Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 127: Reina's hobby


She failed to use that thing successfully.

[The door of the ward is not locked and anyone can open it. Although there is a thin curtain beside the bed that can be pulled up to block intrusion, its ability to prevent intrusion is zero. In such an unprotected environment, your psychological burden is very heavy. ]

[You hesitated about how to reject the girl, and soon found that your rejection was unnecessary. Nakajima Reina had very little knowledge in that area, and only had a shallow imagination in her mind. She was in a panic and didn't know what to do.]

[You laugh at her, she throws herself into your arms and bites your shoulder in embarrassment.]

The joy overflowing from the simulated text poured into Minami Yuki's heart. The impression of love pieced together from several memory scenes made him forget Ibuki Yuko beside him, and he was only thinking about Nakajima Rena in the hospital.

In the last simulation, Reina Nakajima died in the second semester of his freshman year, and in this simulation, they have less than three years left.

The girl probably died from a failed operation. Will the operation be successful this time? Can changing a hospital or a different team of experts reverse the outcome of the operation

The answer is probably no.

Surgery is not like rolling dice with six possible outcomes of equal probability. The success or failure of an operation is usually not determined by the operation itself. The skill of the surgeon is only a tiny variable. The bigger and unchanging factor is the existing medical level and the patient's physical condition.

Thinking of this, Minami Yuxi's happiness was covered with a black veil. He looked at himself in the simulation, and a thick, deathly fog enveloped him and Nakajima Reina.

He continued to look at the simulation interface.

[In the afternoon, the snow stopped. A light layer of white snow fell on the bushes and grass in the garden, which made you happy.]

You were worried that the water from the first rain would melt the snow that fell later. The roads did not hold snow, but there was some on the bushes and grass.

[You hurriedly leave the ward to buy warm clothes for Nakajima Reina and take her out to see the snow. Before you leave the hospital, Nakajima Yohei calls you and says he has already prepared the clothes.]

[You are waiting for him at the hospital gate. His car stops on the road. Ibuki Yuko gets out of the car and hands you a bag of clothes.]

[A few months ago, you asked Nakajima Yohei Yoshida-cho about the lake, and he immediately remembered his original promise. With guilt and pity, he asked Honoka to help his daughter pick out clothes that would keep her warm even in heavy snow.]

[The clothes are very thick, with hats, gloves, and scarves. After Nakajima Reina put them on, she felt like a penguin on the run from Antarctica. ]

[You ignored her little complaint and pushed her towards the garden.]

[The wheelchair that was borrowed this time was very narrow, and the tightly dressed girl was almost squeezed into it, which made her resentful even more. ]

[However, after the snow fell near the garden, the only thing left in her mind was the thin white blanket attached to the green plants.]

[You and she gather snow together, build a small snowman, and place it in the pavilion in the garden.]

[She took off her gloves and put her hands into the soft snow. The white snow wrapped around her fair palms, and the picture was particularly elegant.]

[She scooped up a handful of snow and splashed it on your face. You rubbed her cheeks with your cold hands. Her crisp laughter spread in the snow in the garden.]

[When you were careless, the girl scooped up a handful of snow, stretched out her soft tongue, and licked the white icing. The rough and cold feeling melted on her tongue. She found it interesting and licked the snow on her hands again.]

[When she stuck out her tongue for the third time, you pinched the disobedient little slug.]

A short memory scene appears.

In the sky, the orange-red sunset has approached the roofs of houses in the distance and is about to sink below the horizon. The snow appears hazy orange under the setting sun.

Reina Nakajima held a small piece of orange snow, and a tender red slug poked its head out of its nest.

Nan Youxi was already prepared. He quickly reached out and pinched the cute little guy between his thumb and index finger.

Reina Nakajima was like a cat that was suddenly grabbed by the scruff of the neck. She couldn't understand what was happening for a moment. When she figured out the situation, she couldn't struggle because Minami Yuxi had the handle in her hand.

"Wuwuwu." She was unable to speak. Her lips were half open and she looked at Nan Youxi with pleading eyes.

"What does Sister Lingna want to say? I can't hear you clearly." Nan Youxi looked at her with a smile.

"Mmmmmm, Mmmmm!"

After watching the girl anxious for a while, Nan Youxi felt satisfied and let go of her hand.

The light red slug immediately retracted into its beautiful shell. Nakajima Reina covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Minami Yuxi with fear in her eyes.

This boy could actually do such a thing! It's horrible!

"Are you still licking the snow?" Minami Youxi pinched a handful of snow and put it in front of Nakajima Reina. The girl shook her head violently.

She didn't dare to speak, for fear that her delicate tongue would be caught by the boy again.

"If you want to eat snow, I can take you to a dessert shop. How can the snow that falls from the sky be clean?" Nan Youxi pinched her cheek. "Besides, even if you want to taste it, one taste is enough. Why did you lick it a third time, you greedy ghost!"

Nakajima Reina's face flushed, she turned her face away and muttered softly: "It's all Yuuki's fault."

"Why are you blaming me?" Nan Youxi was surprised.

"Because Yuuki wouldn't kiss me."

"We just kissed for a long time when it was snowing, and what does kissing you have to do with you licking the snow?"

The blush on the girl's face deepened and her voice became even quieter. Nan Youxi listened carefully and finally heard what she was saying.

"Because it kind of feels like licking snow."

Nan Youxi couldn't help but smile. He pinched the girl's cheek again: "So you are a kiss-crazy person."

Reina Nakajima felt annoyed at being called two kinds of demons in a row. She turned her head and bit Minami Yuki's index and middle fingers that were pinching her face.

[You didn't expect that the reason why Nakajima Reina licked the snow was that she found the feeling of kissing you. You warned her not to eat such unclean things and pulled her tongue as a punishment.]

[What you don't know is that when you caught the red slug, the girl's heartbeat was a little faster. ]


Nan Youxi reread the simulated text and after confirming that her guess was correct, a simple feeling emerged in her heart, -6.

He knew that different people had different fetishes and different sensitive points, but he did not expect that Nakajima Rena's fetish was so unique.

He had wondered before why Nakajima Reina's heart beat fastest when they were kissing. Although this was indeed a very intimate contact, there were many things that were more intimate than it.

Now he was sure that Rena Nakajima's excitement point was on her tongue!

Please give me a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)