Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 61: A word is for sure


Chu Yao left, but Xia Ge didn't. She squatted silently in the grove for a while, and in the end she didn't know what she was thinking, so she sneaked back to Ye Ze's place with the ghost shadows.

Although Ye Ze lived at the place where the new disciples of Jianfeng lived, but whether it was intentional or not, Xia Ge found that this place was very remote from the other disciples, and there was a vague sense of isolation here. When I came here today, people came and went, and I didn't pay attention. Now it's quiet in the middle of the night, and the location of the hut looks very deliberate and abrupt.

Xia Ge had just finished looking, and stood on his toes on a locust tree behind Ye Ze's hut, when he suddenly heard a mocking voice below.

"What? People come here eagerly, and you treat them like this—"

"Oh, I'm going to cry when I see it sad-"

"Do you think we won't trouble him in this way? It's the ants who are with the ants—"

With the muffled sound of his fists and feet falling, Xia Ge's heart jumped suddenly. Looking at the boy who was curled up under the tree and being beaten up, he almost instinctively pulled down the leaves and violently attacked those few with one hit. Get out!

[warn! It is forbidden to change the established plot!]

The leaves that were thrown out with the gust of wind became weak and weak in an instant when they were about to pass through the chests of the three people. The system's warning was sharp and abrupt. Xia Ge's pupils shrank slightly, and the leaves fell weakly. She watched helplessly. The wind of the man's fist swept across the leaves, and finally landed on the boy's face ruthlessly.

In an instant, an evil fire burst out.

"Little puppet!"

The sound of the system is mechanically numb, [The host is prohibited from changing the established plot].

Xia Ge then opened the skill panel, only to find that all his skills were banned, and he couldn't even open the Points Mall.

She wanted to rush down and beat people, but she knew that this was the stupidest way.

Not to mention whether she can beat these people with skills, that is, she can beat them—

Ye Ze wouldn't want him to see her either.

If she rushes down, it will only make him feel ashamed.

Xia Ge slowly squeezed the box in his hand.

After getting along for so long, she knew what kind of person Ye Ze was.

Maybe she was self-righteous, but Ye Ze...

He neither wants himself to be extremely embarrassed in her eyes, nor does he want to be unattainable in her heart, he is trying to maintain a balance—

Both proud and humble.

When he was qualified to wear Danfeng plain clothes, he would put on a sackcloth to skip class and drink with her, and he would feel extremely ashamed because she saw him in a mess.

That's why... before, I would say that.

She knew it all, so she didn't say anything.

- But, because of this, he should not be bullied!

He should always be proud, and he shouldn't be in front of her... even half a cent of humiliation!

The moon was covered with dark clouds, and the sky was dark for a while.

"What are you staring at! Do you think I won't gouge your eyes out?!"

A tall and thin man sneered and kicked the boy's stomach, "It's pretty awesome—"


Stupid is stupid! Better than watching him get beaten up!

Xia Ge couldn't bear it any longer, and when he was about to rush down, there was a muffled sound, and the tall and thin man who was arrogant just now was kicked to the ground!

"Who?! Who kicked me? Who dared kick me—my dad is—"

The other two perpetrators were also blinded, the night was dark, and the girl's voice was as cold as the wind, "Who is your father?"

Familiar, unfamiliar with hostility, accompanied by the sound of rib squeezing and deforming—

"—Is it the same trash as you?"


The other two were a little flustered, and one of them said angrily, "I tell you, my father is the head of the Qian family in Jinzhou! Be careful!"

The one who answered him was the cool sword that passed through his ear coldly, wiping his cheek—


The icy sword body was inserted straight into the locust tree where Xia Ge was, three points into the wood. The whole tree shook, and Xia Ge, who was about to rush down, froze on the tree, clenched the branches tightly, and was a little dazed.

The son of the Qian family was stunned for two seconds before he could vaguely feel the tingling on his face. He shook his hands and touched the warm liquid. He immediately cried out, "My face! My face! - Who are you! Who are you - I must - I won't, I won't let you go!"

"Me?" The girl's voice was a bit bloodthirsty, "I'm your aunt!"

The next second, the child surnamed Qian was punched into the tree! The branches and leaves swayed, Xia Ge grabbed the branch firmly, and the other one was kicked to the ground, followed by a muffled sound of punching and kicking, and the three vicious perpetrators were turned into slaughtered in the blink of an eye. The little lamb was beaten over and over again, and he didn't know the east, west, north, south and south.

"Tsk, wasn't it quite capable just now?!"

"You bastard!"

"Stand up and fight?"

Punching into the flesh, this young girl who suddenly appeared under the moonlight covered by the black cloud, brought the idea of using violence to the extreme.

"What? With this little skill, how did you get in?! Who is your father? Call him here?!"

"What rubbish."

Those who were beaten still didn't give up and were dying, "You, wait for me..."


She glanced indifferently at the three trash who had been kicked into unconsciousness, Chu Yao snorted coldly, she licked her lips, the moonlight vaguely appeared, the tiger teeth on her lips were cold, her voice was arrogant and gloomy, "Come on. , I'm waiting."

Ye Ze leaned against the tree quietly throughout the whole process, looking at her silently, dazedly, without saying a word.

"What? Staying here for the night, Danfeng's trash." After Chu Yao cleaned up the abuser, she saw the victim, and her voice was disdainful, "If you are like this, you deserve to be bullied."

Xia Ge listened to the tree, silently ashamed.

"What are you still doing?" Chu Yao stepped on the head of the disciple surnamed Qian, and pulled out the long sword stuck in the tree with her backhand, "What? Your legs are so frightened? You can't stand up anymore? Just You are such a coward, what Jianfeng are you coming from, your Danfeng eldest disciple's eyes are blind?!"

Ye Ze heard her insulting Dan Feng, and immediately gritted his teeth, with anger in his throat, "You... shut up!"

The one who answered him was the cold long sword in the girl's hand that brushed against his cheek.

The moonlight reflected a cold light on the sword, the teeth on the girl's lips were cold and sharp, and her low voice was mocking.

"Shut up, first of all, you have to have strength."

"It will only make the companions sad, what kind of hero, garbage."

Ye Ze seemed to be blocked by something suddenly, and couldn't say a word. Chu Yao sneered, and swung the sword in her hand at will, returning the sword to its sheath, and the sound of the sword was loud.

"Whoever dares to bully you, then bully back a hundred times, if he says something you don't like, then beat him until he can't speak, if he wants to resist you, then beat him until he can't resist you, he doesn't agree with your words , then beat him until he has to agree with you, won't it?"

Ye Ze gritted his teeth and did not speak.

"What are you sitting here now?" Chu Yao was tired of stepping on the head of a tall man who was lying on the ground, "Tsk, let you come here, Danfeng's eldest disciple is really blind."

Ye Ze held back for a long time, and finally only said these three words, "... No."

The voice was dejected and uncertain.

Xia Ge watched the whole process without saying a word.

"No? If you say it's not, then it's not?" Chu Yao stepped on one person in one step, with her back to Ye Ze, and stepped on three people and walked slowly in the direction from which she came, with a long voice, "Every piece of garbage I've ever seen. They used to be so confident, but then…”

Just when she thought that the other party hadn't found her, suddenly, the girl with the sword on her back turned her eyes slightly, and her light brown eyes filled with moonlight looked straight in her direction, then sneered and retracted her gaze, "Time. Proof that rubbish is rubbish.”

Xia Ge, who looked at the other party: "..."

Ah, so embarrassing.

half an hour.

Xia Ge muttered to himself, "...Didn't she doesn't matter."

... and the phrase "rubbish is rubbish" why do you look at her and say it


The system also seemed to be shaken, silent.

Xia Ge squatted on the locust tree and looked at Ye Ze who was leaning against the tree, feeling extremely complicated for a while.

The boy sat quietly for a while, then slowly climbed up with the help of the tree. With heavy breathing and the sound of gasping because he accidentally touched the wound, he slowly stood up, and then staggered to where he was knocked out by Chu Yao. In front of the three people, he kicked him fiercely!

The sound of fisting to the flesh was muffled. Occasionally, I could hear the young man's hissing pain because of the wound, but the sound of fisting and kicking never stopped.

It's like a beast who is hurt and angry, and can only vent his incompetence through revenge.

Xia Ge listened quietly on the tree. For some reason, he seemed to suddenly understand Chu Yao's meaning better.

- The only one who can save him is himself.

You can only do it if you become stronger.

She slowly took out the black wooden box and opened it. The missing dragon jade in the right corner glowed dimly and warmly in the moonlight broken by leaves.

[Drop - the ban lifted!]

Open the panel again, and the skills are already available.

Xia Ge took a last look at the young man under the tree who was panting because he was tired, but still didn't stop. Under the light moonlight, the light in his eyes was cruel and ruthless.

Somewhat unfamiliar.

It's a little different from the shy boy who was knocked to the ground by her fist.

… Not bad.

"Finally don't give up, Ye Baozi."

Xia Ge opened Ghost Shadow and went back to get some wound medicine. When he climbed up again, the boy was already lying on the ground. He seemed to be too tired. He closed his eyes and did not speak.

Xia Ge smashed the wound medicine into his face.


Suddenly being hit on the face by someone, Ye Ze let out a "hiss", opened his eyes, and saw the linen-clothed boy squatting with his head on a tree branch.

He was stunned for a moment, then his face flushed, he turned his face away, and did not speak.

"Did you knock them all down?" Xia Ge tilted his head, and before he could speak, he said with a smile, "You're amazing."

Ye Ze was slightly startled, looked at the three people who were swaying around, and after a while, he muttered, "... No."

"It's you, I just saw it." Xia Ge opened his eyes and said nonsense, "I saw you beating people just after I came here. The three of them are all lying there now."

After a pause, Xia Ge rolled his eyes, "You're still awake."

Ye Ze put his hand on his forehead, pursed his lips tightly, and said nothing.

"Oh, anyway, no matter what the process is, at least this is the result." Xia Ge said, "Why are you lying down, stand up."

Ye Ze muttered, "I won't get up, shut up, what are you doing here? Go back."

What a shame.

"I just wanted to ask you, can we go for a drink next time?" Xia Ge asked, "You're gone, I don't have any friends who drink."

Ye Ze stopped talking.

"I always think you won't come down the mountain to come to me for a drink in the future." Xia Ge paused and joked.

Ye Ze still didn't speak, but Xia Ge always felt that he was acquiescing.

… is that true

"What are you afraid of?" Xia Ge suddenly felt a headache. "Are you afraid that they will come and beat me? Stop joking, I'm pretty good too."

The figure at the bottom looked like an elm lump, and Xia Ge felt a little bit wanting to beat him up because he didn't say a word.

Is it hard to speak

"That's it." Xia Ge sighed, "Let's make an agreement, when you can step on these scum under your feet without relying on others, when you are not afraid of anything."

"Come and have a drink with me, okay?"

Moonlight silver.

It's been a long time, maybe not very long.

Ye Ze heard his hoarse voice, "...then you have to wait for a long time, maybe... there will be no such day."

Finally spoke.

"How come." Xia Ge breathed a sigh of relief, tilted his head, and said softly, "You work so hard, Aze."

Ye Ze was silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

"it is good."

Xia Ge smiled, "It's a deal."
