Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 68: Ichinose's little secret


After putting the paper crane back into the apartment, Minami Youxi hurried to school.

It was too late and he failed to meet Ibuki Yuko. He walked into the school with the last group of classmates. When he entered the classroom and sat on the chair, the preparatory bell rang.

The day's classes were boring. The young and beautiful teachers in movies, TV dramas and ACG works did not exist. Amid the sleepy lectures, Minami Yuki was thinking about how to get close to Ichinose Shiori and Ibuki Yuko and ask them to fold paper cranes for her.

Both girls have somewhat troubled personalities.

Ibuki Yuko lacks emotion, Ichinose Shiori deliberately distances herself from others, and both of them are difficult to capture with their beauty.

If it was just about getting close, it would be easy. In the Sims, Nan Youxi had collected some information about the two of them, which was enough to take action. The difficult part was how to form a stable relationship with them.

This kind of relationship is not a spiritual relationship, but a relationship in the material world. The spirit relies on the material world to exist. Only when there is a stable connection in reality can the spirits of two people be connected for a long time. Otherwise, it will be like a couple living in two different places, and the relationship will end.

In her relationship with Nao Asano, Minami Yuuki is a guest at her house and always shows up on time for mealtimes.

In Yuko Ibuki's simulation life, Minami Yuki was first the girl's counselor, then became the person who coerced the girl, and later, they broke off their relationship and Minami Yuki became the person that Shiori Ichinose confided in.

Now, he has to establish a new and stable relationship with the two women in reality.

Yuko Ibuki can start with her mother, but Shiori Ichinose...

Nan Youxi pondered for a long time, but unexpectedly, she got a clue during a conversation with her class teacher.

During lunch break, Minami Yuki and Chiju Kazumi finished their lunch boxes together and were summoned by the radio.

He packed his lunch box and went to the teacher's office.

"Nan, this way!" The head teacher waved at him.

He was a man in his thirties, fairly handsome, but untidy and unkempt.

Minami Yuxi found the man's name deep in her memory, Nakajima Youhei.

Walking past the desks, he came to Nakajima Yohei.

Their conversation encountered an unexpected obstacle. Several female teachers were attracted by Nan Youxi's appearance and started chatting with him.

After asking the information that was not considered rude, they ran out of topics to talk about, so they turned their attention to Nakajima Yohei, questioning why Nakajima brought such a well-behaved student to the office, as if they wanted to seek justice for Minami Yuki.

Nakajima Yohei dealt with them in a panic and called Minami Yuki out of the office.

"You are indeed a troublesome guy." Standing in a quiet corner of the corridor, Nakajima Yohei sighed.

"I think it's your problem, teacher." Nan Youxi implied that Nakajima Yohei did not think it through. The conversation should not have taken place around women who were overly sympathetic and lacked interest in life.

"Okay." Nakajima Yohei scratched his hair, "Let me make a long story short. You haven't joined a club yet, right? You should have known before you entered school that all students in this school must join a club. Of course, you can find a club that doesn't require you to participate in activities."

"I have joined the Homecoming Club, and our daily activity is to go home as soon as school is over." Nan Youxi joked.

Nakajima Yohei is the class teacher, so it is necessary to develop a relationship with him.

"I didn't see your name on the list of the Homecoming Club." Nakajima Yohei ignored Minami Yuki's humor and answered in a flat tone.

"Is there really a Homecoming Club?" Nan Youxi was surprised.

"Yes, there is one."

"Isn't this name provocative to the school? When will we arrest all the members and order them to disband? Their weak spot is their parents. As long as we tell their parents, they will obey us obediently."

"It's not that serious, and the school can't do anything about this club."

The school can't do anything about this club? Nan Youxi immediately thought of someone. She's the only one who can make the school helpless, right

"Is this a club founded by Ichinose?" he asked.

"I'll join the Homecoming Club." Nan Youxi decided.

"Huh? Do you think you can join just because you want to? You need the approval of the club, that is, Ichinose. If you just want to get by in school, you can join the Go Club or the Chess Club. These two clubs are ghost clubs."

"Teacher, do you have an application form for joining the club? Please give me one." Minami Yuxi did not directly answer Nakajima Yohei, but expressed her attitude indirectly.

"Ichinose won't agree." Nakajima Youhei dissuaded him.

"It's okay, I'll get her to agree."

Giving up on persuasion, Nakajima Yohei went to the office to get an application form for joining the club, and took Minami Yuki to the laboratory building, where the activity room of the Homecoming Club was located.

"This is it. Ichinose should be inside now." Nakajima Youhei pointed to the door in front.

Nan Youxi knocked on the door twice, and after getting permission, she opened the door and walked in.

In an empty room half the size of a classroom, there was a leather sofa. Shiori Ichinose was sitting on the sofa, using a laptop.

"Mr. Minami, what's the matter with you coming here?" Shiori Ichinose closed her notebook, pressed down the hem of her skirt and stood up. Her expression was dull and distant.

"I'm here to apply to join the club." Nan Youxi shook the application form in her hand.

"I'm sorry. As you can see, this is the Homecoming Department. Because the name of the Homecoming Department is obviously provocative to the school, the school has banned the Homecoming Department from recruiting new members. Even if I send Nan's application to the Student Union, it will be returned."

Ichinose Shiori's words were sincere, logical and impeccable. She did not refuse in person, but used the school as an excuse.

"Ichinose-san is too modest. How dare the school reject your application?" Minami Yuki exposed her lie.

"I don't understand what Minami is saying. How can I resist the school's decision?" Ichinose Shiori pretended to be confused.

Minami Yuuki took a step forward: "Ichinose-san should set the alarm in the morning half an hour earlier than the school deadline, because you like to take a nap. After the alarm rings, you will continue to sleep for a quarter of an hour."

Ichinose Shiori frowned.

"Ichinose is very afraid of water snakes because she was scared by her family when she was a child. When you were a child, you were boating in the lake in the courtyard. One of your uncles lied to you and said that a water snake would crawl up the boat and wrap around your legs."

"How do you know?" Ichinose Shiori finally couldn't keep her composure anymore. She crossed her arms and looked fierce.

Because last night in The Sims, you used me as a confidant and told me many of your little secrets. And I got memory fragments from The Sims rewards, some of which were scenes of chatting with you. Nan Youxi thought to herself.

He placed the application in front of Ichinose Shiori and said, "It's up to Ichinose-san to research this yourself."

"I see. A challenge letter? I accept it." Shiori Ichinose took Minami Yuki's application for membership and left the room directly.

Her reaction was just as Minami Yuki had expected. Through the plot of The Sims, it can be easily inferred that Ichinose Shiori is a girl with a strong competitive spirit and self-esteem.

In her opinion, Nan Youxi was able to tell her secrets, but she didn't know where the boy knew them, and this was her failure. Nan Youxi then said that she could investigate, which was equivalent to starting a second round of competition with her, and the declaration of war was the application for admission.

She then agreed to Minami Yuki's application to join the club. Now, she should go to the student union to register as a new member.

Everything went as planned. Nan Youxi walked out of the club room, glanced at Nakajima Yohei who was guarding the door, waved goodbye and left.

Nakajima Yohei looked at his back, then looked at the direction where Ichinose Shiori left, and the application form for admission to the club in Ichinose's hand flashed through his mind.

"Really joined the club? I think I got into a big trouble? But it shouldn't be a problem. The principal won't know that I revealed the matter of the Homecoming Club. He will just think that Ichinose is being willful... right?"

(End of this chapter)