Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 60: You can't afford it


There was a commotion among the disciples of Jianfeng below. The Jianfeng Conference Hall is a very important place and a symbol of Jianfeng. If there is a problem here, it is like a slap in the face of Jianfeng.

However, when the disciples of Jianfeng's inspection rushed up to see it, they only saw a large piece of bald tile on the top of the council hall, but there was no shadow of anyone.

"What about people?"

"Someone must have been up there just now—"

"No... You can't run so fast, can you?"

"He touched the vigilance formation and couldn't get out! Find it!"

"Go and inform the adults first..."

Over there, they were looking for the "murderer" who kicked the bald tile of Jianfeng's attic. Here, Xia Ge was grabbed by the collar and the cold wind was blowing. Passed through the opened guard array and came to a quiet forest.

Xia Ge was grabbed, her feet could not touch the ground, and she felt very insecure. She tried to explain seriously, "I didn't kick your roof..."

"Oh?" The man above his head sneered, "So it fell by itself?"

Xia Ge: "… "

Of course not by himself.

Xia Ge: "I didn't do it on purpose..." Who knew it would be so weak, one piece fell off with a kick.

Chu Yao snorted, fell to the ground, and threw her aside like a trash, full of disgust, "It's really short."

Xia Ge: "..." It's her fault for kicking the tile, but the ginseng rooster is your fault. Hey...

"Tell me, how did the tile in the conference hall recruit you in the middle of the night?" Chu Yao hugged her shoulders, leaned against the tree casually, looked at her up and down, and then sneered, "I still think that standing on it can grow taller. point?"

After being thrown on the ground by her, the boy slowly got up, patted the ashes on his body, wearing the linen clothes of the outer disciple, his loose black hair tied together by the head rope, he stood dryly looking at her, short A group with a face full of unrequited love.

Shorty - how old is she! Short ass! She still has room to grow! Maybe one day, it will crush you by dozens of centimeters!

Xia Ge's mother sold the criticism in her heart, but her face was still full of apology, "I just saw that your Jianfeng seems to be tens of thousands of meters higher than Danfeng, and I couldn't help but want to come up and blow the wind."

"It's alright, alright, don't make fun of it." Chu Yao clicked, "I saw you a long time ago, why did you sneak up to the Jianfeng Conference Hall without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

This tone... Doesn't seem to mean serious investigation

And have you seen her long ago? What's the meaning? Did she see it when she came

Xia Ge: "...I really just came here to blow the wind."

Chu Yao looked at her: "I thought you were here to blow air."

"Before you kick the tiles of our council hall bald."

Xia Ge: "… "

Xia Ge smiled embarrassedly, "I just kicked casually, who would have known that I was so weak, I would lose a row of baldness with one kick..."

It's actually pretty cool.

"Then you are really capable." Chu Yao said, "I didn't let you go bald."

Xia Ge was at a loss for words and hesitated for a while, "You let me go."

No wonder there are so few guards at the top of a peak... She remembered that when she was reading, the book said that Jianfeng's disciples patrolled every day and never slackened. She used to wonder why she only saw a few when she came, ghost movie fan After a few flashes, he slipped up.

She thought that she had become more diligent, but after a long time, someone was releasing water.

"Of course it's me." Chu Yao said, "How capable do you think you are."

Xia Ge: "..." It hurts self-esteem to say this.

The night was dark, Xia Ge was thinking about how to solve this embarrassing situation, but suddenly heard a voice, "Is your injury healed?"

The girl in tight-sleeved blue clothes hugged her shoulders, her light-brown almond eyes looked aside and asked nonchalantly.

Xia Ge was taken aback, "Huh?"

Chu Yao was a little impatient, "I asked if your injury is healed? You only came out to get a hair dryer in a few days? Don't you die?"

Under the bright moonlight, the boy's black eyes were bright and blank, "How did you know that I was injured..."

And the purple eyes I saw last time... I must have seen it wrong.

Chu Yao's face was a little unnatural. Fortunately, the moonlight was pale and the mountains were graceful, so she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, "... Didn't you faint during the Danfeng competition?"

Xia Ge was even more surprised, "You went to see the Danfeng competition? Aren't you Jianfeng's eldest disciple?"

If she remembered correctly, she had failed several times in the Danfeng Entry Tournament in the past. In the huge Dan competition field, there was not even a touch of blue about Jianfeng.

Is the sun coming out of the west this time

Chu Yao: "..."

After a long while, she said viciously, "I want to go, what's wrong?"

Xia Ge: "...No, nothing."

If you want to go, you want to go, but she didn't stop her, so what the hell.

"Is your injury healed?" Chu Yao asked again, as if she was doing business, her tone impatient. Xia Ge gave a "hmm", "...It's almost there..."

Chu Yao thought of the bloodstains she saw on the corner of the table in the Dan training ground, and then thought of being tricked by this kid. She didn't know if she was angry or funny, so she could only snort, "It's almost a few days?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it's almost the same." Xia Ge scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "You brought me here... Is this what you are asking?"

"Of course not." Chu Yao paused, looked at the short man in front of him, and felt irritable for some reason. She glanced at Xia Ge, "Your name is Xia Wuyin? Didn't you say your name was Xia Ge before?"

Chu Yao's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Are you lying to me again?"

... It's embarrassing to expose the lie on the spot.

Xia Ge sneered and said, "No... It's a nickname."

… a nickname? Chu Yao paused, nickname.

Tsk, this kid is probably coaxing her again.

"Then why did you come to Jianfeng? Don't tell me you came to blow air, I don't believe it." Chu Yao said, "Give me a reason that is almost plausible, and I will not pursue the matter of the tile."

Xia Ge thought about it and felt that this was not digging the ancestor's grave, and there was nothing to hide, so he told the truth, "I came to Jianfeng to see a senior, but I was scolded by the senior, and I was in a bad mood, so I wanted to find somewhere to blow the air."

Xia Ge felt that the apology was a little more sincere, so he added, "I really didn't kick your peak's tile on purpose, who knew it was so brittle."

"Do you know how much money you kicked out?" Chu Yao's eyes widened, "Nawa has been beaten by wind and rain for at least five hundred years, and it is a symbol of Jianfeng!"

Xia Ge endured the heartache, "...Then how much money do you want me to pay?"

It's cool to play tiles for a while, repay the debt crematorium.

Chu Yao looked up and down at Xia Ge's thin body and the poverty revealed from the inside out, "tsk", and straightforward, "You can't afford it."

Xia Ge: "..." How much money did you kick out

"Forget it." Chu Yao saw Xia Ge's expressionless expression, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she changed the subject, "Chat with me, my lord won't let you pay it back."

You just said that as long as you give a reason, you will not pursue it, liar.

Xia Ge: "You still give me a number..."

Chu Yao let out an "oh" and compared three fingers, "Three million taels of silver."

Xia Ge choked with old blood: "... Are your tiles made of gold?"

Chu Yao: "It doesn't matter what you do, what matters is that it is the tile on the council hall."

After a pause, Chu Yao seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "That's Jianfeng's face, slap his ears and scratch it, Xia Wuyin, what are you capable of."

Xia Ge: "... "No...

It is absolutely irrefutable.

Seeing Xia Ge's silent and honest appearance, Chu Yao raised her eyebrows slightly, "Tell me, who are you coming to see?"

Xia Ge murmured, "Senior brother."

"The one from Danfeng?" Chu Yao asked.


Chu Yao sneered, her light brown almond eyes reflecting the cold moonlight, "Then his life is probably not easy."

Xia Ge was slightly startled, listening to this tone...

"...You know? Why don't you care?" Xia Ge clenched the box in her hand slightly, although she knew that what she said was unreasonable, but when she thought of Ye Ze's bruised nose and bruised face, she still couldn't bear it. Live want to ask.

"Why should I take care of it?" Chu Yao thought it was funny, but also funny, "There are so many things in this world that bully the weak, do I have to take care of it?"

Xia Ge was stunned for a long while, "Naturally, you don't need to take care of the world's bullying of the weak, but you are Jianfeng's alternate senior disciple, and you have to take care of Jianfeng's affairs."

"You can't let those people... be domineering."

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Chu Yao laughed, as if mocking, "I can manage it once, but I can't manage it a hundred times."

"In the end, it's all because I'm too weak that I'll be bullied."

Xia Ge touched the box in his hand and said nothing.

"I am a weak person who can save a hand without the power to bind a chicken." Chu Yao's voice was careless, "But since he can be recommended by your Danfeng's eldest disciple to be my Jianfeng disciple, then it means that he has the possibility of becoming stronger. ."

"Since I came to Jianfeng, you have to understand that if you are not strong, you will be bullied." Chu Yao said, "I will not reach out, he understands that since he is in Jianfeng, he is the only one who can save him. Own."

"You Jianfeng are really strict." Xia Ge said in a muffled voice.

For what Chu Yao said, Xia Ge just wanted to say—

Well, she understands the truth, but she can't help it, so she wants to do it for a while.

Xia Ge squeezed the box in his hand.

She has a way.

Chu Yao raised her eyebrows slightly, "Why, don't you agree?"

"No, no, you're right." Xia Ge regained his senses and found a topic to prevaricate, "I just thought... um, your eyes are so beautiful."

Who knows where and how Chu Yao was poked, the atmosphere around her suddenly became cold, and for a moment Xia Ge thought the sky was falling.

She looked at her blankly, what's wrong

Chu Yao pursed her lips, her light brown almond eyes were as cold as frost, and after a while, she snorted coldly, and flung her sleeves away, "Let's go."

Xia Ge: "...?"

Just let her go? Why are you angry? Didn't she just praise her for her beautiful eyes

"Eh..." Nava really didn't let her lose it

The mountains and forests are graceful, with a full moon above their heads, and there is vaguely the clamor of the disciples of Jianfeng looking for someone. Xia Ge looked at Chu Yao's back, and finally scratched his head, "Then what... Thank you."

The "thank you" from the young man behind him drifted away with the wind.

Chu Yao came out of the woods, but she was agitated for a while. On the spacious mountain road repaired by Qingshi, a distressed Cha Ren disciple passed by, and when he saw her, he was overjoyed, "Master Chu! Council Hall..."

Chu Yao looked impatient, "I saw it, the tile fell off, right? The wind was too strong and it was blowing."

Disciple: "...This, Feng..." The distance between you and the council hall is also... How did you see it...

Chu Yao gave him a sideways glance, her light brown eyes were fierce, "What? You have an opinion?! I said it was the wind, but the wind was blowing! Let me go back to my patrol position! , what are you yelling about? It's so noisy!"

The disciple whose head was sprayed with dog blood nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, the wind blows, the wind blows..."

As soon as the attack occurred, the disciples of Jianfeng who came to search around also returned to their respective positions. Chu Yao snorted softly, but she was still a little uneasy in her heart.

- Your eyes are so beautiful.

She sneered.

Although she knew that the little dwarf was just talking casually, she still couldn't contain the evil fire in her heart.

"Yeah, sister."

The girl's soft voice sounded, "In the middle of the night, why bother with these little things?"

Chu Yao gave her a cold look, turned her head and left.

The girl in the thin spring shirt walked down the mountain road wearing a small cloak embroidered with silver butterfly lace that Jianfeng was her specialty, her pure black almond eyes with a faint smile, "Sister, I saw you and that child."

Chu Yao paused, her body froze slightly.

"Haha, just kidding." Chu Yi pursed her lips and smiled Yourou, she said to the disciples who were searching, "Master Chu said that it was caused by the wind, why don't you let them stop?"

"Yes, yes..." The disciple cried bitterly in his heart, and had already stopped...

Seeing that the disciple walked away in response, Chu Yao's voice was cold as if he was carrying ice balls, "I said, don't let me see you again."

"Sister has wronged me." Chu Yi walked slowly from Chu Yao's side, her cloak embroidered with silver butterflies swept through a shady arc in the night wind, "Sister, I just passed by unintentionally, but... it's quite rewarding. Feng."

Chu Yao was too lazy to pay attention to her, her toes were slightly a little, and her whole person disappeared like a ghost.

Not long after she walked in the direction of the council hall, the boy's voice with some grievances echoed in his ears again.

—You can’t let those people… run wild.

The toes landed on a branch of a fir tree, and Chu Yao stopped for some reason, the gleaming tiger teeth on the corners of her lips glowing with a cold light.