Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 91: Being Hated by My Daughter (Part 2)


[The birth of a daughter is like snow in winter. You are touched by the beauty of the snowflakes, but you can’t help but worry about the coming cold weather.]

[You observe carefully and soon realize that your wife has extremely conflicted feelings toward her daughter.]

[When there is no one else in the room, or when she thinks you are asleep, she will keep half a meter away from the crib and look at her daughter with a complicated gaze. She often raises and lowers her hands, wanting to be close to the baby but also afraid that the baby will bring harm.]

[Her attitude towards her daughter is like facing a ferocious black cat: she wants to touch its fur, but is also afraid of being suddenly attacked by it.]

[The wife finally chose to distance herself from her daughter, but this discovery made you feel relieved. At least this time, Yuko did not completely reject Mayuri.]

[You temporarily handed Mayuri over to your parents for care. You and Yuko went to see your daughter once a week. You hoped that your wife could adjust herself and get close to your daughter as soon as possible.]

[But this wait has been going on for a long time with no progress, you choose...]

[1. “Maybe we should use some tough measures.”]

[2. “I haven’t seen my mother-in-law and her family for a while.”]

[3. "It's time to tell Mayuri that she has two stepmothers."]

[4. Free simulation]

Another option.

Nan Youxi supported herself on the bed and sat up. No memory scene had appeared for a long time, so she didn't need to continue lying down.

He took a sip of the boiled water beside the bed. The oolong tea in the refrigerator had been finished long ago. The tasteless cold water had no other effect except bringing a cool feeling to his body. If possible, he would like to drink some sweet drinks during the simulation.

Or I can simulate it on the sofa in Asano's house later, so that I can get the drinks in Nao Asano's refrigerator for free.

Shaking off the unnecessary thoughts from his mind, he continued to look at the options.

There are three options: radical treatment, mild treatment, and active arrangements for the afterlife.

Nan Youxi clicked two.

[You decide to ask Honoka for help.]

[Nakajima Yohei and Honoka vaguely learned something about Yuko and Mayuri from your parents and their own observations. Honoka felt that it was her fault and that she was not a good mother, so Yuko was so averse to the mother-daughter relationship.]

[She gave the child to Nakajima Yohei, and came from Misaki City alone to live in your house. ]

[Yuko was uneasy about her mother's arrival, but she did not resist Honoka. ]

[Under the arrangement of Honoka and your parents, you and Yuko took Mayuri to the big aquarium in the neighboring city for a visit.]

[Whales making baby noises, dolphins performing acrobatics, and swarms of jellyfish that are very beautiful under the lights, none of them can liven up your atmosphere. It's not just Yuko who has problems, but Mayuri as well. Both of them treat each other as air.]

[Mayuri, who is already in elementary school, is somewhat precocious. She thought that this trip was a sign that her mother wanted to reconcile with her. Before leaving, she thought hard for a long time about whether to forgive her mother and when to forgive her mother.]

[After meeting, Yukiko's attitude made her feel that her troubles were all a joke. This mother didn't even look at her. She was just being sentimental. She felt even more repulsive towards her mother, and she also resented you.]

[The trip to the aquarium was not smooth, which you had expected and were not upset about. This meeting was a signal that you would begin to fully intervene in the mother-daughter issue.]

[After returning home, you and Honoka talked to Yuko and persuaded her to accept Mayuri. Yuko remained silent. Was her silence a firm refusal? Or was she unable to figure out her own attitude? You think it was the latter.]

[You handed Yuko over to Honoka and returned to your parents' home. In addition to Yuko's attitude, Mayuri's attitude is also very important. ]

[Your departure made your wife anxious. She wanted to look for you, but was stopped by Honoka. Her daughter's matter and her mother's comfort made Yuko more tolerant than ever before. Although she was extremely worried, she did not look for you or stop you.]

[Progress is going smoothly on Honoka's side, but you have encountered some minor problems. ]

[Mayuri may have inherited your or Yuko's personality, but she is extremely stubborn.]

[She refused to talk to you because she knew clearly that you were on Yuko's side. She said that she hated you and asked you not to appear in front of her again, just like before. Is this really what she really thinks? ]

[Father and mother signed up for a tour group for middle-aged and elderly people and went on a trip. My sister is attending university in Misaki, so only you and Mayuri are left at home.]

Looking at the simulated text, Nan Youxi sighed. It seemed that her daughter also had some big problems.

However, all this was his and Yukiko's fault, and could not be blamed on his daughter.

How can we solve the situation now that it has become like this

As he was thinking, he felt his head a little dizzy, which was a sign that the memory scene would appear. He quickly lay down on the bed, ready to welcome the incoming memories and feelings.

[In the morning, you prepared a Western breakfast for Mayuri. ]

Memory scenes emerge.

My parents' house is very old, and it is old without a sound. It has no creaking floors, no mottled and drafty walls, and no raindrops dripping into the roof. Instead, it reveals a sense of oldness in the style of the tables and chairs, the cramped storage, and the vaguely changing colors of the walls and floors.

"This house needs to be renovated." Nan Youxi put breakfast away, took off her apron, and sat at the dining table.

He looked at Mayuri across the table. The girl had short hair that reached her shoulders. Although she was only in the second grade of elementary school, she was almost as tall as Yuko. In contrast to her height, her appearance was very similar to her mother. Looking at her, Minami Yuxi thought of the time when he first met Yuko.

"Go renovate your own house!" The girl put on a fierce look with her cute face, frowned, pursed her lips, and stared at Nan Youxi menacingly.

"Mayuri, don't you think this house is old? How about turning it into a playroom after renovation? Would Mayuri prefer a modern playroom with carpets or a Showa-style playroom with tatami mats?"

Game room? Carpet or tatami? Mayuri was confused for a moment. Both seemed good.

The modern style ones look cooler, and the Showa style ones are more comfortable to use.

Which kind of renovation do you want

No, why should I support my dad... Support this man's renovation plan!

Mayuri, oh Mayuri, the man in front of you is the first general of your number one enemy in your life, Minami Shiko. Don't be tempted by him!

Although the game room is a good thing, you must oppose anything that the enemy supports!

"This is my grandfather's home, not yours! If you continue to be so tactless, I will kick you out!" She uttered words that were very cold to an elementary school student.

"Eh?" Nan Youxi teased her, "Mayuri, have you forgotten that your grandfather is also my father? According to the Nan family's rules, after the head of the family dies, the house is inherited by the eldest son. In other words, in the absence of grandfather, this house is mine!"

The girl had never thought about this question before, and for a moment she was thrown into disarray, her face flashing with panic as she deliberately put on a fierce look.

When she thought that her trump card had failed and that she had been living in the enemy's home in humiliation for so many years, her heart ached and tears welled up in her eyes.

Nan Youxi didn't expect the girl to be so vulnerable, and hurried to make amends: "But grandpa hasn't passed away yet, so we can't follow the family rules. With grandpa's love for Mayuri, he will definitely change the family rules and leave the house to Mayuri."

Mayuri's sadness stopped, but she couldn't hold back the tears that filled her eyes. She could only cover it up by eating bread and quietly wipe the corners of her eyes.

Raising her head, the girl returned to her fierce look. She glared at Nan Youxi and said, "It's good that you know!"

The third update will probably be at one o'clock.

(End of this chapter)