Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 2: Peeping woman


I would like to not focus on studying, but you didn't give me a choice! Apart from the first two options, the rest are out of my control!

No. Nan Youxi sat up and touched her chin.

Could it be that the first two options led to the following results

He restarted the simulation.

The first text was the same as before, he quickly skipped it and looked at the first option.

Removing the fourth option, the remaining three actually represent three activity areas.

The first is school, the second is home, and the third is the street.

According to the comments, he did not notice the existence of Nao Asano, which means that he had to find Nao Asano first.

First, rule out the second one. You can’t find anyone at home.

Compared to the streets, it is more reliable to look for someone in school. Nao Asano may be a student of the same school.

He continued to choose one.

[You realize that you have 15 minutes left and are about to be late, so you simply wipe your face, put on your uniform, and run to school. You walk into the classroom as the bell rings.]

The plot is different!

Even though I chose the same option, the plot changed.

Nan Youxi picked up her phone and took a look. It was now 8:16. She didn't expect that this simulation was based on real time.

He continued to look down.

The teacher is already standing on the podium, waiting for you to sit down, and he starts to lecture. You try to listen carefully, but hunger makes it difficult for you to concentrate on studying.

[your choice…]

[1. Stealthily look at female classmates; 2. Stealthily look at male classmates; 3. Secretly play with mobile phone; 4. Free simulation]

Time not only affects the plot, but also the options!

Due to lack of time, he did not eat breakfast in the simulation, which made him hungry, and thus the option to listen carefully disappeared.

Nan Youxi looked at the panel and thought, if this simulator is a real-time simulation, strictly referring to the real world, then doesn’t it mean one thing - the simulator can predict the future

Can he predict the future through this simulator

There was no evidence for the time being, so Nan Youxi put this speculation aside and looked at the options.

Since we are looking for Nao Asano, then of course we should choose option one!

[In order to relieve hunger, you secretly glanced at the girls in your class. Did you think of Asano Nao mentioned in the dating simulator? Did Asano Nao hide among your classmates? ]

[Of course this is impossible. You are just on the edge, not lonely. You remember the names of your classmates, and Asano Nao is not among them.]

Nan Youxi was surprised. In The Sims, he actually remembered about the simulator

[You stared at Ichinose Shiori for a whole day. The girl was slender, and her long black hair made her skin look even fairer. She was the object of your previous life's unrequited love, and you thought your previous life had good taste.]

You should look for Nao Asano seriously!

[After school, you miss Ichinose Shiori's absolute domain while looking for Asano Nao. You think that maybe Asano Nao is a student from another class or another grade.]

[Compared to your previous shyness, your behavior is much bolder. You choose... ]

[1. Shout "Asano Nao, I like you!" downstairs of the teaching building; 2. Break into the teacher's office and search for Asano Nao in the student list; 3. Post on the school forum and ask for help from netizens; 4. Free simulation]

Nan Youxi's right hand rose uncontrollably, with her index finger extended, about to point to an option!

He held his right hand with his left hand.

"You can't be the one making fun of others. You are still you in The Sims!" he advised anxiously.

The right hand was persuaded and the left hand quickly pointed to three.

Although option 2, breaking into the teacher's office to check the list is the most effective approach, posting on the forum is more secure, at least you won't be caught by the teacher.

[You go home, search for a bunch of melodramatic stories on the Internet, study them carefully, and extract the essence. Then, you log in to the school forum and edit a post - "Asano Nao, if you dare to do such a thing, don't hide it!"]

[Considering Asano Nao's reputation, you didn't use your full melodramatic skills and only made up a story of love at first sight. ]

Nan Youxi looked at the text, and a scene emerged in her mind of herself sitting at the desk, typing quickly on the keyboard and editing the post.

"First of all, I'm sorry for attracting everyone with this title. I really have no other choice. Can you help me find Nao Asano? She is a thief who stole my heart."

"I was waiting for someone at the bus stop in front of the school last month. She passed by with a friend. I just looked at her and fell in love with her. She had some kind of strange poison on her body that could follow my gaze and enter my heart. She made my whole body hot, my heart beat violently, and my eyes couldn't help but stare at her."

"By the time I realized it, she was gone, but I heard her friends call her Asano Nao. Do any of you recognize this name?"

"It's been a month. I think of her when I eat, when I sleep, when I'm in class, and when I chat with friends, I even call them by their names."

"Please, help me!"

Nan Youxi shuddered, the content of the post was too corny.

[After the post was published, countless netizens were moved by your sincerity. They discussed and spread the post in the school, launching a vigorous campaign to find Nao Asano.]

[Asano Nao is not a member of the school. The movement lasted for a few days but yielded no results. The enthusiasm quickly faded.]

How can I not find it like this? Should I post it on a city forum? But a small essay on a big forum like that can't stir up a stir. Besides, in the urban age, people have very few connections with each other, so it's very difficult to find someone.

[You waited for a week, and there was no response to the post. What do you choose?]

[1. Give up; 2. Issue a wanted order on the dark web; 3. Change the investigation area; 4. Free simulation]

What the hell is issuing a wanted order!

However, this seems to be a solution. Nan Youxi touched his chin.

He raised his hand and chose three.

Although the success rate of bounties on the dark web is quite high, he does not have that much money to offer a bounty.

You can only choose three.

[You excluded the school from the investigation list.]

[If she's not from school, where else could she be from? Could she be from your hometown? You called your sister and asked her to ask your parents about the name Asano Nao. Your sister asked you what your relationship with this woman was, and you answered perfunctorily.]

[An hour later, your sister called you. She had asked everyone she knew, but no one knew Asano Nao. Your sister asked who Asano Nao was, but you failed to answer her. Facing your sister's constant questioning, you hung up the phone. Your sister was very angry.]

[Asano Nao is not from my hometown? You are confused again.]

[Your analysis: Not the school, not the hometown, so the rest is social life. But the predecessor has always been very autistic and rarely went to convenience stores. Where did he meet Asano Nao? ]

[You decide to try your luck, you choose...]

[1. Go to the police station and report that Asano Nao molested you, and use the police's power to find you; 2. Investigate the convenience stores you often go to; 3. Investigate the apartment building; 4. Free simulation]

Nan Youxi tightly grasped her right hand and said, "Hold on! Don't click option 1! This option will definitely lead to a tragic ending!"

He quickly clicked three.

[You think that the staff at the convenience store are all average looking and do not meet the high-quality female requirements of the simulator. You often go to the convenience store late at night and rarely meet other customers. You and Asano Nao probably did not meet at the convenience store.]

[You remember that there is another place you often go to, that is - the apartment building. ]

[You live in a newly built apartment building with 13 floors and 9 rooms on each floor. With so many rooms and so many residents, it is very troublesome to investigate them one by one. The most convenient and effective way is to get a list of residents from the administrator. But the administrator is unlikely to leak the residents' information. You have met that administrator, and he is not easy to get along with.]

[Giving up this solution, you found a shortcut that might lead to the answer - a survey card. A survey card is a surname card. In Japan, there is often a surname card on the door. You just need to check if there is a surname like Asano.]

[You immediately started to take action, first checking the signs on the road you often walk on, and then checking the entire building. You still found nothing, there was no sign with Asano written on it in front of any door.]

Looking at the text, Nan Youxi seemed to have really experienced the entire searching process.

At the beginning of the search, he thought victory was just around the corner and was in high spirits. After searching the door he often passed by, he found that there was no sign of Asano. His excitement disappeared and fatigue set in. After searching all the doors, his feet ached and his heart was depressed.

Nan Youxi sighed, it really wasn’t that simple.

[You didn't get discouraged. Your idea of finding the house was correct. You expanded your search and finally found the Asano family in a single-family residential area next to the apartment building.]

[The Asano family's house is a two-story wooden house. You walk around the house and find that the window at the back of the house faces the alley you must pass through every day to go to school.]

Finally found!

Nan Youxi clenched her fists, very excited. This feeling was like finally finding the solution to a puzzle game that had been stuck for a long time.

He reread the text and clicked his tongue inwardly.

"The window behind the Asano family is facing the road I have to take to go to school every day." He couldn't help laughing, "This explains why I have no memory of Asano Nao, but Asano Nao was able to know and have a crush on me."

"There is only one truth, Nao Asano is a peeping Tom!"

"She peeked at me through the window every day when I was at school, and this voyeurism even developed into unrequited love. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I don't even know her, what a perverted woman!"

He became even more excited.

"How will the plot develop next? Since he's a peeping Tom, he might develop into a stalker, and then into a coercion or kidnapper! In the simulator, I went to her house to check. Did she find anything? If she found out, would she do something extremely aggressive?"

"For example, on a dark and windy night, wearing a hooded dress, blocking me in a garbage-filled alley, holding a box cutter against my throat, and threatening me to obey her!"

"Or even further, they could ambush me on the route I often take, cover my mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked in knockout drug, and knock me unconscious. Then they could put me in a suitcase and take me home, and then lock me up in a dark basement with only one incandescent light, and vent their ugly desires on me every day!"

Just thinking about it, Nan Youxi slapped her thigh excitedly!

Although it is scary to encounter such a pervert in real life, this is a simulated scenario!

Pain is something that one can never truly empathize with. As a person who enjoys having fun, Nan Youxi is looking forward to seeing himself in the simulator fall into a situation that everyone likes.

It’s just a simulation anyway, not reality!


The smile on Nan Youxi's face gradually disappeared. He touched his face. The feeling of his fingers pressing on his face calmed him down. He rested his right hand on his chin and thought.

It seems that... the simulator simulates the real situation

In other words, in real life, there really is a perverted peeping Tom targeting me

Not good, not good, not good, big crisis!

He didn't want to have a box cutter at his throat, nor did he want to be locked in a basement with only one incandescent light bulb!

(End of this chapter)