Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 92: Tsundere has been retired! (3rd update)


The table fell silent, and both father and daughter were busy with the bread, ham and bacon on their plates.

Cuisine and Nan Youxi are mutually exclusive words. This dish, which requires simple frying, is already Nan Youxi's top level.

"Why do we eat bread every day!" Mayuri filled her stomach and started to find fault.

It's not that she doesn't like Western breakfast, on the contrary, the combination of bread and meat makes her very happy. When grandpa is at home, he always lets her eat more of those annoying vegetables.

"When your mother comes back, you can have another breakfast." Minami Yuxi deliberately mentioned Yuko to test Mayuri's reaction.

As he expected, his daughter was very angry.

"I don't want her back!" She jumped off the chair, stood up straight and clenched her fists.

Just hearing this name, a feeling of bitterness surged from her heart, rushing to her brain through the hot blood vessels. The surging blood turned this aggrieved feeling into an intense red, making her furious.

"I don't want you either, get out of my house as soon as possible!" She even hated Nan Youxi who said that name.

After saying that, she quickly ran back to her room. The sound of the old sliding door hitting the wall was particularly dull.

The moment Mayuri said the second sentence, she regretted it. The force that prompted her to run away was a combination of resentment towards her parents and regret for saying such words.

Lying on the bed in her room, Mayuri fidgeted.

I'm just saying, could that man really have left home

She stood up, moved gently to the back of the sliding door, turned her face to the side, put her ear against the door panel, and listened carefully to the movement outside.

A car drove by the door and a cat meowed in the back, but she could hear no other sound.

At this moment, the man should be washing dishes in the sink, making the sound of splashing water.

She gradually became uneasy. She paced around the room for a while and put her ear against the door to listen. When she heard no sound for a long time, she opened the door and went to the restaurant driven by her inner anxiety.

The familiar figure at the dining table made her feel relieved, her worries disappeared and joy emerged.

She crossed her arms, imitating the posture of a slave owner on TV, and said to Nan Youxi who was sitting at the dining table playing with her phone: "Hey, get up and work, wash the dishes! Otherwise, leave my house!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Nan Youxi put away her phone and walked into the kitchen carrying the plates on the table.

Mayuri was very proud. Not only did she make sure that the man did not leave, she also effectively struck a blow to the arrogance of Yuko's party!

She went back to her room, her steps brisk.

What she didn't know was that not only was she "confirming" Nan Youxi, but Nan Youxi was also "confirming" her.

Nan Youxi knew almost nothing about this daughter, whom she only saw once a week and whom she didn't have the time or energy to have an in-depth communication with when they met.

In the past few days, he has been observing the girl, analyzing her personality, and determining how to get along with her.

By today, the analysis was almost complete, and the conclusion of the analysis... surprised him too much.

In order to ensure the accuracy of his conclusions, he had to conduct one final test.

He began to wash the dishes, deliberately making a lot of noise to reassure the girl who was listening in the bedroom.

Then he checked the camera on the wine cabinet to make sure it could see the living room and kitchen.

Everything was ready and he began to act.

At exactly twelve o'clock, Mayuri, who was playing the handheld game console, saved the game, turned off the story-based game that required immersion, and opened a casual game.

She played absentmindedly, her eyes and ears paying attention to the movements outside the door.

It's lunch time. What takeaway will the man bring back today

When he calls you to eat outside the door, how many times should you answer him? After answering, how long should you wait before leaving

The girl fretted over the details.

These questions often cannot be answered, and when there is a shout from outside the door, Mayuri will wait and act.

However, today's sound did not come for a long time.

She pushed the door open a crack and stuck her head out. It was very quiet outside and there was no man in sight.

She walked through the corridor, stood in the living room and looked at the dining room, but she couldn't see the figure in her mind.

The feeling of uneasiness passed through her heart like a bird suddenly flying across the sky.

She pushed open the sliding door in front of the dining room and walked into the narrow kitchen. Next to the stainless steel sink, two large plates were standing on a rack, and the water on them had been drained.

There was no man in the kitchen.

She walked quickly through the corridor on the other side and came to the entrance.

Standing on the stool next to her, she tiptoed to look at the cabinet in the entrance hall.

The car keys were missing.

The man should no longer be at home.

Did he go to buy lunch? Why hasn't he come back yet

The girl felt more and more uneasy. She sat by the entrance. Every sound of cars on the road in front of the door was like the vibration of the float when fishing in summer, which made her look forward to it.

But, they were all empty shots.

Every car did not stop. The sound of wheels rolling over the road came from one side and went to the other. The door was not opened and the man did not push the door to come in.

She stood on the small stool again and looked carefully at the cabinet in the entrance hall. A beautiful asparagus fern was planted in a square stone pot, and its leaves stretched toward the door. There was nothing beside the pot, no car keys.

She walked through the living room, down the corridor, to the man's bedroom, and opened the door. The tatami bedroom was also empty.

The man was not in the bedroom either.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, she looked at the restaurant in front of her.

It was already past one o'clock, and she should have been sitting there eating with the man an hour ago.

She thought about what she had said that morning.

"I don't want you either, get out of my house now!"

"Hey, get up and do the dishes! Or get out of my house!"

Now, Dad is really gone.

The moisture in her eyes quickly turned to wetness, tears rolling down her face, and she lowered her head, trying to open her mouth and sob loudly.


The door in the corridor near the living room suddenly opened. That was the master bedroom, the bedroom of Minami Haruna and Minami Ryota, a room that Mayuri had not checked.

Nan Youxi came out yawning.

"I went in to get something and accidentally fell asleep. I'll go buy lunch now." He said apologetically, "Huh? Why is Mayuri crying?"

"I hit my foot!" Mayuri wiped her tears. She couldn't stop the sadness that was surging out. The two lines of tears turned into another kind of complaint, "Dad is such an idiot!"

Mayuri loves bread and fried meat, but she scolded you for always making this kind of breakfast.

[You have doubts in your heart, and after a little testing, you discover something that makes you feel complicated. ]

[Your daughter, Mayuri Minami, is a tsundere. ]

(End of this chapter)