Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 50: A friend being threatened


[Asano Nao feels happy to meet you again, but at the same time, she also feels sad.]

[She was worried that you would ask her about her sudden departure, about Yiyuan Miyu's existence, about her experiences and emotions over the years, and pull her back to the past, back to the state of talking about marriage and the future.]

[Her worries were completely unnecessary. You didn't ask her anything, nor did you mention your present and future. You just took her from the house to your home when you needed her or when Yiyuan Miyu asked you to. You didn't let her live with you, nor did you get tired of her.]

[Asano Nao felt flustered at first, but after getting used to it, she felt that this kind of life was not bad. She felt that you had no expectations of her, which made her feel much more relaxed. If you could marry another woman, she would be even more relaxed.]

"… "

So you are this kind of woman!

Nan Youxi couldn't help himself when he read this, he opened the panel of the simulator and pinched his nose.

His previous joking guess was correct. Nao Asano was not suitable to be a wife, but was suitable to be a lover.

A wife needs to bear the expectations of her husband and the burden of the family, and Asano Nao is unwilling and unable to bear these emotional pressures. In contrast to a wife, a lover has no material security, but has less emotional burdens.

In other words, Nao Asano is a scumbag who only wants to have fun and doesn't want to take responsibility!

Nan Youxi thought again about Asano Nao before she left without saying goodbye. Yes, when she behaved abnormally, their relationship had progressed to the point of talking about marriage!

Before enrolling in university, Minami Yuki said that he wanted to introduce his parents and sister to Asano Nao. Asano Nao's sudden refusal made him unable to understand at the time, but now, everything is clear!

I never thought that you, who dress simply and have extreme social anxiety, are actually such a woman inside!

Nan Youxi hugged himself tightly. Haruhi's bed was warm, but his heart was cold.

For the first time, I came to this strange world and had a sister I admired. The two joys overlapped with each other. I should have had a dream-like time, but I didn’t expect that the sister turned out to be such an irresponsible woman!

However, it seems that there is a solution. After all, Asano Nao does not want to take responsibility, but is just afraid of pressure.

Nan Youxi touched his chin, and many ways to deal with Asano Nao popped up in his mind. He believed that he had also thought of these methods in the Sims.

He continued to look at the simulation panel.

[This continued until Miu started school. Asano Nao changed. She no longer rushed home. She would stay in the house, tidy up your room, and help you prepare meals for the day.]

[You are pleased about this, but Yiyuan Miyu is quite dissatisfied. The girl is a little dissatisfied with her mother taking her job away, and the mother and daughter secretly compete with each other. ]

[You will mediate and assign the residential area affairs to Asano Nao, and the store affairs to Iori Miu. You will teach Miu how to stock the goods and let her be the store's poster girl.]

[Asano Nao's condition has gradually stabilized. You think it's time to take care of your daughter's life and at least let her find a friend of the same age.]

[Before you take action, during piano practice one day, Yiyuan Miyu happily tells you that she successfully coerced a girl of the same age.]

Memory scenes emerge.

In the white practice room, Yiyuan Meiyu walked to the piano and sat on the piano stool. The stool was a little short for her, and her hands could not be placed naturally on the keys.

"Uncle!" She turned to look at Nan Youxi and patted the piano stool.

Nan Youxi picked her up, sat on the piano bench first, and then put the girl on her lap.

"Didn't I buy a high stool for you?" Nan Youxi pinched her little face.

"No, uncle is more comfortable sitting down." Yiyuan Miyu pushed Nan Youxi's hand away. She straightened her waist, raised her snow-white neck, and stroked the black and white piano keys with her slender hands.

A playful tune popped out from under her fingers.

The girl lowered her eyes, looked serious, and pursed her lips to hide a faint smile. Her movements were elegant and noble, pleasing to the eye. Nan Youxi had never heard of the tune she played, but judging from the speed of the tune and the span of the keys, it was not easy.

"How is it?" The girl stopped and looked up and asked Nan Youxi.

"Yes, what song is this?"

"I don't know either. I heard it from Rika's game."

"Rika?" Nan Youxi was surprised to suddenly hear an unfamiliar name.

"It's Yuda Rika, a girl in the same class as me." Yiyuan Miyu said indifferently. She played the next song, which was the one that Minami Youxi taught her yesterday.

Nan Youxi couldn't wait for the girl to finish playing and asked, "You actually have friends of the same age?"

These days, he was thinking about how to trick the girl into finding a friend of the same age, but he didn't expect that the girl actually caught one herself.

"I originally didn't want to play with those childish girls, but I was a bit bored at school, so I asked Rika to play with me." Yiyuan Miyuu's hands kept moving, doing two things at once.

Nan Youxi was even more surprised when she heard this. A girl who was so withdrawn before and could only make up non-existent friends, now found friends so easily? Was it really as easy as she said

"How did you get her to play with you?" Nan Youxi asked.

Yiyuan Miyu was playing a melodious tune, and Nan Youxi's mind had already emerged with a plot of two lonely people being attracted to each other, or a scene where a person accidentally got involved with a marginal person.

The girl told him the truth: "Rika is the girl who accepted snacks from my grandmother but didn't want to play with me. I asked my grandmother to continue giving her snacks, and then used this as a handle to blackmail her. I told her that if she didn't listen to me, I would expose her as a snack scammer!"

Nan Youxi was shocked by the girl's actions. I have thought of more than 100,000 words of sincere friendship for you, and you told me that you forced the other person to become your friend

You are just an elementary school student, and you actually did something that tested the edge of morality and law!

This is really, really...

"That's great!" Nan Youxi put her hand on the girl's shoulder, very pleased, "She is worthy of being my girlfriend's daughter!"

Yiyuan Miyu's performance was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and gave Minami Yuki a smug smile. The father and daughter were having a great time.

"I think there might be something wrong." Audience member Nao Asano raised her hand.

"Don't listen to her, she doesn't have any friends." Nan Youxi directly deprived her of the right to speak.

Yiyuan Miyu nodded and made a face at her mother.

Nao Asano huddled in the corner, feeling that she was a victim of domestic violence.

"But," Nan Youxi looked at the girl, "you also know that you can't just rely on coercion, right?"

"I know," Yiyuan Miyu continued to play the piano, "I noticed Rika's expression, she was quite happy. Recently, she came to me without me forcing her. These days, she even wanted to play with me after school. How can I have the time!"

The girl took the opportunity to confide her troubles to Nan Youxi: "After I rejected her, she still looked pitiful. It's so annoying. How about I just break up with her?"

Listening to her daughter's irresponsible speech, Nan Youxi shook her head: "I often encounter this kind of thing. Talk to her openly. You can also accompany her for a while after school. In short, you can't just break up with her because of a little trouble."

"Okay." Yiyuan Miyu agreed.

(End of this chapter)