Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 29: Chishou Ichimi leaves


[Chishou Kazumi took out some beer and shared it with you. The drunkenness gave her strength and courage. She wanted to confess to you again, but you stopped her before she could open her mouth.]

[You pick her up and walk towards the guest room upstairs. On the stairs, Chishou Kazumi's fingers that were holding your wrist loosen.]

[After covering Chizumi with a blanket, you go back downstairs and pick up Asano Nao. ]

[Her body was stiff and her eyebrows were trembling slightly. You know, she saw what just happened.]

[You didn't expose her, but carried her upstairs to the bedroom, helped her take off her sweater, and covered her with a blanket. Before you left, Asano Nao grabbed your wrist.]

[You turned around and saw Asano Nao with her eyes open, looking at you with a shy look, and underneath this look, there was also uneasiness and anxiety. Asano Nao's bed was a single bed, and you carried her to the master bedroom downstairs.]

[After the lovemaking, you and her soak in the bathtub together, looking at the snow outside through the gaps in the blinds.]

[Pure white snowflakes drift under the dim street lights, reflecting dots of yellow, like spring butterflies dancing at dusk.]

Nan Youxi looked at the simulated text and couldn't help but smile. It finally came to this.

It's just a pity for Chiju Kazumi, who failed to get into Misaki University and was stopped before she could confess her love. She also contributed to the deepening of the relationship between the person she liked and his girlfriend.

Was he thinking of the real Chiju Kazumi, the girl who sat diagonally across from him in class

He put away his scattered thoughts and continued to look at the simulation panel. How would his relationship with Asano Nao develop, and what would happen to Chishou Kazumi

In addition, there is another major issue to consider.

Want to use free simulation

He had tried to strongly request the simulator to provide the memory scene, but the simulator did not respond, so it seemed impossible.

Well, if you want to experience this text, you can only use free simulation.

The sun in the sky had already set to the height of the window, and the sunlight pierced Nan Youxi's eyes. He placed the back of his hand on his forehead, and the shadow of his hand covered his eyes.

It is better to save the number of free simulations for now. If things go well later, you will have many such opportunities. If problems arise later, you may have to use free simulations to save the situation.

On the simulator, the text continues to appear.

[In order not to irritate the shy Asano Nao, you tried to restrain your movements and gaze and not to tease her, but Asano Nao, who had never experienced this before, was still very nervous and ran back with a red face.]

[You continue to soak for a while, then stand up and put on your bathrobe. ]

[Hearing your footsteps into the bedroom, Asano Nao hurriedly covered her head with the quilt and pretended to be asleep. ]

[You hold her waist and tell her your love.]

[In the morning, the sun shines through the curtains onto your face. You open your eyes, and your arms are empty. Asano Nao is not by your side.]

Memory scenes appear.

The tenderness of last night still remained on the fingertips, arms, and the surface of the skin, but there was no sign of Nao Asano in his arms, which made Minami Youxi feel panic. He lifted the quilt, stepped barefoot on the slightly cool floor, and walked quickly into the living room.

Nao Asano is wearing an apron and preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

When she heard footsteps and saw a familiar figure appear at the edge of her field of vision, Nao Asano lowered her head shyly and didn't look at him.

"Morning," she greeted the pan.

Minami Yuxi walked into the kitchen, and the coldness of the kitchen floor tiles invaded his body through the soles of his feet. He hugged Asano Nao, and the warmth from his lover's body dispelled the coldness.

"Wait, I'm frying eggs." Nao Asano blushed and protested in a low voice.

"Let's fry it with our love."

"No matter how hard you try, you can't do it."

"I believe in my sister."

"It's no use trusting me."

There was only a bathrobe on his arm.

"Why did you come out without clothes on?" She pried Nan Youxi's arms apart, turned around, and looked at the boy who was only wearing a thin bathrobe. The boy's white feet stepped on the light blue floor tiles, and the exposed blue veins looked like patterns.

"You're not even wearing shoes!" she was shocked.

"It's all my sister's fault. When I woke up in the morning, I couldn't see my sister. I didn't even have time to change my clothes. I didn't even have time to put on my shoes before I came out to look for my sister."

The boy's undisguised sincere words made Nao Asano's cheeks hot, and the boy's uncharacteristic dependence made Nao Asano extremely shy. She took off her apron and wanted to give her cotton slippers and coat to Minami Yuki.

"No need, I'll be warm just holding my sister." Nan Youxi hugged her again and sneezed.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes!" Nao Asano broke free.

She turned off the stove and pushed Nan Youxi back to the bedroom. The heat from the air conditioner made them both feel warm.

Pushing Minami Yuki into the bed, Asano Nao said, "Sleep a little longer. I'll call you when breakfast is ready."


Minami Yuxi nodded. The way he stared at Nao Asano, the smile on his face, and his lazy expression, all touched Nao Asano's heartstrings and made her heart beat faster.

She turned to leave, and a hand grasped her wrist.

This scene looks strangely familiar.

On the second-floor windowsill, sparrows chirped, making Chishou Yimei feel uneasy.

She couldn't sleep all night, and the scenes of last night kept replaying in her mind.

She felt shy and guilty, she actually wanted to confess to her friend's boyfriend!

Fortunately, Nan Youxi stopped her in time and prevented her from making such a mistake.

But how should she face Minami Yuki and Asano Nao now

After dawn, she kept worrying about this matter.

It would be better to just confess your feelings, break up the relationship, and never have any contact with each other again!

She sat up, searched her coat pocket, and took off the love amulet hanging on her key. The red amulet lay in her palm, and the words embroidered with golden silk seemed to glow in the sun.

She suddenly grasped the amulet in her palm, walked quickly to the window with great momentum, opened the window, and threw the amulet at the chirping sparrows on the telephone pole.

The red amulet fell on the gray concrete road, scaring the sparrows away. She put on her coat, opened the door and went downstairs.

Isn't it just a drunken behavior? What's there to worry about? You can do anything when you are drunk!

She walked down the stairs with steady steps.

She had already made a plan in her mind, and she started to play dumb when she saw Nan Youxi. She was not who she is now last night, and she knew nothing now!

She went to the living room and did not see Minami Yuki or Asano Nao. In the kitchen, a half-fried egg lay quietly at the bottom of the black pan.

She had a premonition in her heart, and following the premonition, she came to the door of the master bedroom.

She heard a voice inside.

[You find Asano Nao and be affectionate with her. When you come out, Chiju Kazumi has already left. ]

[For a whole month, Chishou Kazumi did not show up, nor did she respond to messages. ]

[You were a little worried, and after weighing the pros and cons for a long time, you didn't go to find her. Asano Nao was depressed, and you were by her side to comfort her. ]

(End of this chapter)