Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 128: Beloved Project (Part 3)


Sure enough, all the beautiful girls around me are very abnormal!

Minami Yuxi recalled Ibuki Yuko and Asano Nao. These two were only mentally abnormal, while Nakajima Rena was physically abnormal!

Come to think of it, there is a beloved name in the simulator, what’s wrong with this sister

Nan Youxi searched her memory and found that her sister was just a little tsundere and should have no other problems. Nothing happened in the simulation.

Could it be that...

He thought of a possibility.

Yuko and Nao have mental problems, Nakajima Reina has physical problems, and the problem of Kobe is - relationships.

No matter how you think about it, you can't have a love simulation with your sister!

Retracting his scattered thoughts, Nan Youxi continued to look at the simulation interface.

[The light snow did not affect your high-speed rail trip. After saying goodbye to Nakajima Reina, you returned to your hometown in Ino Prefecture. There are still two days until New Year's Day. Your parents are busy cleaning the house, and your sister will pick you up at the station.]

[She first asked you why you came back so late, and then asked you why you didn't come back during the summer vacation. She was furious and upset that you had left her for such a long time.]

[Tell him that you are busy accompanying her sister-in-law in Misaki.]

[My sister wondered which relative was my sister-in-law. When she realized that my sister-in-law was my wife, she was shocked.]

[She first suspected that you were lying to her. You showed her a photo with Reina Nakajima, and she pouted and said that she opposed your relationship.]

[You touch her head and object to her objection.]

[After returning home, she immediately told her parents about this, hoping that they would discipline you and break you up. She was disappointed. Her father thought that you were old enough to fall in love and didn't care about you. Her mother not only didn't object, but was also a little surprised and asked her daughter for more information.]

[My sister was unhappy until the New Year.]

[On the first day of the new year, your sister pulled you up and asked you to accompany her to worship at the shrine. ]

[The shrine is packed with people. New Year's visit is a tradition. Ino Prefecture is a traditional prefecture.]

[You make a video call with Nakajima Reina and show her the bustling shrine and your sister beside you. ]

[The younger sister was reluctant to show a good face to the woman who had taken her brother away, but after seeing the environment around Nakajima Reina, she could no longer put on airs. Although she was young, she could tell the appearance of a ward and the appearance of a hospital gown.]

[You introduced them to each other, and your sister absentmindedly said a few words to Nakajima Reina, and you interrupted the video. ]

[Your sister asked you about Reina Nakajima's condition, and you told her about her condition. After your sister went back, she told her parents. This was your plan, and it would be too abrupt for you to say it directly, so it would be best to let your sister relay it.]

[The whole family was shocked by the news. They discussed it without telling you. Your parents' attitude was clear. They did not support and opposed your falling in love with a seriously ill woman. Your sister spoke for you and made your parents give up the idea of talking to you.]

Nan Youxi was surprised. His sister actually helped him this time

He looked down and, sure enough, this little girl didn't have such good intentions.

[My sister thought, since that woman doesn't have much time left, let her block the other bad women in Misaki. When that woman dies, you will come back home.]

[She has already found a candidate for you to marry, and that person is her best friend Chun. Chun is her little follower. If her plan succeeds, she can use Chun to interfere with you and ensure that you will always be her close brother.]


This paragraph contained a lot of information, and Nan Youxi was unable to digest it all at once. He sorted it out carefully and exclaimed in his heart, Wow.

No wonder she was against Nao and Yuko in the previous simulations. I thought she was a little brother-in-law, but it turned out that she just didn’t want her plans to be disrupted!

Mindful of her sister's plan, Nan Youxi continued to read the simulated text.

[On the third day after the New Year, you boarded the high-speed train back to Misaki. The reason you used was that you were going back to study. Your parents and sister knew that this was a lie, and you also knew that they knew it was a lie. Next year, you will bring Nakajima Reina home, and you need to prepare your parents mentally.]

[The temperature in Misaki is warmer than in Ino Prefecture. After you got off the high-speed train, you went straight to the hospital.]

[From the moment she received the news that you were back, Nakajima Reina had been waiting eagerly. When you opened the door of the ward, she ran down from the bed, threw herself into your arms, and kissed you. The girl's pent-up emotions were so strong that she refused to let go of your lips for a long time, and you were equally reluctant to push her away.]

[After her breathing began to quicken, you finally made up your mind and pushed her back to the bed.]

[You hear a chuckle outside the door, and turn around to see three nurses peeking through the door. When they see you turn your head, they jostle and leave.]

[You look back at Nakajima Reina again. The girl doesn't show any shyness, but lowers her head, looking a little uneasy.]

[Her enthusiasm just now, in addition to the joy of reunion after a long separation, was also mixed with strong uneasiness.]

[She has been in the hospital since she was a child and has no connections in society. Before this, she only considered whether you could accept her illness.]

[On New Year's Day, you introduced your sister to her. Only then did she realize that you are not an individual, you also have a sister, a father, a mother... a lot of relatives and friends.]

[Will her existence be accepted by your relatives and friends? She was worried about this.]

[She was not a sentimental person. In the past, when she looked at the scenery in the distance, she was just looking at the scenery itself. But in the past two days, even if she looked at Xiaodou Mountain, which brought her so much joy, she couldn't concentrate. The attitudes of your relatives and friends seemed to be hidden in the forest of Xiaodou Mountain, making her tired of observing.]

[You keenly grasped Nakajima Reina's sorrow, you held her in your arms and told her that everyone would bless you.]

[You used kisses to comfort her. This method, which was extremely effective in the past, has lost its magic now and cannot make Nakajima Reina completely forget her sorrow.]

[During the spring break after the third semester, you and Nakajima Yohei planned a meeting. Nakajima Yohei took his daughter home from the hospital, and you invited your parents and sister to visit Misaki.]

[You arranged a "coincidence" so that Nakajima Reina had an informal meeting with your parents. You intentionally acted a little intimate with Nakajima Reina. The gentle and elegant girl left a good impression on your parents.]

[After returning home, your parents asked you about Nakajima Reina, and you told them everything.]

[The mother was wavering and could not make up her mind, but you only said a few touching words and she leaned towards you.]

[Father was against it at first, but after confirming your will, he agreed. He asked you about Nakajima Reina's condition in detail, and then asked the medical community about the girl's illness through his connections, looking for a possible cure.]

[The younger sister remained neutral, she was still thinking about her plan. ]

(End of this chapter)