Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 72: I'm jade


[You turned around and saw Ibuki Yuko behind you, knowing that your relationship was secure. ]

Good guy, you’re pretending to have jade syndrome to deceive a kind-hearted girl, right

Looking at the simulated text, Nan Youxi was amazed at her own operation.

It’s me as expected!

If it was just the truck incident, it might have been some kind of coincidence. But now, Ibuki Yuko has taken the bait again, and it can't be explained by coincidence.

This is the rule of Ibuki Yuko. When the girl sees him "seeking death", she can't let him go.

He continued to read the simulated text.

[Ibuki Yuko grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the river bank. Her strength was very weak, and she couldn't pull you even with both arms.]

[You find it interesting how hard she tries and how little progress she makes.]

[You stood up on your own initiative, your feet left the river surface that reflected the sky, and stood on the solid ground. ]

[The girl grabbed your hand again and pulled you away from the riverside under the cherry tree and onto the brick sidewalk.]

[Seeing you walk away from the river, she felt relieved. She took her delicate and small hand away from yours and turned around to walk towards the convenience store.]

[You followed her, browsing the shelves with her, watching her buy coffee and popsicles, and walk out of the convenience store.]

Memory scenes emerge.

Following the clerk's words of "Thank you for your patronage", Minami Yuki and Ibuki Yuko walked out of the convenience store. The heat wave hit them in the face. Their skin, which had just had a brief rest in the convenience store, had to endure the scorching sun again.

"Senior, this is a bit too much. She pulled me over here, but she ignored me at all." Minami Youxi walked beside Ibuki Yuko.

"Just pulling you away from the river." Ibuki Yuko replied, bending her elbows to hold the plastic bag.

The bag the clerk gave her was too big. Given her height, if she carried it with her arms hanging down, the bottom of the bag would drag on the ground.

Nan Youxi took the plastic bag from the girl.

"I just thought the scenery over there was nice, so I sat there and admired it."

“It’s dangerous there.”

Ibuki Yuko didn't worry about Minami Yuki's intentions, she only cared about the dangerous behavior itself.

"Everywhere is dangerous? Like now, there is a motor vehicle lane next to me with cars coming and going. If I fall over there, I will easily be buried under the wheels, right?" As he said this, Nan Youxi deliberately walked on the edge of the sidewalk.

Ibuki Yuko turned her head and glanced at the passing vehicles. She took Minami Yuxi's hand and pulled him to the innermost side of the sidewalk.

The girl's palms were small, smooth and white, like a doll's, but they had a warmth different from that of a doll's, and they tightly held Nan Youxi's fingers.

Nan Youxi tilted her head and looked at her face. There was no emotion on that delicate face, but Nan Youxi could see the girl's inner will.

When she was about to let go, Nan Youxi said, "I might suddenly feel dizzy and run to the middle of the road."

The girl had just loosened her grip a little, but then she held his hand tightly again.

A layer of fine sweat beads appeared on her fair forehead due to the scorching temperature, and the sweat stuck to a few strands of hair. This scene added a breath of life to the girl's doll-like elegance.

Japanese dolls have an elegant and pure beauty that is different from real people, but they also lose the vitality of real people. In his memory, Minami Yuxi once carefully observed his sister's beloved doll. While he was attracted by the doll's elegance, he was also frightened by the doll's heavy life, especially at night.

He once wondered if there was something that had both the elegance of a doll and the vitality of a real person.

Now, this dreamlike and exquisite combination of puppet and real person is right before his eyes and in the palm of his hand.

His gaze became heated, and he couldn't help but scan Ibuki Yuko's body, thinking about what kind of clothes to change for this doll girl and what kind of pose to give her.

He thought of the previous simulation, in which he wanted to bring Ibuki Yuko home, change the girl's clothes, and display the girl in a window. He thought it was a bit exaggerated before, but now he felt it was too conservative.

"Add me on LINE, senior." He took out his cell phone with his other hand.

"No need." Ibuki Yuko refused.

"August 11, sunny. I met Ibuki-senpai today and wanted to add her on LINE, but she said 'no need'. Such undisguised and straightforward words deeply hurt my young heart and left me with a severe mental trauma. I don't blame Ibuki-senpai, she just told the truth. Yes, 'no need', Ibuki-senpai 'doesn't need' me, this country 'does' me, this world 'does' me, my existence itself is insignificant and worthless, and without me it will not cause trouble to anyone or anything. Maybe I shouldn't exist in this world..."

Minami Yuki was reading a short composition on the spot, and halfway through her words, Ibuki Yuko took out her cell phone.

"I'm here to add you, please stop thinking like that," she said.

You've compromised like that! You're so naive and cute, Ibuki-senpai!

After adding Ibuki Yuko's account, Minami Yuxi marked her as "fiancée" and put her in a separate friend group.

They arrived at the apartment and were about to part. Minami Youxi felt reluctant to leave and wondered whether she should use the Jade Syndrome to force Ibuki Yuko to come to her house.

He gave up. Yu Yu was just the initial force he used to promote the relationship. If he continued to use coercion, it would no longer be a work for all ages, but a work for adults.

"See you tomorrow, Ibuki-senpai."

He handed the supermarket bag to Ibuki Yuko, waved, and walked out of the elevator.

[You asked Ibuki Yuko for her LINE number, and after being rejected, you pretended to be self-destructive and hopeless about life, forcing the girl to add you on her LINE number.]

[The success of the plan boosted your confidence and made you like this doll-like girl even more.]

[At night, you were lying in bed, and suddenly thought, if Ibuki Yuko was really a doll, what would she look like? You made a video call to your sister Xinai, asking her to take out her doll and dress up as a sailor-style black lolita for you. Your sister refused you, so you threatened her with the Jade Syndrome. Half an hour later, you got a bunch of doll photos.]

[You picked out the photos that you felt the most and sent them to Ibuki Yuko, but she ignored you.]

[During the rest of the summer vacation, you come to Asano's house every morning and watch the alley in front of the apartment building through the window of the study.]

[Whenever you see Ibuki Yuko passing by, you leave quickly and "accidentally" run into her in front of her. ]

[Whether you are studying the hardness of the wall, observing the speed of the passing cars, or studying the bearing capacity of the branches, every time, Ibuki Yuko will come to your side and pull you away from these dangerous objects. ]

[She gradually replies to your LINE messages, although only to the ones that seem important. ]

[On the last day of summer vacation, she pulled you away from the railing on the third floor of the library and showed you a sullen look. This was the first time the girl showed an expression, and you were extremely happy.]

The headache started in the evening and is only getting better now, so it's late, it should be just a regular headache... probably.

(End of this chapter)