Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 23: Intimacy should be after coming back


[You tell Nao Asano how you met in the previous Sims, and let her use this as a beginning to continue your story. ]

[Asano Nao raised many objections, the most intense of which was, how could Minami JK be related to Asano Nite. You pointed at you and her and asked her, isn't this an example?]

[Asano Nao was silent, she was still hesitating. You said you were looking forward to it, forced Asano Nao emotionally, and left Asano's house without waiting for Asano Nao to object.]

[In the following days, whenever Asano Nao mentioned the novel, you would change the subject, leaving her no chance to say no.]

[Asano Nao could only start writing.]

[Whenever you go out to school, Nao Asano is sitting at her desk, typing away on her keyboard. She writes slowly and carefully.]

[Summer has gone, winter has come, and it's time for winter vacation. Thanks to your hard work, you are among the best in the private school; with the help of Chishou Kazumi, your final exam results are also consistently in the top ten in the class. ]

[Asano Nao has finished writing the first volume of the novel. You have read it twice. The story she wrote is completely different from your previous simulation. In the story, the JK beautiful girl who came to the door is just like you in this life, accompanying the socially anxious young man and pulling him into the sunlight. ]

[Asano Nao's writing style is immature, but the characters' emotions are nuanced, and you realize once again that she is an extremely sensitive person. ]

[You helped her submit her manuscript to Dengeki Bunko, and the editor soon sent a message, and arranged to discuss it in detail after the New Year. According to the information she revealed, there will be no problem in publishing this light novel. You are happy for Asano Nao, and Asano Nao is happy for your happiness.]

[Mother and sister sent messages, repeatedly urging you to go home.]

[You found an excuse for not going back to Ino County during the summer vacation, but you can no longer avoid going back during the winter vacation. You pack your clothes, lock the door of your apartment, and take the elevator downstairs.]

[You walk through the bare bushes and trees in the courtyard of the apartment building, heading toward the Asano residence.]

[The weather is cold and windy. You wrap your scarf tightly around your shoulders, carry your suitcase, and walk to the door of Asano's house.]

[Before you pressed the doorbell, the door opened, the warmth in the house poured out, and was dispelled by the cold air. Asano Nao stood behind the door. ]

A short memory scene appears.

"I'm leaving, sister." Minami Yuki pulled down his scarf, revealing his lips that were a little white from the cold, and he smiled at Asano Nao.

"Yeah." Nao Asano lowered her head and spoke in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I will come back after the New Year. The time we've been apart may not be as long as the time we spent together for the previous sprint training!" said Nan Youxi.

Japanese high schools have three holidays, namely spring break, summer break and winter break. With more holidays, the number of days is naturally shorter. The winter break is only more than ten days.

"Yeah." Nao Asano clenched her fists and still didn't raise her head.

"Well, I'll leave now." said Nan Youxi.


"Am I really leaving?"


"Sister, aren't you going to do something? In comics, games, and light novels, when they are about to part, the heroine always gives a hug, a kiss, or even keeps the hero for a night, leaving behind the fruit of their love, right?"

At Minami Yuki's teasing, Asano Nao's face immediately turned red, but she still didn't say anything.

"If my sister doesn't bring it to me, I'll take it myself!"

Minami Yuxi let go of the suitcase, and with big steps and extraordinary momentum, he approached Asano Nao.

He took off his gloves and stroked Asano Nao's face.

The gloves were thick, and his warm palms touched Nao Asano's cheek, which was chilled by the cold air outside the door.

Nao Asano instinctively took a half step back, but she quickly stopped the movement with her own will.

She leaned forward and closed her eyes.

However, the feeling on her lips was not what she expected.

She opened her eyes and saw Minami Yuki's fingers pressing on her lips.

Asano Nao's face flushed red. She lowered her head. A feeling of bitterness filled her chest and her eyes became numb.

She felt wronged. She was sad about the boy's departure, and he was still thinking of teasing her.

At this time, the finger that was touching her lips moved down and rested on her chin.

Minami Yuxi squatted down and put her cheek close to Asano Nao. The face did not stop, and the boy's slightly cold lips touched her cheek.

"The remaining services can only be unlocked after I come back. Otherwise, it will be too much like the flag in the story. I don't want to miss my sister when I come back."

Minami Yuxi hugged Asano Nao in her arms and put her lips close to Asano Nao's crystal-like earlobe.

His too close body, his gentle words, and his breath all fascinated Nao Asano.

She suddenly realized something.

The boy deliberately aroused her sexual desire, but deliberately did not satisfy her. Was it really just to tease her

She raised her hand, hesitated for a moment, and placed it on the boy's back.

"It won't disappear," she said.

"If you miss me, just call me via video, or I'll take the train to see you in the morning and go back in the evening. Don't let yourself get depressed." Nan Youxi said again.

"Yeah." Nao Asano responded lightly.

She was not wearing gloves, and the cold wind that came in through the open door chilled her palms. She raised her arms and put her hands under Nan Youxi's hood to warm them up.

[When we were about to leave, Asano Nao felt your feelings for her, and your relationship improved. ]

[She walked out of the house, sent you to the roadside, and waved goodbye to you.]

[On the train back to Ino County, you kept thinking about the scene of your separation. You were a little anxious and wanted the train to turn around and take you back to her.]

[You called Nao Asano. Her long black hair, rippling eyes, and soft voice like snow made you feel at ease. At this moment, it was not she who was longing for you, but you who was longing for her.]

Looking at the words on the panel, Nan Youxi rolled over and left the sunlight to the shade by the wall.

The simulation transmitted a short video, and the emotions contained in it made his body hot.

[You kept talking to her until the train arrived.]

[When you returned home, you talked to your parents about your studies and told them that you wanted to pursue a career in music.]

[Your sister is very happy and encourages you to become a singer; your mother is a little worried. She looks at you and then at her husband, but does not comment.]

[Your father asked you to wait for a while. He called and asked a friend in the music industry. After learning more about you, he asked you some questions. You answered them seriously and showed him your private school transcript. He agreed with your life plan.]

[You stayed at home for five days, and on the third day after the New Year, you boarded the train back home. You didn't tell your parents about Nao Asano, because you didn't want to put pressure on her.]

[After you reunited, you kissed.]

Nan Youxi applauded in her heart. It wasn’t easy. The relationship had finally progressed to this point!

Not sure what this feels like, want to try it with free simulation

He was very excited.

But no, free simulation should be used for more important parts!

He stopped the simulation and stood up from the bed.

It's past eleven o'clock, time to go to Asano's house for lunch.

The title of the book has been changed to "Love After Simulation". I would like to thank the book friend "I'm sleepy so I'm going to sleep" for recommending the title. It is a very fresh and simple title, much more literary than what I thought. I would also like to thank other book friends for their suggestions.

(End of this chapter)