Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 56: It's time to start a new round of simulation!


"I'm not familiar with Senior Ibuki, so I don't know much about her." Chishou Kazumi hesitated for a moment and decided to tell her everything she knew.

"So, you know something about her?" Nan Youxi was a little surprised.

He just asked casually, trying his luck and finding a topic to chat with Chizumi. Unexpectedly, his luck was good, Chizumi actually knew about Ibuki Yuko.

Chishou Kazumi looked at him. The joy in the boy's words was like a biting cold wind in winter, blowing out the fire that had ignited in her chest because of the boy's arrival.

"I was in the same junior high school as Ibuki-senpai. At that time... she was more famous." Chishou Kazumi clasped her hands together on the table and spoke slowly.

Junior high school generally refers to junior high school.

"Famous?" Nan Youxi thought, with Ibuki Yuko's appearance, it is normal for her to be famous, but seeing the hesitation that flashed across Chiju Kazumi's face, this fame did not seem to have a good meaning.

"Ibuki-senpai is very cute. Both teachers and classmates, male and female classmates, pay a lot of attention to her. Everyone thinks she is a weird person because her outfit is always changing."

Chishou Kazumi thought back for a while and gave examples: "Sometimes she wore glasses, sometimes she shaved her hair short, sometimes she dyed her hair, sometimes she had a lot of cute dolls hanging on her schoolbag, sometimes she wore a gauze eye patch even though she was not injured... Her changes were always sudden and without signs, and she would return to her normal state after a while. In addition, she had no friends and was indifferent to everyone, so no one could understand her."

A sudden change of dress? Minami Yuki thought of the time she saw Ibuki Yuko last week, when she was sitting in a wheelchair.

"If that's the case, then you won't be as famous as Yimei said," he asked.

"Mainly because… "

Chishou Kazumi's words were very hesitant. She paused and organized her words for a while.

She continued, "When I was in the second year of junior high school, I heard that her mother was dating a boy in school. The boy took many intimate photos of himself and her mother and spread them around the school."

"How intimate?"

"It's just an ordinary date photo!" Chishou Kazumi blushed slightly.

The shyness in her heart should have made her whole face blush, but the topic they were talking about at the moment, Yuko Ibuki, turned into a haze that covered her heart and stopped the blush from spreading.

"Are there any other rumors, about her personality, preferences, etc." Nan Youxi continued to ask.

"No, everyone says she's difficult to get along with. Although she'll respond normally if you talk to her, she's limited to normal responses."

"I see." Nan Youxi sorted out the information.

He often changes his personal style suddenly. His mother has dated other classmates, but he himself is very cold.

"Nan-kun, Koike-san is here." Chishou Kazumi saw her desk mate coming in from the door and reminded Nan Youxi.

Minami Yuki stood up and said, "Thank you. To prevent possible misunderstandings, I have to make it clear that I currently have no intention of getting close to Ibuki Yuko, and I probably won't date anyone in the short term. Also, I said yesterday that you can just call me Yuki."

He waved and returned to his seat.

The words he left behind turned into a spring breeze, blowing away the cold winter in Chiju Kazumi's heart, and the young love of spring returned to Chiju Kazumi's heartbeat.

The girl touched her hot face and glanced secretly at Nan Youxi.

That’s great, Yuuki-kun is not attracted to Ibuki-senpai!

Ibuki-senpai is so cute. Even though she’s small, she has a cool personality. If it were Ibuki-senpai, I’d never be able to win no matter how hard I think!

As long as Yuuki-kun doesn't take the initiative, there will be no progress between him and Ibuki-senpai.

There is no way that the cold Ibuki-senpai can get close to Yuki-kun!

It’s settled!

Chishou Kazumi is full of fighting spirit.

The bell rang for class, the teacher yawned and walked into the classroom, and the day's classes began.

Nan Youxi rested her chin on her palm and listened to the lecture in boredom.

The knowledge points in the first year of high school were simple, and many parts overlapped with what he had learned in his previous life. Unfortunately, he had already returned all the high school knowledge from his previous life to the school, so he had to perk up a little and listen carefully.

The girl that my predecessor had a crush on was pretty, so she might be a possible impersonator. I had to find a way to get in touch with her.

The morning classes were over and it was time for lunch break.

A small half of the students went to the cafeteria to eat, and the rest of the students took out their colorful lunch boxes. After heating them in the microwave, the aroma of the food filled the classroom.

Chiju Kazumi is also a bento fan, so Minami Yuki moved a chair and ate with her.

There is a physical education class in the afternoon. The students change into their sportswear in the locker room and then go to the stadium.

Nan Youxi joined the boys' basketball game. He didn't plan to make close friends with the boys in the class, but he also didn't plan to be as withdrawn as his predecessor.

At least two or three spies should be developed in the class so that they can know in time any disturbances, gossips or rumors.

Sports are often associated with friendship, and this is true for team sports such as basketball.

Nan Youxi's basketball skills were average, but he was tall, had a great physical advantage, and a calm mentality, so he could always assist his teammates. His teammates, who were reluctant to lead him, patted him on the back affectionately after a game.

The girls who were watching the game also had a different opinion of him.

Nan Youxi has outstanding looks, but he was too depressed before and pushed himself to the edge. Several girls hit a wall with him, so they stayed away from him.

Now, seeing Nan Youxi cheerful and happy, they turned their attention to him again.

A brave girl gave him a bottle of water.

On the court, the boys on Nan Youxi's opponent team were filled with confusion as they saw him getting attention from girls and being intimate with his teammates.

You guys obviously lost the game, why are you acting like you won the competition in a cartoon? We were the winners!

Is this the feeling of winning the game but losing life

“Let’s add LINE.”

After returning to the locker room, Nan Youxi exchanged social software accounts with the boys she played basketball with, including boys from the opposing team.

Not only girls like handsome boys, but boys will also have a crush on good-looking guys of the same sex. Back in the classroom, Minami Yuki's LINE already has almost all the boys in the class.

After the sixth class, Minami Youxi put on her schoolbag, declined the invitations of several girls, and went out with Chishou Kazumi.

"Nan-kun feels different today than usual." Chishou Kazumi looked at him.

Nan Youxi's liveliness made her nervous. She looked at the girls who were attracted by the boy's youthful body with caution, fearing that they would snatch away the treasure she was guarding.

"I can't always be a marginal person. If nothing else, it's boring to have no one to talk to at school."

“I see.”

"But the only one I really want to be friends with is you, Yimei."

Chishou Kazumi's face immediately turned red, and the insecurity in her eyes was replaced by surprise.

"We're at the subway entrance. See you tomorrow!" Minami Youxi said goodbye to her and quickly headed towards Asano's house.

After hearing the information given by Chiju Kazumi, he became even more curious about Ibuki Yuko.

Finish your dinner quickly and go home to start a new round of simulation!

(End of this chapter)