Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 132: Xizi on heroes


Ibuki Yuko heard the sound of Minami Yuki walking in slippers and the friction of her coat. It seemed that the boy was really preparing to go to Asano Nao's house.

Isn't this letting Nao Asano take advantage and making things easier for her

Yuko Ibuki turned over and sat up "in a daze".

She rubbed her eyes for a while and said to Nan Youxi, "I accidentally fell asleep. Mom should be back soon. I'm leaving now."

There was no emotion on her petite face, and no ups and downs in her soft voice. She got out of bed, put on her shoes in the hallway, and walked out the door.

After the door closed, the calmness on her face disappeared, her eyebrows furrowed, her cheeks puffed up, and she took a step forward, her feet pressing the ground hard, and the fingers pressing the elevator button seemed to want to press the button into the wall.

I opened the door of my house and saw Honoka Ibuki lying on the floor in the living room, holding a bottle of wine, sleeping soundly. I didn't know when she came back.

Yuko Ibuki stepped over her mother's body and walked into the bedroom, reflecting on the reasons for the failure of this action and thinking about the next plan.

She readjusted her alert list, putting Nao Asano above Kazumi Chiju, and then thought about the situation of the two opponents again.

Qianshouyimei is slightly inferior in appearance. She is close to the water but cannot catch the moon. She has the desire but not the courage, so she is not a love rival.

Nao Asano is beautiful but lacks any means. She only has the title of sister but is timid and cowardly, so she is not worth mentioning.

When it comes to Yuuki’s wife, I’m the only one.

After figuring this out, Ibuki Yuko felt relieved. A temporary failure was nothing to worry about. Looking into the long future, she was the woman most likely to have the last laugh!

"Yuko, Yuko!"

Her mother was calling her name. Ibuki Yuko stood up, walked to the living room, helped the confused woman up, wiped her face, and threw her on the bed.

She looked at the woman on the bed, with a variety of emotions surging in her heart.

In the dream, the woman later married Nakajima Yohei, became gentle and virtuous again, and became kind to her.

However, the woman's change had nothing to do with her. It was the result of Nakajima Yohei. The love the woman gave her did not come from her, but was the overflow of her love for her husband, which was shared with her.

Only Yuxi loves her and is also loved by her.

A plan came into her mind.

In the dream, Yuki brought together Mr. Nakajima and her mother. Since Yuki could do it, she could do it too.

Once Nakajima-sensei married her mother, she not only got rid of the big trouble of her mother, but also had a stronger relationship with Yuki, and she became Yuki-sensei's daughter.

At that time, she can use the favor of being a matchmaker to blackmail Nakajima Yohei. The head teacher has considerable power in the class. As long as Nakajima Yohei is willing to help and abuse her power for personal gain, she can get many conveniences, get closer to the boy, and have more possibilities!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this plan was perfect. As long as she sacrificed a mother, she could get the help of Yuki's homeroom teacher. It would be a big win!

How did Yuki act in the dream

Just go and investigate in your dream, I haven't noticed this detail before. Go take a shower and go to bed.

Yuko Ibuki walked into the bathroom. In order to save time, she did not fill the bathtub with water. She sat on a small stool beside the bathtub. The tiny water curtain from the shower head enveloped her petite body.

The water flowed over the top of my head, down my back, washing away the white foam of the shower gel on my body.

Nan Youxi stood up, picked up the shower head, rinsed her front body again, and turned off the water.

Reina Nakajima's simulation distracted him, so he gave up taking a bath and took a shower instead, just to get back to bed as soon as possible.

The temperature was not too cold tonight. He opened the door wrapped in the heat of the bathroom and stood in the corridor in his pajamas.

When he pulled up his trousers, he suddenly felt melancholy and sighed with his head down.

The sword has no place to use.

Although there is free simulation, the illusion is just an illusion after all.

Even though he had married so many girls, spent so much married life, and fathered so many daughters, he was still a virgin and a pure boy.

With a hint of restlessness, he lay on the bed.

The quilt still retained the scent of Yuko Ibuki. He closed his eyes and continued the simulation with Reina Nakajima.

[You stayed in the small town for an extra week, not because of the town’s customs and culture, but because you were greedy for each other. ]

[We didn't return to Misaki until Nakajima Reina was about to start her routine checkup.]

[Because her husband pays attention to you, Honoka also cares about you. She soon discovered the progress of your relationship from her stepdaughter's expression. Nakajima Reina has more props, and the Nakajima family only comes to visit her during the day. The night has become exclusive to the two of you. ]

[In September, the second semester arrived. You went to the opening ceremony. Chizumi was very happy to see you.]

[You go to Asano's house once or twice a week to see how Asano Nao is doing. Even though this older sister is no longer so socially anxious, she still doesn't want to go out. This is a matter of life philosophy. Her ambition is to stay at home, read novels and comics for the rest of her life, and play games for the rest of her life. She has the capital to do so.]

[You often talked to Nao Asano about Reina Nakajima. Last year, a few days before the decision to undergo surgery, you told Nao Asano about your entanglement and anxiety, and she comforted you.]

[You feel that she is like your real sister, and you often think of asking your father to adopt her as his adopted daughter. This idea has been put aside. Your father is already very worried about Reina Nakajima's matter, and you don't want to cause more trouble for him.]

[In mid-September, you start preparing to go to Hokkaido to see the snow and lakes. You spend a lot of money to find experts in related fields who can go to Yoshida Town with you.]

[The best candidate is Nakajima Reina's current attending physician. You started inviting her a year ago, but she has never agreed. She is old and has achieved a lot, and she no longer cares about money. Even in a capitalist society, money cannot be equated with power. You think, if you can use your power to negotiate with Misaki University Hospital, she will definitely not be able to refuse.]

[The next best candidate is Nakajima Reina's former attending physician, the professor at Chikusa University Hospital. She agreed to your invitation and is willing to bring a medical team to stay in Yoshida Town for a month after the first snow in Yoshida Town. You plan to spend the New Year in that town with Nakajima Reina. If your parents and sister and Nakajima Reina's parents and sister are willing, you two families can spend the New Year together in Yoshida Town.]

[In October, everything is arranged, and we are just waiting for the first snow in Yoshida Town. Nakajima Reina is looking forward to it, and you take the opportunity to give her many technical suggestions, and she blushes and does as she is told.]

[In mid-November, the first snow fell in Yoshida Town, but Nakajima Reina's body was no longer suitable for this long journey. ]

[Her condition began to worsen in November.]

(End of this chapter)