soft touch of the handkerchief came from her palm, and her heart had not beaten so violently for a long time.

With half of her body stepping into the house and one hand grasping the door handle, she felt that she had entered a safe area. Unable to resist the temptation of the handkerchief any longer, she lifted it in front of her and placed it under her nose. The scent of camphor wood entered her nostrils, making her happy.

But her smile quickly froze on her face.

In the shadows next to her house, a familiar figure walked out.

Minami Yuki held up her cell phone, with the camera facing Asano Nao.

The smile on his face made Asano Nao feel like she was falling into an abyss, like falling into icy water. She was cold and trembling all at once. It was hard to tell who arrived first and who supplemented whom.


Not only was he discovered, he was also recorded!

Grandma, I'm sorry, you have to be strong and live on. Mom and Dad, I will be with you soon!

The moon appeared from behind the clouds, and its cold light shone on the roofs of the surrounding houses. A shrill car horn sounded in the distance.

Minami Yuki walked to the door of Asano's house with her cell phone in her hand and bumped into Asano Nao.

Nao Asano quickly took two steps back to open the door. She was so frightened that she was unable to react at all.

Nan Youxi walked into the house and closed the door.

He put on a pair of pink slippers from the shoe cabinet and walked through the hallway to the living room. The fabric sofa was very old, and the TV cable was curled up on the side, without being plugged in.

Behind the sofa is the dining room, and behind the dining room is a semi-open kitchen.

At this moment, the woman in a clean sportswear stood behind Nan Youxi, lowering her head and trembling with fear.

She handed the handkerchief to Nan Youxi, her hands shaking violently.

There is no need for verbal testing or special explanation. At this moment, Minami Yuki is the ruler and Asano Nao is the ruled.

Instead of taking the handkerchief, Nan Youxi tapped the table with her fingers: "I'm hungry."

Nao Asano did not move. The boy's words were too strange and too unreasonable for her to react for a moment.

"Is there anything to eat?" Nan Youxi asked again.

Asano Nao shuddered, and she stammered, "Please, please wait a moment."

Not daring to delay, she trotted to the master bedroom on the first floor.

When she came out, she had a bank card in her hand. She knelt in a soldier's posture and handed the bank card to Nan Youxi.

"Please, please accept it. The password is 2130," she said.

Nan Youxi burst out laughing.

He turned around, facing Asano Nao, and crossed his legs: "Sister really thinks she's scary, she's a pervert who peeked at me, took photos of me, and even picked up my handkerchief and put it under her nose to smell it."

"I'm so sorry. I won't do it again!"

"I didn't ask you to correct it. You don't need the bank card. Can you get me something to eat? I'm so hungry."

Nao Asano was skeptical. She went to the kitchen, took out the cooked rice from the refrigerator, heated it up, fried some tempura, made a plate of tamagoyaki, and boiled a bowl of instant miso soup.

The boy ate very quickly, it seemed he was not lying.

This made Nao Asano's brain a mess and she couldn't figure out the current situation.

"thanks for treatment."

After eating, Minami Yuki placed her chopsticks neatly on the bowl and thanked Asano Nao.

Seeing that Nao Asano was still worried, he comforted her:

"Don't worry, I have no intention of holding you responsible. I just came here to eat because I'm hungry. Just don't put a box cutter against my neck, threaten me to be your slave, and don't arrest me and lock me up in a dark basement."

"By the way," Nan Youxi added, "I don't mean to hate my sister."

Angel, it's an angel! Asano Nao was almost moved to tears. If Minami Yuki founded a sect at this moment, she would definitely be the most devout believer and would be willing to donate all her savings and house to support the leader!

Guilt burned her heart at the thought that she had such dirty thoughts about such a holy angel and had done such a dirty thing.

From now on, after peeping or taking secret photos, you must reflect on yourself for an hour looking at Nan Youxi's photo!

"Well, I'm leaving then," said Nan Youxi.

His stomach was full, the food was delicious, and he was satisfied.

"Handkerchief." Nao Asano reminded him not to forget to take the handkerchief on the corner of the table.

"Oh, this handkerchief was used by me when I was a child. It is no longer popular to carry handkerchiefs now. I just used it as bait to fish with my sister. I gave it to my sister."

Asano Nao was enveloped by a feeling of happiness as vast as the sky. It was a handkerchief that Yuuki used when she was a child! Could she really possess such a sacred object

"What time does sister get up in the morning?"

"Seven o'clock."

"So when is breakfast?"

"About 7:30, no later than 8."

"I understand. Goodbye, sister."

Nan Youxi's footsteps passed through the corridor and the entrance hall, and the door opened and closed with a click.

Nao Asano was the only one left in the room.

If the handkerchief had not been there on the corner of the table and the dishes on the table were not still steaming, Nao Asano would have thought that all this was just a pitiful dream.

She recalled the conversation she had with Nan Youxi before she left and covered her burning face.

What did that mean? Why did he ask about the breakfast time

Is it what she imagined

Nao Asano was happy at first, but then began to doubt. She was not doubting the truthfulness of Minami Yuki's words, but doubting her own ears and her own mouth.

Did that conversation really exist? Was it just her hallucination

Did she really answer 7:30 exactly? Did she say 6:30 or 7:00

I should have recorded this with a tape recorder!

Anticipation mixed with self-doubt made her both happy and sad.

(End of this chapter)