Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 375: Extra Snow, Reina, and Mayu


[Dating Simulator]

[Bound player: Nan Youxi]

[Number of simulations remaining: ∞]

[Possible objects to simulate: Minami Maika/Ruri/Kobato, Minami Kokoa, Minami Nao, Minami Yuko, Minami Reina, Minami Mizuki, Minami Mayu, Minami Shizu, Minami Kazumi, Minami Shiori]

[[Minami Reina] has been selected, do you want to load the Sims you have experienced?]

[Simulation starts]

[Loading time: before the warm period]

[Because the node is too vague, a day in this time period will be randomly selected as the scene for you]

[Previous story: Reina's surgery was successful, you lived together for two years, and finally when you reached the legal age, you held a grand wedding. ]

[Considering Reina's health, you allowed the girl to throw away her utensils after marriage, and never really discussed with her the final birth of life, which made Reina a little frustrated.]

[Moyu's parents are busy with work, so you often bring the girl home. Reina likes her very much and treats her as her own daughter. ]

[The smart girl saw through Reina's heart and called her mother in private. ]

[Moyu's comfort illuminates Reina's heart, but this light sprinkled from the side can't illuminate every corner after all, and Reina can't treat Moyu as a mother after all. ]

[This little sadness turned into a small cloud, floating in the sky of Reina's heart, and from time to time, a small shadow passed over the lake of her heart. ]

[Half a year ago, you and Reina agreed to go to the Sora no Ike to see the snow together. This place name was already in Reina's mind, and she was surprised that you actually remembered it.]

[In mid-November, you finished a job and Reina took a vacation. According to the plan, this should be a date for the two of you.]

[Before leaving, Reina couldn't bear Mayu's loneliness, so she asked for leave from the girl's kindergarten and took her with her.]

[On this day, you have been in Yoshida Town for two days. The sky is clear and there is no sign of snow for the time being. ]

The sun shone through the gauze curtains, leaped over the lounge chair littered with clothes, and lazily lay on Reina's back and fell asleep. Half of the room was covered with its paw prints.

Nan Youxi reached out and put his arm around his wife's shoulders.

The sunlight on the back of my palm is warm and fluffy, like a playful cat, and the skin on the palm is cool and smooth, like a dish of fragrant milk.

He therefore thought that it was inevitable that the sunlight would stop at Rena's back.

He thought again, this was his breakfast and he couldn't let this wild cat take it away.

The touch on her back startled Reina, and she stood up by supporting herself on the bed, looking shyly at her naughty husband.

"What are you doing!" She blushed.

"We're holding a big eating competition." Nan Youxi answered seriously.

Reina didn't understand what her husband meant, but she could hear the possessive love in his words. She gently put her arms around her husband's neck and held him in her arms.

Minami Yuki was surprised at Reina's initiative. This action was not surprising when done by Mitsuki, Kokae, and Mayu, but it was unexpected when done by the demure Princess.

The doubt only lasted for a second in his mind. One second was a long time, and any more would have been disrespectful to his wife.

"Moyu is next door."

"It doesn't matter. Children are sleepy."

After strolling around the town all day yesterday, Moyu was indeed very tired. She slept until noon, then she half-heartedly lifted the quilt, went to the bathroom instinctively, and then ran to the master bedroom instinctively.

The door of the master bedroom was not locked. The two men were startled and looked anxiously at the girl with disheveled hair, squinting eyes, and staggering towards the bed.

The girl climbed into bed, resting her head on the pillow, and her eyes closed again.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"I should have locked the door last night." Minami Yuxi whispered in Reina's ear.

"I went to see Mayu in the middle of the night and forgot to lock the door." Reina said shyly.

After a few tender moments, Nan Youxi kissed her lips, then kissed Moyu's forehead, and went to the bathroom on the first floor to wash up.

Reina should have followed, but just as she sat up, a sour feeling enveloped her body and she lay down again.

Turning her head, she looked at Mayu beside her.

Mayu was also looking at her.

The girl got into her arms, put her slightly cold face on her belly, and asked, "When will my sister be born?"

The girl's words were so natural, and there was a hint of laziness from just waking up, that for a moment Rena thought it was a greeting like "good morning".

When she finally realized what the girl said and thought about what had just happened, her face, which had not yet cooled down, turned red again.

She pulled the girl in her arms and gently scratched her little nose: "Bad Moyou."

"Hehe." Mayu smiled wickedly and rested her forehead on Reina's shoulder, "What should I call my little sister?"

"No sister!"

"But the book says..."

"You can't read that kind of book!"

"What a conservative mother!"

Reina stroked Mayu's hair. The sunlight shone on the black hair, and a fragrance floated into her nostrils.

"You can't have a sister after what you did just now," she said.

"Why?" Mayu raised her head and looked at Reina in confusion.

Reina didn't answer and changed the subject: "Because my mother's health is not good, I can't have a younger sister."

"But mom wants a sister, right?"

"Just like Mayu doesn't want to go to school, some things can't just be thought about."

"Mom can just ask Yuuki for help."

"Hmm." Reina stroked her belly with her palm.

Before Mayu was born, she had talked about having a child many times, but each time her husband declined, citing her health as the reason.

He said, wait a minute, wait a minute.

The doctor also kept saying that it was not recommended for her to add any burden to her body.

Could she wait until that day? Should she make that request again

Hugging Moyu, she felt a little lonely.

"When are you going to ask for help?" Moyu asked.

"Maybe after a while." Reina pinched the girl's face and smiled.

She also has Moyu.

"Hmm! That sounds so perfunctory! Set an exact time!"

Reina was speechless. She turned her head and looked at the golden wheel outside the window: "Then wait for the snow to fall in the Sky Pond."

"Pin pinky!" Mayu raised her little finger.

"Hand in hand! A liar swallows a thousand needles."

Reina hooked her fingers around the girl's slender fingers. Her originally hesitant heart and perfunctory words became serious as she talked with the girl.

She wondered, when the snow fell in the Sky Pond, would Yuki agree

"Moyu, do you like your sister very much?" She lowered her head and put her forehead against the girl's.

"A little bit."

"Just a little bit?" Reina was surprised.

She thought the girl envied other people's sisters, so she cared about this.

"There are two students in the class who have sisters. One likes her sister, and the other doesn't."

Reina stopped talking. She thought about what the girl had just said and hugged her a little tighter.

The girl's body was soft and warm.

"What are you talking about?" Nan Youxi walked in wrapped in a yukata.

He lifted Mayu onto his lap, ruffling the girl's hair before turning to look at his wife on the bed.

"We're talking about when it will snow." Reina held Mayu's feet and said with a smile.

According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny for the next week, and snow will fall on the eighth day.

But when Minami Yuuki, Reina, and Mayu finished their seven-day sunny stroll in the town, the snow on the eighth day had not yet fallen.

On the lounge chair by the windowsill, Minami Yuxi held Reina and looked up at the sky.

The scorching sun dispelled the dark clouds of hope and savagely continued its era. The sunlight shone through the glass windows and sprinkled on the orange blanket.

Reina took out her cell phone and turned on the weather. The snow icon disappeared and a fiery red sun appeared on the screen, like the smug smile of a scammer.

"It's normal to snow in December." Minami Yuxi comforted Reina in her arms.

His fingers under the blanket circled his wife's delicate shoulders, watching her curl up in itchiness and shame.

Holding down Yuki's naughty hand, Reina's depression was evaporated by the heat of her body.

It wouldn't matter if I waited a few more days, she thought.


Mayu ran back from the door, and Reina quickly curled up her whole body in the blanket and pushed away Minami Youxi's hand.

"What's wrong?" Nan Youxi turned to the girl.

"The clouds have dispersed." Moyu climbed onto the recliner, lay down next to Nan Youxi, and sighed deeply.

"It's not December yet." Nan Youxi nodded her little head.

"I want it faster," the girl muttered.

Reina moved to the right, and the girl put her face on Minami Yuki's left breast. Lowering her eyes, Minami Yuki saw her fluttering eyelashes, casting a faint shadow on her bright eyes.

"Do you want to go to the shrine?" he asked Reina and Mayu.

"Yes!" they both said.

The shrine is on a mountain at the edge of the town. The mountain is neither high nor low. Mayu insisted on walking the whole way devoutly by herself and refused Minami Youxi's hug. They walked and rested, and half an hour later, they stepped into the torii gate.

The crisp sound of the rope bell lingered around, scattered in the breeze, and drifted up to the sky.

Mayu hopes it will snow soon.

Reina hopes Yuuki will agree.

Yuuki hoped that she would be able to find some free time when she returned to continue the unfinished work in the blanket.

Only Yuuki's wish was easily fulfilled.

In mid-December, there was a light snow at night. Reina and Mayu were lying on the recliners in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, wrapped in a white blanket, looking out the window excitedly.

The snow stopped in the second half of the night.

The rising sun easily melted the snow on the ground. By the afternoon, there was no trace of snow except a thin layer hidden in the grass and shadows.

With so little snow, the beautiful scenery of Sky Pond cannot be created.

Minami Yuki used the leftover snow she collected to build a small snowman, hoping to please Mayu and Reina, but the effect was minimal.

Snow will definitely fall in Yoshida-cho, it’s just a matter of sooner or later, but the time represented by sooner or later is the biggest problem.

The three of them were all feeling uneasy. There were still more than ten days until the new year. Unlike the dispensable New Year's Day in China, January 1st was the New Year in Japan and was the most important holiday.

Their families are waiting for them, and they must return before the New Year. Will the snow fall before then

Mayu made snow dolls and hung them on the windowsills of the villa, praying for the arrival of snow.

On December 27th, the temperature dropped significantly and the sun's rays were weak, like an old man struggling to survive.

According to the weather forecast, there is a high probability of snow on the 28th and 29th.

There was no snow on the morning of the 28th.

Minami Yuuki and Reina started packing their luggage.

"Why do we have to go back now? It will snow tomorrow!" Moyu hugged Nan Youxi's legs.

Reina closed the suitcase and pulled the girl into her arms: "There is no way to travel on the day it snows or the next day. We have to wait until the snow is shoveled, so we have to go back two days in advance."

"Then let's wait until the snow stops before going back. Although we will miss the New Year, my sister and the uncles and aunts will definitely not mind!"

"The Sky Pond is right here, come back next year." Reina comforted the girl, "Besides, Mayu's parents will come back this year, right? If you miss it this time, you don't know when you can celebrate the New Year with them next time!"

The girl lowered her head and leaned in Reina's arms. Her petite shoulders trembled slightly, and Reina could hear her sobbing softly.

Patting the girl's back gently, Reina knew that Mayu was not concerned about Xue, but about their agreement.

"Let's wait until tomorrow." Minami Yuxi ruffled Mayu's hair. "If it's snowing and hard to walk, please ask Shiori to think of a solution."

"Really?" Mayu turned her head and looked at Minami Yuki quietly, "Sister Shiori will nag me severely!"

"Then give Moyu to her as compensation." Nan Youxi pinched the girl's cheek.

"No, I want to be with Yuki and Reina." Mayu hugged Reina's waist tightly.

She was happy about the possibility of fulfilling the agreement, but also worried about whether the snow would fall.

"Go to the window and wait until night! If it doesn't snow at night, get up early and go back."

"Yeah! I'll go watch it!"

The girl ran out of the room and went to the living room to monitor the gloomy sky.

Minami Yuxi sat down next to Reina and put her arms around her soft waist: "What's wrong with Moyu? Why are you so obsessed with the snow?"

Reina avoided her husband's gaze, feeling guilty that she was so indecisive that she caused a five-year-old girl to worry.

She thought that she should also work harder.

She pushed Nan Youxi's arm away, moved to the side, and stretched her legs.

Holding the two cloud-like feet, Nan Youxi's fingers ran over the ten tender hills, gently stroking the elegant curve of the arch of the foot, and tracing the onion-green lines.

Reina and Yuko's feet are his favorites. Unlike Yuko who always asks for whatever she wants, Reina always dodges.

He played with it with delight.

"How about calling our daughter Moxia?" Reina asked, pulling her foot back.

So despicable!

Minami Yuki had long thought of having a daughter, and to this day, Reina's health is no longer a problem.

"One day." He took the opportunity to propose a condition.


Outside the window, the light gradually faded, and darkness enveloped this northern town. In the shadow of the night, snowflakes floated and fluttered, lightly walking across the roofs, lakes and treetops.

"It's snowing heavily!" Moyu rushed into the master bedroom excitedly.

Thanks to book friend Matsutō Rin-ei for giving Reina the silver moe. This is an extra update.

(End of this chapter)

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