Love Comes After Simulation

Chapter 98: Yuuki Yuko and Mayuri


[After discovering the conflict between Yuko and your daughter, you sent Mayuri to your parents' home. Ibuki Yuko was ready to be blamed by you and pretend to be a good mother, but she was moved by your generosity in sending her daughter away.]

[When Mayuri was in the second grade, you thought Ibuki Yuko should have let go of her worries and understood that your daughter was not an enemy, not an outsider who interfered with your relationship. You asked Honoka to counsel Yuko, and you returned to your parents' home to counsel your daughter who was upset because she didn't get your love.]

[Ibuki Yuko finally agreed to live with her daughter. After they met, Mayuri, who was arrogant and lacked scheming, was quickly controlled by Ibuki Yuko. This made Ibuki Yuko completely relieved. Such a stupid daughter could not be her opponent and could not take away her love. ]

[When Mayuri was in the fourth grade, you moved back to Misaki City and bought a single-family house not far from the Nakajima family.]

[Today is an ordinary summer vacation day. Mayuri is 15 years old. She has inherited your and Yuko's smart brains, but she doesn't like studying or socializing. She often goes to Asano's house and plays games with Aunt Kazumi and Aunt Nao. Ibuki Yuko works at school and has many holidays. In her free time, she either takes care of you or bullies Mayuri. You are about to be promoted in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and you are using your connections.]

The simulated text stops and a pop-up box appears.

[You are about to enter the free simulation. Please lie down in a safe place. This free simulation will take 30 minutes of real time (24 hours of simulation time)]

Nan Youxi got up and opened the window a little wider, letting the fresh morning breeze blow away the stuffiness of the night in the house.

Lying down in bed, he clicked OK.

[Free simulation starts]

The bedroom was dark, and the opaque curtains were tightly drawn. Only a few rays of light were allowed to sneak in from the corners, leaving narrow patches of light on the floor.

At the head of the bed, there were two log-colored desks placed side by side, one neatly organized, and the other piled with documents. The documents even overflowed the gap between the desks and occupied a corner of the other desk.

On the beige double bed, Nan Youxi opened her eyes.

He sat up and looked around. He could clearly feel the movement of his joints and muscles, and the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the quilt was clearly felt. The air conditioner diagonally opposite made a slight sound.

Even though this was his second time using free simulation, it still felt new to him. This sense of reality and freedom made him feel like he had traveled to the real world.

What made him a little regretful was that Ibuki Yuko did not sleep next to him, otherwise he could have done the most important thing first.

As he was thinking, he heard footsteps outside the door. He quickly lay back and squinted his eyes.

The bedroom door opened slightly, and Nan Xizi quietly poked her head in to look at her husband on the bed.

Are you still sleeping

The sun is already very high in the sky, what a lazy child!

Such children should be severely punished!

She stepped into the bedroom, slowly closed the door, and walked quietly to Nan Youxi's side.

She took off her slippers and socks, then crawled into Nan Youxi's bed.

The quilt with her husband's body temperature made her body burning and her heart restless. She stared at Nan Youxi's face for a while, kissed him on the lips, sat on him, and pulled up his pajamas.

Nan Youxi originally wanted to pretend to be asleep and refused to get up, and made excessive demands on his wife, but he didn't expect Xizi to be so proactive.

He opened his eyes and looked into his wife's eyes.

"This is the punishment for sleeping in." Nan Xizi put down her pajamas guiltily and explained in a low voice.

"A truly good mother wouldn't punish her child just for sleeping in." Nan Youxi reached out and grasped his wife's slender waist, pushing her down on the quilt. "A bad mother like Yuko should be punished!"

Time has left limited traces on my wife. Even though she is already a mother of a young girl, she still looks like a young middle school student, with a petite figure, delicate skin, tender voice and cute expression.

The block of light beside the curtains was getting narrower and narrower, and the sun was almost at its zenith. Mayuri was sitting in the living room downstairs. When her parents didn't come down for a long time, they came up and knocked on the door.

"Wake up! You two lazy pigs!"

No one answered her; the two people in the room were very busy.

It was not until noon that Minami Yuxi and Yuko went out to take a shower and walked downstairs.

She turned on the stove and poured in some cooking oil. "Why are you still lying in bed like children? Especially your mother, you get up and then go back to sleep! You are worse than children!"

"It's because I'm not a child anymore, so I have to stay in bed in the morning." Nan Xizi sat on the bench next to the dining table.

At home, it is a bit strange to have a bench with a dining table. This is Yukiko's preference. An ordinary single chair cannot be placed together with Nan Youxi, only a bench can.

"That doesn't make sense!" Mayuri retorted.

"A child like Mayuri won't understand." A faint, smug smile appeared on Nan Xizi's face.

Mayuri was at an age where she was longing for maturity, and she immediately puffed up her face when she heard such words.

"I'm already taller than you!" she said.

"If we just compare height, the giraffe should be the most mature person."

The girl couldn't find any words to refute, so she could only sulk and crack the egg hard.

Minami Yuki interrupted and changed the subject: "Why is Mayuri preparing breakfast today?"

The girl who was making breakfast turned her head away, not wanting to talk about this topic.

Nan Xizi took Nan Youxi's arm, a hint of pride on her expressionless face: "Because she lost the game last night, not only breakfast, but also housework today, she has to do it."

"Lost the game?" Nan Youxi was surprised.

Yuko is not a person who likes games, and Mayuri is almost addicted to games. Even if Yuko is smarter than Mayuri, she should not be able to beat her in the field where her daughter is good at.

"Mom cheated!" Mayuri stared at her petite mother angrily, "We were competing to see how fast we could clear a level, but she used a bug and flew directly from the starting point to the end point. This game doesn't have a flying function!"

Nan Xizi was not ashamed of her daughter's accusation. She made a scissors hand gesture and said, "It was said before the competition that anything in the game can be used."

"I thought you were going to use a gadget to skip class, but it turns out you used a BUG!"

"Humph, losers always like to make excuses."

Seeing that Mayuri's hand holding the spatula was shaking with anger, Minami Yuxi hurriedly changed the subject again: "What's for breakfast? Has Mayuri's cooking skills improved recently?"

"How can I not make progress? I make breakfast half the time!"

This topic was not successfully changed. She went from her ideal to her mother's various schemes against her and started doing housework in elementary school. Tears flashed in her eyes. She didn't think doing housework was torture, but she felt that she was deceived by her mother and always lost in big and small competitions, which was very humiliating.

She was a strong-willed child who didn't want to talk about her failures, but this time she couldn't hold back her emotions and spoke out something she had hidden for a long time.

"Dad, do you know? When we first moved to Misaki, Mom lied to me and said that I wasn't your biological child, but was adopted from an orphanage! I felt guilty for a long time, and I didn't dare to resist when she ordered me to do housework!"

Nan Youxi flipped through the memories in his mind. Mayuri was indeed very sensible at that time. He thought the girl was going to become a good girl.

He turned to look at his wife.

Nan Xizi turned her face away guiltily: "I didn't lie, I just thought the adoption application form was interesting, so I filled in Mayuri's name and put it on the table and she saw it by accident."

No matter how you look at it, this seems to have been planned for a long time!

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(End of this chapter)