Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 25: Suxi Dan Pavilion


Xia Ge was awakened by the chirping sound of sparrows.

She didn't open her eyes, but she did wake up.

... This is like, not her bed.

The very soft quilt, with a light sandalwood smell, was softer and warmer than the quilt she had been drying hundreds of times that day.

Xia Ge closed her eyes and was a little dazed. How long has she slept? When did you fall asleep? Has the effect of Soul Destroyer passed

- Don't know at all.

Surprisingly, but not panic.

The reassuring aroma lingered around, Xia Ge was stunned for a while, and then began to recall.

She skipped class and drank, was caught by Senior Sister, went out and was besieged by Demon Sect, Senior Sister's Heavenly Punishment...

- "You can close your eyes until dawn, and the evil spirits are harmless."

The girl's voice was cold, but it sounded very gentle.

"Little puppet, little puppet." Xia Ge called silently in his heart.

After a long time, I heard the system's lazy voice, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

"Has the effect passed?"

System: "… what?"

Xia Ge: "Capture the soul."

The system sounded very surprised: "Destroyer of Soul has been upgraded. If you don't deliberately, the effect will disappear in three minutes."

Xia Ge: "… "

For a moment, Xia Ge felt an unforgettable shame for his pretense in front of Big Sister yesterday.

Xia Ge still didn't open his eyes, and put the back of his hand on his forehead, "Oh my god..."

Before, I felt that I couldn't open my eyes, but now I can't see anyone.


System: "You deserve it, who told you not to read the skill introduction."

Xia Ge: "I don't want to look at it, I can't help but use it after I see it. It may be exposed if I use it."

The system didn't turn the corner for a while: "...It makes sense."

Xia Ge turned over and thought silently, of course it makes sense. When Xianyu wants to be lazy, everything makes sense.

On the bed pretending to be tender and holding the corpse for a while, no one came in for a long time, Xia Ge felt quite boring, opened his eyes, but suddenly found that the bandage on his left hand had been replaced. She touched her neck again, and the soft and clean bandage was wrapped twice, with sandalwood incense so light that it was barely audible.

Xia Ge looked around again.

Warm sunlight penetrates through the carved window lattice, the room is clean and tidy, the pear wood table is placed in front of the window, and there is a small porcelain vase on the pear wood table, and a delicate peach blossom branch is inserted in the bottle.

Obviously, this is not my room.

The quilt on his body was very soft, Xia Ge lifted it, looked down at his clothes, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Not stripped of clothes.

System: "I can't see anything if I pick it up..."

Xia Ge: "… "

It's hard for you not to speak, right

Xia Ge got up expressionlessly, scratched his hair, but suddenly found that his hair was loose, and the green hairband disappeared.

The system seemed to suddenly remember: "Host, you let go of those two demons yesterday."

"Where's my headband?" Xia Ge turned a deaf ear, "Why is it missing?"

"Give the glass puppet to the man named Bai Ren... What do you want to do?"

Putting on his boots, Xia Ge turned the room upside down, but couldn't find his headband, "Why is it missing..."

"Host, I want to warn you, don't try to change the direction of the plot—"

"You are annoying."

Xia Ge finally found her hairband on the pear wood table. The hairband that was cut into a corner by the paper blade was pressed by the paperweight next to the rice paper. The noon breeze blew through, and that touch of emerald green made people feel very good. .

"I won't change the plot." Xia Ge picked up the headband and tied it lazily to her head, "The plot can be whatever it likes."

"then you… "

"I heard that the magic sect is very beautiful, I want my little Liuli to have a taste of it, can't I?"

system:"… "

Believe in your evil.

The atmosphere became slightly condensed.

The system felt that what he said just now was a bit too strict. In order to maintain a friendly cooperative relationship with the host, it decided to open some permissions, "Oh, yes, the host, there are a lot of everyday bargains in the points mall, the function is very interesting, you Take a look when you have time…”

The system's reminders sound rare, subtle and gentle.

Xia Ge: "I don't want to watch it."

Anyway, I just want to cheat her points. I'm in a bad mood and I don't want to be cheated.

Get cheap and sell well

System: "I love to see it or not, hum."

In April, the world is full of fragrance, and the peach blossoms of the mountain temple begin to bloom.

The sun is just right. Xia Ge glanced at the peach branches blooming outside the window, and there was a slight light in his eyes.

The plot is dead, but people are alive.

… Ye Ze.

Just as Xia Ge was wandering out of the sky, the squeak of the bamboo door being pushed quietly sounded, and the girl's voice was light, "Awake?"

Xia Ge turned back and saw Gu Peijiu at the door.

In an instant, a lot of complicated thoughts flew through my mind, and finally, I stayed on the sandalwood mixed with the fragrance of peach blossoms.

"... hello, eldest sister."

Xia Ge heard his well-mannered voice.

This is the big guy who killed more than a thousand puppets in one move! !

"Let's pack up and go, go to the river, and I'll teach you alchemy."

Gu Peijiu glanced at Xia Ge, her eyes inadvertently swept across her left hand and the snow-white bandage on her neck.

Xia Ge: "… "

Gu Peijiu went out the door, but he didn't see the boy following, so he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Huh?"

The boy's pained voice came from the room.

"Big, Senior Sister, I seem to have a disease that can't make alchemy..."

Gu Peijiu: "..."

"Can you play the pipa? Can you play the sheng? Do you know any musical instruments? Or you can teach me the qin, chess, calligraphy and painting..."

Gu Peijiu's voice was cold, "Our Danfeng entry exam only takes alchemy, Xia Wuyin, don't forget what you said."

Xia Ge: "… "

The system that decided to fight with the host coldly sneered: "What are you struggling with, let's go."

Really hopeless.

Xia Ge followed Gu Peijiu all the way to Danfeng River, but on the way this kid didn't stop—

"Hey, Senior Sister, you see the butterflies here are purple—"

"Wow, the pattern is so beautiful!"

"Senior sister, there are mulberries here!"

"… "

Gu Peijiu walked forward with no expression, turned a corner, and suddenly felt that there was a little quietness behind her.

She turned her head, and the bastard with the green hairband was gone.

Gu Peijiu paused for a while, then circled back to the bend. The mountain road was rugged, covered with trees and lush, but there was no trace of the young man.

"Xia Wuyin."

Gu Peijiu frowned, and the next moment, she turned her head slightly, stretched out her hand, and grasped the three or four small things that came from the dark.

Purple butterflies flew by in front of the eyes, with complicated and beautiful patterns on their wings, like a butterfly fairy in the painting. The boy's hearty laughter came from the top of his head, "Elder Sister, does the butterfly look good?"

Gu Peijiu raised his head, and saw the young man sitting on the thick branch, holding a handful of green hawthorn in his hand, and a dog's tail grass in his mouth, with a bright smile on his face like the bright sunshine in April.

"Come down."

Gu Peijiu's heart moved slightly, but there was no expression on his face, "Let's go."

"It's so cold."

After throwing up the dog's tail grass, Xia Ge neatly turned over and got down from the tree, followed behind Gu Peijiu, grinning, "Senior sister, alchemy is not fun, how did you make the array you made yesterday, I want to learn, you teach me chant?"

"I'll teach you when you come in."

The girl walked in front, her wide sleeves embroidered with delicate red maples covering her hands, and her voice was faint.

"But I really don't want to learn Bigu Pill..." Xia Ge's voice sounded very aggrieved, "It must be very difficult! I think Ye Ze got the exam after going bankrupt!"

Gu Peijiu's voice paused, "...It's not difficult."

Xia Ge's eyes flashed, and he tapped from the side, "Does the big sister pay for the materials?"

Gu Peijiu: "..."

Xia Ge was about to cry, "You said yesterday..."

Gu Peijiu: "Give me the materials."

Xia Ge's inner abacus immediately rang, and he began to calculate how much Bigu Pill's materials could be sold.

"There's still half a month until the seventh exam. You must learn in this half month." Gu Peijiu walked in front, without seeing Xia Ge's expression, but she also vaguely understood what this little slicker was thinking about, " One material a day, I watch you practice."

Xia Ge: "… "

... ah, it's heartbreaking.

She seems to have lost another huge sum of money.

system:"… "

The young man behind him seemed very depressed and remained silent for a while.

Gu Peijiu walked in front, raised his wide sleeves embroidered with red maple, and glanced at the thing he had been holding in his hand as if unintentionally.

Three or four red hawthorns lining the slender hands, and the red maples on the sleeves are very beautiful.

Gu Peijiu's eyes moved slightly, and then he put the hawthorn into his sleeve without any expression.

Really... slick.

Suxi Dan Pavilion.

"Well, Liulimu Sanfen, why is there such a ghost thing as carbon in the material..."

Xia Ge crouched behind a stove in the far corner, looking at the book of pills bitterly. Gu Peijiu glanced at her, Xia Ge immediately sat upright, holding the elixir book, her voice hoarse, "Ah, Senior Sister, the book says I need three catties of silver wire carbon..."

Gu Peijiu: "...It's three coins."

Xia Ge glanced hurriedly, "Ah, yes, three coins, three coins."

Gu Peijiu's mood was slightly complicated, "Xia Wuyin, please read the material to me."

Xia Ge glanced at the unbelievably rare words on the Dan Shu: "... Huh?"

Gu Peijiu sat on the fiery red round cushion in the Pill Hall, with a straight back, an elegant figure, and indifferent eyebrows, "Read."

Xia Ge: "...this..."

Xia Ge looked at [咠木]on the elixir, and fell into contemplation for a while.

How do you read this thing...

"...Senior sister, I think, there are actually some words, we just know it, why do we have to call it out, this word is so uncommon on purpose, I definitely don't want others to know its name, Let's not be too hard on words..."

Under the expressionless gaze of the girl wearing red and white plain clothes and sitting upright, Xia Ge's voice became smaller and smaller, until it was almost inaudible.

at last.

{Little puppet, what do you mean by this word? }

The system sneered: "Don't ask me, we have broken up."

Summer Song: {… }

Did we break up

What kind of gesture is a breakup...

No no no Now is not the time to think about that.

Xia Ge felt uncomfortable under Gu Peijiu's gaze, and finally closed the book with a "snap" and threw it aside. For the first time, the invincible cheeky felt hot, "I don't know this word!"

... She seems to have passed the sixteen years of compulsory education in the motherland and four years of university.


Gu Peijiu looked at her, her dark eyes couldn't tell her emotions, "I don't know, why did you close the book?"

Xia Ge replied very seriously, "When you close it, it can't see me anymore."

system:"… "

"That way I don't know it, and it doesn't know me anymore."

Gu Peijiu: "..."

System: "...Host, please retreat from the group, I guess Lingxifeng doesn't want you anymore."