Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 122: My sister's plan B (third update)


Minami Yuxi didn't know how long she had been simulating, but it was definitely a long time, and she couldn't lie on Asano Nao's legs anymore.

He pretended to wake up, sat up and stretched.

When simulating, he always liked to move his body and change his postures. Now that he was pretending to be asleep and couldn't move frequently, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Although the Nao brand pillow is very fragrant and soft, his freedom is more important.

He stood up from the sofa and waved to Nao Asano.

"I'm going back now. Thank you for your hospitality today, sister."

"Yeah." Nao Asano looked at the boy's back as he hurriedly left. She put her hands on her legs, where the touch of the boy's hair was still lingering.

On the way back to the apartment, Minami Yuxi thought about the simulation.

Mainly Ibuki Yuko. He thought the guerrilla warfare was successful, he and Nakajima Reina successfully got rid of his sister-in-law, but unexpectedly, Ibuki Yuko still found them and hid aside to spy.

After walking through the dim road and entering the apartment lobby, Nan Youxi stood in the small elevator compartment, watching the silver elevator door slowly close. Listening to the sound of the elevator running, he felt a little sad.

Can guerrilla warfare really succeed? Can he really get rid of Ibuki Yuko

No, let's not talk about how to get rid of Ibuki Yuko after going out. Just how to avoid Ibuki Yuko when going out is a big problem. The doll girl will not fall for the same trick for the second time. She will definitely be more vigilant in the future.

The elevator stopped, and he walked through the corridor with melancholy until he reached his room.

Because he was absent-minded, he poked twice before he inserted the key into the hole.

Walking into the entrance hall, he threw the key on the counter in the entrance hall with one hand and pushed the door behind him with the other hand.

Just as the door was about to lock, a hand grabbed the edge of the door frame.

Even Nan Youxi, who was very brave, was frightened when she encountered such a situation late at night.

Fortunately, the owner of that hand was not a bloody monster or a ferocious murderer in the movies, but a person who was both unexpected and reasonable.

The door was pushed open by that hand, and Ibuki Yuko's body appeared behind the door.

"What's up, senior?" Nan Youxi complained, "The way you showed up is like you're looking for revenge on me."

"Can I come in?" asked Ibuki Yuko as she walked into the entrance hall.

The small entrance was too small to accommodate two people, so Nan Youxi quickly took off her shoes and stepped into the corridor.

Yuko Ibuki was wearing a blue dress. She lifted her feet backwards and hooked her little leather shoes with her fingers. The ponytail behind her head was swaying.

Her small, black-stockinged feet were freed from their little leather shoes and stepped onto the floor.

"Is there anything I can do for you, senior?" Nan Youxi asked again.

He secretly groaned. It was okay to worry about Ibuki Yuko's problem in the simulation, but he didn't expect that he would also have to worry about Yuko's attack in reality.

"I forgot to bring my keys and can't go home." Yuko Ibuki stood on the edge of the floor in front of the entrance, her back straight, her hands clasped in front of her, holding down the hem of her dress.

She raised her head and looked at Nan Youxi's wet eyes. She bit her lips lightly with her pearly teeth: "Can I stay here until mom comes back?"

Although she knew that the girl was acting, Nan Youxi was still moved.

Should I leave the girl in the room? It's a bit dangerous for a man and a woman to be alone at night. He thought he had good self-control, but no matter how strong a man's self-control is, he is still a man after all, and he has worldly desires.

Should he chase the girl out? If he said he didn't want to, the girl would probably choose to leave in order not to leave a bad impression on him.

However, there is a critical problem.

If you think about it carefully, even if Ibuki Yuko really brought the key, in order to make the performance more realistic, she would choose to wander outside after being rejected by him.

"Don't the administrator have the key?" Nan Youxi asked.

"The locks of my house were changed, and the administrator doesn't have a spare key," said Yuko Ibuki.

Nan Youxi sighed in his heart and said, "Please come in. I'm very sleepy and need to sleep for a while. Please help yourself, senior sister."


Ibuki Yuko took two steps forward and came to Minami Yuxi's side. Her steps were light and she reached out to help the boy open the bedroom door.

Nan Youxi turned on the desk lamp, illuminating a corner of the bedroom.

He lay down on the bed.

"Don't you want to take a shower? Don't worry about me." asked Ibuki Yuko.

How could I not care about you! You must be planning to do something while I'm taking a shower!

"Let me sleep first, and wake me up when senior leaves." Nan Youxi closed her eyes.

Forget about the real Yuko Ibuki, let’s first see what Yuko Ibuki in The Sims will do next.

[Hungover Nakajima Yohei wakes up and recalls the drinking contest with you, and he calls it a mistake. He knows that his alcohol tolerance is very low, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even drink more than a teenager.]

[Honoka was by his side, taking care of him, listening to his story, and comforting him. Even a little bit of that was cute. ]

[Nakajima Yohei was late for work. When he came back in the evening, he thought about the conversation with you and asked his stepdaughter why she got involved in your affairs with Nakajima Reina.]

[He was shocked by his stepdaughter's answer. He never expected that his two daughters would fall in love with the same man.]

[He felt embarrassed. As a father, who should he support? ]

[Ibuki Yuko saw his dilemma and told him that she had given up.]

[Last night, Ibuki Yuko found you in the park and watched the kiss and confession between you and Nakajima Reina. She felt that she had no chance of winning and that continuing to pester you would only annoy you, which would be detrimental to her plan B.]

Seeing that Ibuki Yuko chose to give up, Minami Youxi breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw plan B, his heart was lifted again.

Why is there a Plan B? What is that operation? What is the goal

He simply sorted out the information and made an association. If he was Ibuki Yuko...

Could it be that...

He continued to read the simulated text.

[After finishing her conversation with Nakajima Yohei, Ibuki Yuko came to the hospital and sat next to Nakajima Reina's ward. ]

[Nakajima Reina has decided to continue your relationship. When she saw her sister, she was panicked by the feeling of having a rival in love for the first time.]

[Ibuki Yuko and Nakajima Reina made an agreement that in the next three years, she would not interfere with her sister's love affairs, and would also assist her sister. Similarly, Nakajima Reina would also help her, try to have her appear by your side, and whisper in her ear, so as to prepare for the next three years.]

Sure enough, it was this kind of plan. Nan Youxi glanced at Ibuki Yuko in front of the desk, feeling a little melancholy.

(End of this chapter)