Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 134: I want to get married! (The third update)


[You send Reina back to the ward, leaving Honoka and Yuko to look after her, while you and Nakajima Youhei go to the doctor's office.]

[You were relieved when the operation was successful, but the doctor's serious expression made you realize that things were not that simple.]

[The doctor told you a bad news and a good news. The bad news is that the operation was successful, but Nakajima Reina's problem cannot be said to have been solved. In the medical field, the technology of this operation is not mature and can only solve the problems of regular patients. However, Nakajima Reina is an unconventional one, which she discovered after the operation.]

[The good news is that the special condition of Reina Nakajima's heart will not necessarily put her in danger. The operation has been successful, and the obvious problems have been solved. The mistakes in the details may affect the overall situation, or they may not. We need to continue to observe.]

[You and Nakajima Youping are filled with mixed feelings. ]

[At night, Nakajima Reina woke up, and you and Nakajima Yohei relayed the doctor's words to her. In order not to make the girl overly worried, you spoke of the bad news in a light tone.]

[Nakajima Reina is happy about her rebirth, and you and Nakajima Youhei are happy about her health and joy.]

[You frequently pushed Nakajima Reina to go for checkups, but the girl thought it was just a routine postoperative observation and didn't take it seriously.]

[Her spirits are getting better and better. The examination results show no problems and her heart is recovering very quickly.]

[The attending doctor is relieved. She tells you that there won't be any problems in the short term at least. She lifted some of the restrictions and encouraged Nakajima Rena to walk around more, but she cannot leave the hospital.]

[You and Nakajima Yohei return to the ward and tell Reina the good news. Nakajima Yohei tactfully leaves, giving you space and time.]

[It is already October, and considering the girl's body, you have not had any contact other than light kisses for five months. Before the sound of Nakajima Yohei's footsteps disappears, you and Nakajima Reina embrace and kiss each other.]

[Nakajima Reina's prop skills are a little rusty.]

[In November, it was the first snowfall in Yoshida-cho, but you didn’t go. ]

[You and Nakajima Yohei are worried about the girl who just recovered from the operation, and the attending doctor also does not recommend leaving Misaki. You and Nakajima Reina agree that next year, at the beginning of November, you will go to Yoshida Town and stay in a hot spring hotel to wait for the snow.]

[In December, the attending physician completely lifted the ban on Reina Nakajima. ]

[The girl's body has recovered better than it did two years ago. Before the New Year, you went to Xiaodou Mountain with her. After a few rests, the girl successfully climbed to the top of the mountain on her own two feet.]

[In the pavilion, her kiss was particularly hot, and her heart beat particularly strongly. ]

[She asked you what you were going to do next. She couldn't hide her shyness, and you knew what she was asking.]

Memory scenes emerge.

In winter, the temperature is cold but the weather is clear. The sun shines through the blue sky, making the top of Xiaodou Mountain golden.

Reina Nakajima was wearing a long red down jacket and sitting in the pavilion. The pavilion had been built for a long time. The wooden boards were mottled and old but not dirty or broken. Instead, it had an antique charm, which matched the girl's temperament perfectly.

"The New Year is coming soon, what are your plans?" asked the girl.

She turned her head away, pretending to look at the clouds in the distant sky. Her long hair was tied into a low ponytail, and her two ears were exposed outside her black hair, all red.

There was something else in her words.

"Study hard and prepare for the January exam." Nan Youxi deliberately did not answer what she wanted to hear.

"What else?" Nakajima Reina moved her head back a little.

"Oh, I remember now." Nan Youxi stared at the girl's face, "My dad and I have made an appointment to go to the pub together. He will treat me to the most expensive set meal."

"What else?" Nakajima Reina turned her head back, the blush on her cheeks faded, and she looked a little annoyed.

Minami Yuxi stopped teasing her and said, "And I'll take my Reina to my hometown to celebrate the New Year."

"What else?" Nakajima Reina smiled, but she was not completely satisfied yet.

"There is one more thing I don't remember. If Reina-sama could sit in my arms, maybe I would be able to remember it."

He sniffed the scent of Reina Nakajima's hair. The girl raised her face, revealing her cherry-colored lips. There was desire in her eyes. He pecked the girl's lips.

"And marry Her Highness Reina." After their lips parted, he pressed his forehead against the girl's.


A brilliant smile appeared on the girl's face, and the blush on her cheeks reminded Nan Youxi of the fireworks he watched with the girl in the summer two years ago.

"What are your future plans, my dear wife? Will our wedding be Japanese or Western style? Next month or the month after next?" Nan Youxi asked the girl in his arms again.

“Are the only two options next month and the month after next?”

"That's right. I can't wait any longer!"

"Next month then. Zefeng."

"So you're also an impatient person."

"Ghosts are ugly, but I am not."

"Well, our impatient prince, what plans do you have for your married life?"

Nakajima Reina blushed, and only after being urged several times by Minami Yuxi did she tell him about the future that she had been thinking about for a long time.

"Live in a one-family house, plant beautiful flowers in the small garden, and have a lovely daughter."

The girl's imagination of the future is very simple, and this simple vision reveals the purity of the girl's heart.

Nan Youxi thought of what the attending doctor said. Even though Nakajima Reina's body was close to that of a normal person, it was best not to try something as harmful as giving birth. They had not yet received any instructions to take the next step of kissing.

Nan Youxi thought for a moment and said to the girl, "Giving birth is very hard. You will have to be hospitalized again on the day of delivery."

When she heard about the hospitalization, Reina Nakajima shrank her neck and hesitated. If possible, she hoped that she would never have to see a doctor or go to an operating room again.

“… But, we must have children.”

Her Highness, the girl's thoughts are also very classical.

"Then let's adopt one. Just choose whatever type Reina likes." Nan Youxi decided the matter.


"What will the child be named?"


"It sounds like he's a good ninja."

"Huh?" Nakajima Reina didn't understand what Minami Yuki was saying.

[You teased her a little and set a date for your wedding. You are already 18 years old, and she is one year older than you, so you have reached the legal age for marriage.]

Tomorrow's update may be late, the New Year is coming soon and I have to be busy.

(End of this chapter)