Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 24: I prefer wifey greetings


When she opened the door, the dazzling sunlight shone down from above. Nan Youxi drew a curtain with her hand to give her eyes time to adjust.

Walking from the corridor to the elevator, everything on the way was the same as it was a few hours ago, but Nan Youxi felt a little nostalgic. He had spent a long time in the Sims.

The elevator door opened, and there was already a mother and daughter inside. The mother was standing and the daughter was sitting in a wheelchair. They were both wearing a white dress and a white mask, so their faces could not be seen clearly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the daughter raised her head and glanced at Nan Youxi.

"Hello." Mother greeted Nan Youxi.

"Good afternoon." Nan Youxi nodded in response.

They didn't know each other, and the greeting was just a courtesy between neighbors.

The elevator stopped at the first floor. Minami Yuki stepped aside to let the two of them go out first. Her mother thanked them and pushed the wheelchair out. They stopped by the door and her mother held up a parasol for her daughter. Minami Yuki walked past them, left the apartment first, and quickly headed for Asano's house.

This short distance of a few hundred meters made Nan Youxi feel a little anxious.

He has not yet been able to pull himself out of the simulation, and at this moment, influenced by the simulated memory, he can't help but have more feelings for Nao Asano.

By the time he reached Asano's house and rang the doorbell, he had basically recovered.

Nao Asano opened the door a crack, her eyes cautious, careful, and timid, as if there was a ferocious beast outside, and if the door was opened too wide, the beast would discover it and break in.

Nan Youxi walked in and changed into slippers.

"The meal is ready. If there is anything that doesn't suit your taste, please let me know." Nao Asano led Minami Yuki to the dining table, pulled out a chair, and invited him to sit down.

Her overly polite words and actions made Minami Yuki laugh. Listening to the stiff lines, Asano Nao must have practiced this paragraph many times.

Her polite action probably had another purpose, which was to let Nan Youxi sit down directly without having time to close the curtains in the living room.

How could Nan Youxi do as she wished? She turned around, opened the curtains, and pushed open the windows, letting in fresh sunlight and air, along with the scenery.

Sitting on the chair, Minami Yuki looked at Asano Nao and said, "Sister, are you going to be a receptionist?"

"No, no." Nao Asano stood up straight nervously.

Before Nan Youxi came, she rehearsed the conversation, but the boy's first sentence went beyond the plan.

"I'd rather be greeted like a wife when I enter the door than by a receptionist!" Nan Youxi teased her.

Wife, wife!

Asano Nao's heart ached. What did his wife mean? Was she hinting at something

Before she could figure it out, Nan Youxi picked up the chopsticks and said, "I'm going to start eating. Sister, please sit down quickly."

Asano Nao was distracted by Minami Yuki, so she held the bowl and secretly glanced at the boy.

The boy ate very quickly, and in a short while, half of the bowl of rice was gone.

Is this the speed of a boy? Asano Nao also speeded up her eating speed, swallowing the rice in big mouthfuls. She wanted to finish it with Minami Yuki.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

She choked, covered her mouth, and started coughing violently. It was polite to finish the meal together, but coughing loudly was absolutely impolite.

Maybe because she coughed too hard, her eyes were a little wet. She was always like this, problems occurred at critical moments.

At this time, a hand touched her back and patted her on the back.

"You don't have to try to catch up with me. I just want to finish eating quickly." Nan Youxi was about to laugh at her, but when she saw her painful expression, she couldn't help but feel pity for her.

He wondered, would his story with her be able to go smoothly in this simulation

His hand continued to pat Asano Nao's back, raised it and swung it down, but missed.

The chair was empty; Nao Asano had already run away.

Nan Youxi saw that she bent over, maintained a coughing posture, walked quickly to the living room, and squatted behind the sofa.

If Minami Yuxi didn't know her personality well and hadn't seen the blush on her face, she would have thought that Asano Nao was afraid of his closeness.

He had simulated it so many times that he forgot that in reality, he and Nao Asano had only known each other for less than a day.

The act of getting too close will scare this timid rabbit.

The fact that Nao Asano did not run upstairs and hide in the room at this moment has already proved her love for Minami Yuki.

"My sister would use my photo to do something so intimate, but she is so cold to me in person." Minami Yuki sighed and teased her. It was clearly his fault, but he pushed the blame on Asano Nao.

Behind the sofa, Nao Asano steadily caught the pot. She hugged her head and felt guilty.

Why does Yuuki-chan know about that

No, it's the latter part that's important! The former part is insignificant compared to the latter part!

It's over. Yuuki-chan thought I was cold to him. What should I do? How can I make up for it

Asano Nao was in a state of confusion.

What if Yuuki-chan gets sad? What if she leaves her after getting sad

She felt she had committed a heinous crime.

At the dining table, Nan Youxi sat down again and continued eating.

He was ready to let time ease the atmosphere, but he saw Asano Nao get up from the sofa, walk to the dining table and sit down. She bent her waist, coughed three times, looked up at Nan Youxi, and lowered her head to cough again.

This cough is all technique, no emotion.

Minami Yuki understood what she meant and lamented Asano Nao's clumsiness and seriousness. In order to prove that she was not indifferent, she wanted to replay the scene just now.

He followed Nao Asano's instructions, walked behind her and patted her back gently.

Haruhi's clothes were thin, and through her sportswear, Minami Yuki could feel Asano Nao's smooth skin.

At the first two times, Nao Asano tensed her muscles, but she slowly relaxed.

What have I done? She thought about her actions and wanted to hide in the kitchen trash can.

Minami Yuki's palm continued to slap, and Asano Nao's shyness gradually faded. Through her clothes, she could feel the boy's large and strong palm. The temperature of the boy's palm was higher than that of his fingers, and the touch of his fingers was lighter. His fingertips touched her back and scratched her clothes, bringing a tingling sensation.

When Nan Youxi stopped, she felt extremely regretful.

Is it over in just such a short time? Try harder!

The boy sat back in his chair and picked up his chopsticks. "If you continue, you'll have to pay. One hundred thousand yuan an hour."

Nao Asano calculated her savings and found that she could cover them for several years!

But, that's just a joke.

It’s decided, for tonight’s bedtime side dish, I’m going to fantasize about this setting!

After finishing lunch, Nan Youxi put down her bowl and chopsticks: "The dishes my sister cooks are all delicious."

This compliment made Nao Asano's heart surge. She carefully considered her words, hoping to give Minami Yuki an elegant response and express her feelings.

But while she was considering her words, Nan Youxi had already started the next topic.

"I'll lie on the sofa for a while and suggest that my sister use her eyes to spy. If she uses a camera, she will be punished if I find out."

After saying that, he lay down on the sofa in Asano's house.

After eating and drinking, and feeling too lazy to get up, I’ll continue the simulation at Asano’s house!

This time is just right to correct Asano Nao. Asano Nao wanted to peek without punishment, so she could only stay in the living room with the curtains and windows open.

(End of this chapter)