Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 17: Asano Nao seduces with money


[You clearly know where Asano Nao's anxiety comes from. You broke into Asano Nao's life because you had spent all your living expenses and came here to look for food, and now you already have living expenses. ]

[Asano Nao was eating pizza distractedly. She bit her finger and you laughed.]

Memory scenes emerge.

Nao Asano covered her fingers. Minami Yuxi's laughter did not make her blush. At this moment, her heart was filled with uneasiness and reluctance.

She looked up at Nan Youxi. The boy always had a smile on his face, as if he had never been sad. He must be happy about the living expenses!

Yes, if I have money, I won’t have to see my gloomy self anymore, and I won’t have to eat at the same table with a perverted paramecium. Isn’t this a good thing

She gradually felt sad. She put down the pizza in her hand and stood up by holding the back of the chair.

She didn't want to sit here, being tortured by waiting, nor did she want to face the end of separation. Instead of waiting for Nan Youxi to say that he would not come again, it would be better to let him disappear suddenly like he suddenly broke in that day, and treat everything as a dream. Dreams always have no beginning or end, and the ending will only destroy this illusion.

She took a step and went upstairs to the bedroom. She wanted to get into bed, numb herself with the fatigue after exercise, and forget her sorrow.

"Sister, aren't you going to eat anymore?" Nan Youxi looked up at her.

"Yeah." Nao Asano nodded without stopping.

"Wait a minute, there is one thing I haven't told you."

The boy's following words made Asano Nao feel desperate. She had left so decisively, wanting to leave herself with some memories, but she didn't expect that she still couldn't escape the cold ending.

She stopped, not because she wanted to stop, but because Nan Youxi asked her to wait.

Nan Youxi took a few bites of the pizza in her hand, wiped her hands with a tissue, and took out a stack of money from her pocket.

"This is for you." He handed the money to Nao Asano.

Asano Nao took it. The money was thick, at least it was most of the boy's living expenses. She was at a loss holding the money.

"Didn't I borrow money from my sister to enroll in a private school? Let me pay it back slowly every month." Nan Youxi clasped her hands together and said sincerely, "Since I gave all the money to my sister, she will still have to support me from now on."

Angel, it’s an angel!

She is the angel who will find a way to pull herself back whenever she reaches the edge of fate! Asano Nao held the money, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

She had even forgotten about Nan Youxi borrowing money from her, but she didn't expect that their story would turn around because of this!

How much did the boy borrow? At this rate, how many months will it take to pay it back

She used her ability to calculate damage values in the game and quickly calculated. Nan Youxi would have to pay off the tuition for one year of private school for about half a year.

Only half a year

"Do you need more? There must be other places where you need money, right? If you want to learn music, how can you be without musical instruments? Now that you have musical instruments, you must also have a practice room and a recording studio! There is also money for concerts and printing albums!"

Loan manager Nao Asano enthusiastically invites Minami Yuki to do business.

"I don't need it for now. When I need it, I'll tell my sister." Nan Youxi shook her head.

"You can buy it first. You may not need it now, but you will definitely need it in the future. There are loan discounts now. Nine out of ten times you will get it back. If you borrow 10 million yen, you only need to pay back 9 million!"

"There is no such loan. I lost money directly."

"Isn't this normal? The interest rate on money deposited in a bank is sometimes negative."

"It's not that much of a debt, and there's no way I can spend all the 10 million."

"… Sister, calm down first. Forget about the mall, but what about the nightclub? However, if you want to go, I can go with you."

"I'm sorry, I don't dare."

“So decisive!”

[You gave most of your living expenses to Nao Asano to repay the private school tuition you borrowed before, thus putting yourself in a state of financial difficulty and continuing to eat at Asano's house.]

[This is a plan you made long ago. In fact, the bulk of your living expenses are spent on food. All in all, it is equivalent to you spending money to eat at Asano's house, and the loan is just a free-for-all.]

[Asano Nao didn't realize the mystery, she was ecstatic and wanted to tie you down with more debts. Under her enthusiastic sales promotion, you borrowed another sum of money to buy musical instruments.]

[Your debt has brought peace of mind to Asano Nao, and the speed of progress in her relationship with you has increased.]

Nan Youxi looked at the simulated text and sighed.

As expected, material dependence makes Asano Nao feel more at ease than emotional dependence. Because she is a NEET, Asano Nao has a sense of inferiority, which makes her deny her emotional appeal.

A woman like her who is rich, weak and beautiful can easily be targeted by bad men and become a ATM.

Fortunately, Minami Yuki is an ideal, moral and responsible man. He will not cheat Asano Nao's money like a bad man. He wants both the money and the person!

[You spend more time at Asano's house. You make the excuse that you will be complained about if you play an instrument in the apartment, so you can only practice at Asano's house.]

[Gradually, except for sleeping, you stayed at Asano's house and stayed by Asano Nao's side.]

[You study hard, practice diligently, and make rapid progress. The teacher at the private school appreciates your beauty and gives you many special treatments.]

What's the point of appreciating beauty? Shouldn't I appreciate my talent or hard work

[You found that your learning ability is very outstanding. In just one semester, you have caught up with the last students in the senior grades. You are even more popular with the private school teacher. ]

[You spent all your time on music and neglected your high school courses. One week before the final exam, you asked Chishou Kazumi to help you with your lessons. The place for the lessons was the Asano family.]

[You do this based on three considerations.]

[First, improve your test scores through tutoring. If you fail the test, your class teacher will contact your parents and you will lose your summer freedom.]

[Second, Chizumi has been taking the initiative recently. Last weekend, she even sent you a photo and asked you what kind of clothes look good on you. You want her to meet your real girlfriend and put away her evil intentions.]

[Third, Nao Asano has gotten used to your presence, and you are ready to start the second stage, introducing a few female friends to Nao Asano.]

[In order to prevent Asano Nao from being too nervous, you explained to her in advance and told her your second consideration, hoping that she would pretend to be your girlfriend and make Chishou Kazumi give up. Asano Nao agreed.]

[On the day of the make-up class, Asano Nao stayed upstairs the whole time. You sent her many messages, urging her to come down, but she just didn't dare to come down.]

[You had expected this and were not discouraged. At least, there were already people other than you entering the Asano household.]

[The study lasted for a week. Chizumi was surprised by your learning ability. She invited you to sprint to Misaki University with her. You rejected her and told her that your goal was Misaki University of Arts, the best music school in Japan.]

(End of this chapter)