Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 129: The most confusing option


[Father has not been able to find a cure. Nakajima Yohei has been looking for good doctors with his daughter in the first half of his life. He failed, and you and your father cannot change it.]

[Father contacted a professor at Misaki University School of Medicine, and you accompanied Reina Nakajima to the Misaki University School of Medicine Hospital for a checkup.]

[The person in charge of this examination was a vice president. She predicted that if she didn't have surgery, Nakajima Rena would have five years left to live, and she would have to lie weakly in the middle of various instruments for the last year. If she had surgery, it would be best if it was done within three years. Given Nakajima Rena's physical condition, the chances of success were slim. After the surgery was successful, it was optimistically estimated that the girl could live for more than ten years, and would need another surgery after more than ten years.]

[Doctors and hospitals were reluctant to perform this surgery, which had a low success rate and was not well received by the industry. However, Nakajima Yohei had a history with a vice president of Chikusa University Hospital, so Chikusa University Hospital agreed to his request for surgery.]

[Now, because of my father's relationship, Misaki University Hospital is also willing to take over this operation.]

[Although Chigusa University Hospital is generally inferior to Misaki University Hospital, the doctor in charge of this operation is already the top in the relevant field, and is not inferior to the doctor at Misaki University Hospital. This is also the reason why you have not considered transferring Nakajima Rena to another hospital for the time being. ]

[You'd better make up your mind now. If you choose Misaki University Hospital, Nakajima Reina must be transferred to Misaki University Hospital immediately. The attending doctor needs to be familiar with Nakajima Reina's condition and formulate a surgical plan. ]

[Faced with this situation, you choose...]

[1. Choose Misaki University Hospital for surgery at the most appropriate time]

[2. Give up surgery and choose conservative treatment]

[3. Carry out conservative treatment first, and then perform surgery when Nakajima Reina's body can no longer hold on]

[4. Free simulation]

Here comes the option.

Nan Youxi perked up and read the three options carefully.

There is no option to perform surgery at Chikusa University Hospital, which is normal. In the last Sims, Rena Nakajima's surgery at Chikusa University Hospital failed.

He looked at option 1. Misaki University Hospital is the best hospital in Japan. Would choosing this hospital increase the success rate of the operation? I'm afraid not. The simulation text had already explained clearly that Misaki University Hospital had no obvious advantage in this operation.

He looked at option 2 again. If he gave up the surgery, Nakajima Reina could live another five years. In the last simulation, Nakajima Reina died two years later. Giving up the surgery could give her two more years of life.

The last option is option 3. Wait until Rena Nakajima reaches her fourth or fifth year before performing the surgery. By then, Rena Nakajima's health must have deteriorated to the extreme, and the success rate of the surgery is very low.

What to choose

He went over the meaning of each option again.

The first is the active plan, which is to perform the surgery two years later, when the success rate is the highest. If successful, the girl can continue to live. But if it fails, Nakajima Rena will die in two years, just like the last simulation.

The second is a conservative option, which is to give up surgery. The girl can live about three more years, but she will definitely die after five years.

The third is the middle option, which is to perform surgery four or five years later. The girl can live one or two more years, but the probability of success of the surgery is extremely low.

Should I take a big gamble, give up gambling, or take a small gamble

He couldn't make up his mind for a long time.

He didn't want to give up the possibility of the girl's surgery being successful, but he also didn't want to gamble with the girl's remaining life. How could he let the girl give up the possibility of life? How could he let the girl gamble with the remaining life span

The three options turned into three balls of mist of varying depths, swirling in his mind, enveloping the clarity in his brain and making him irritable and uneasy.

This was the first option that made him so conflicted, making him feel that no matter which choice he made, it was inappropriate. He didn't want to touch any of them!

The desk lamp was not turned off, and the light shining from the corner at the foot of the bed was not enough to illuminate the room, but it did not allow pure darkness to invade. The whole bedroom was shrouded in gray, neither bright nor dark, black and white mixed together, upside down and in chaos, just like his head.

This is the most heart-wrenching picture. It seems to be dark all around, yet it also seems to contain light, making people wonder whether to continue sleeping or get up to greet the dawn.

Nan Youxi closed his eyes again and took a deep breath.

When he was looking at the options, the emotions conveyed in the simulated text affected him and made him so sad. In fact, he didn't need to be so entangled.

If it were in reality, this would be an unsolvable problem with no answer and no hope. However, this is not reality. It is just a possibility for the future, just a simulation of the future. If it fails once, there is always next time. What he needs to do is to explore the possibilities of the future and find the path to happiness.

Stepping out of the life in the simulation, he looked at the options again and it was obvious what to choose.

He clicked one.

If there is a door to happiness among these three options, it must be option one, which is to actively undergo surgery, because options two and three will definitely cause the girl to die.

If option one also fails... then it proves that this route is wrong and he needs to find another way.

The simulated text began to advance, and he watched with uneasiness.

[You decided to have the surgery at Misaki University Hospital, and Nakajima Reina and Nakajima Yohei agreed with your choice. Nakajima Reina moved from the convalescent building of Chikusa University to the ward of Misaki University Hospital.]

[The day before you were transferred to another hospital, you gave gifts to the nurses in the nursing building to thank them for their care for you.]

[The nurses missed you so much that they often came to see you after you arrived at Misaki University Hospital.]

[You are responsible for the transfer to another hospital. After your father helped you make the connections, he no longer cares about it. He is not optimistic about your future.]

[Nakajima Yohei was originally worried that his daughter would not be able to adapt to the new place, but when he saw his daughter enter an expensive special ward, his worries turned to another direction.]

[The care in the special ward is very meticulous, the system is very flexible, everything is for the patients and their families, there is no time limit for visiting, if the patient wants to go home, they can even ask a small medical team to accompany them. ]

[What worries Nakajima Yohei is his wallet.]

[You paid for Reina Nakajima's hospitalization, but you didn't make it public. No one except the people at the office knew that you had gotten such a large sum of money.]

[Yohei Nakajima asked about the fees at the payment counter and found that most of the hospital fees had been paid for three years. He thought it was your father's help and was grateful. Your father came to visit Reina Nakajima and found the ward luxurious. He thought that the Nakajima family spared no effort to care for their daughter and was moved.]

[You successfully concealed your money amid their misunderstanding.]

[The surgery is scheduled for the autumn of next year.]

(End of this chapter)