Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 75: Black Eyed Butterfly


On this side, Chu Yi's eyes were only slightly able to see some light. She closed her eyes and opened them again, and everything in her eyes slowly brightened.

The enthusiastic "eunuch" from before was a little weird.

Chu Yi can't tell where the weirdness is... but, it seems to be a little... familiar

Then she shouted "stop", but there were still many dark blind spots in her eyes, and she couldn't see things clearly. When she could see things vaguely, she made the "stop" people long gone. shadow.

Chu Yi: "..."

That guy is really weird!

Chu Yi stood up, her thin lips pursed tightly, her face slightly gloomy.

She snorted softly and waved her sleeves casually.

The delicate butterflies on the sleeves danced gracefully and seemed to come alive. Chu Yi's voice softened, "Butterfly, what did you just see?"

The next moment, the girl's clothes lit up, and Chu Yi's open black pupils lit up with a butterfly-like white light. Almost instantly, Chu Yi saw what just happened through the eyes of the silver butterfly on his sleeve. everything.

Under the soft sunlight that filtered through the old wooden windows of the Library Pavilion, the young man with red hair looked at her, because Chu Yi couldn't hear the sound because he only borrowed his eyes, but he could see each other's eyes—

In just an instant, Chu Yi felt as if he had been stepped on the most painful place by this person's eyes!

This look... will make her feel even more angry!

"Hey… "

The girl's voice was dyed with a cold chill, full of anger and hatred, "Who are you..."

There was no one around, so of course no one could answer her, but Chu Yi was just talking to herself.

She saw the young man wave his hand to her eyes, and seemed to realize that she couldn't see it anymore. While stunned, there was a bit of complexity and distress in her eyes.

But in this case.


Or, sympathy.

Chu Yi only felt that he was sympathizing.


How ridiculous.

Who does he think he is? Who is he sympathizing with? Who is he pitying for? !

"who do you think You Are… "

- Really, what kind of rubbish, can you come to sympathize with her

She is just blind, not stupid!

What rubbish deserves sympathy for her? ! Are you worthy of pity for her? !

She, Chu Yi, would rather be trampled in the mud, and would rather everyone point at her spine to scold her as a slut and a scourge, rather than this useless pity and sympathy!

Chu Yi only felt an evil fire in her heart. This evil fire burned in her heart wantonly, forcing her to recall all the bitterness and despair, all the darkness and pain she had experienced.

"Who do you think you are?! Why sympathize with me?! Why?!"


With a loud bang, the fragile bookshelf collapsed suddenly, and the servants below heard the sound, but the sun was shining, and among the dusty pages of the sky, the pure black eyes of my young lady were cold.

"Second miss..."

After the attack, Chu Yi took a breath, her eyes were dark again, she staggered back two steps, the servant hurried up to support her, but the girl suddenly waved her away, "Go away! Don't touch me!"

Unexpectedly, the movement was too big, and a piece of things in her pocket was swiped out by her, bounced a few times on the ground, and finally landed quietly on a page of the book.

Chu Yi's eyes fell on that piece of stuff. Her pupils shrank slightly.

That's a candy.

The candy paper wrapped with the candy was slightly shaken apart, revealing the pink candy wrapped in cherry blossom petals. In the warm sunlight, it lay quietly on a page of a book, as if it had entered a painting.

Chu Yi stared at the candy in a daze.

It seemed that a long time ago, someone had said this to her.

-If you think life is too hard.

- Just eat some candy.

But... what about that person

Chu Yi was in a trance for a while, and staggered to the page of the book. In the end, she knelt down with a "thump". She trembled and carefully touched the candy, but the moment she touched it, it was like an electric shock. He pulled his hand back and covered his eyes.

What about that person? !

After a long while, tears slowly overflowed from between my fingers, drop by drop, wetting the pages of the book.

"elder brother… "

You don't want me anymore.

Really, it's so painful.

= =

After Xia Ge slipped away, he naturally didn't know what was going on upstairs. He only knew that when he got down to the corner of the stairs on the second floor, he heard a "boom" on the third floor, as if something collapsed.

There was a commotion among the disciples below, and they all looked to the third floor curiously, and some who liked to watch the excitement even wanted to climb the third floor to check the situation. Xia Ge thought of the girl leaning on the bookshelf, her eyes blank, and then looking at the crowd who couldn't wait to watch the fun, and finally had an idea, and screamed at the top of her voice, "Hey, I just seemed to be in. The Danfang District saw the prefecture-level Danfang, I don’t know if it’s true!”

The people who went upstairs to watch the excitement immediately focused their attention on Xia Ge.

"Who are you?"

"Hey—isn't this Xia Wuyin?"

"I'll go, he found the Earth-level pill recipe?"

"Where is it where!?"

"… "

Xia Ge: "Hey, I don't know either, come with me and see—"

Someone found something wrong, "Wait, isn't Danfang District on the first floor, how did you come down from the third floor?"

Xia Ge: "Didn't I see this before? I didn't notice it at the time. Now, when I think about it, hey, no matter how I think about it, it looks like a prefecture-level pill recipe—"


"Come and see if you can find out!"

"… "

Some believe it, some don't, some doubt it, but they always diverted their attention from the third floor. Xia Ge took the crowd to the Danfang District, where someone asked, "That prefecture-level Danfang Where is it?"

Xia Ge pretended to be in front of a bookshelf, and suddenly looked shocked, "Hey, where is that pill recipe? Why is it gone? I saw it just now, could it be that someone took it away? Bar?"


"You're not kidding us, are you?"

"… "

Just when Xia Ge was about to talk nonsense, a faint voice sounded out of nowhere.

"Earth-level pill recipe?"

Xia Ge's back froze slightly, and the disciples who followed him were silent for a moment when they saw Xia Ge's back.

Xia Ge turned back stiffly and saw Gu Peiju at the far end of the bookshelf.

The girl was dressed in red and white maple clothes, and her face was as white as jade. She stood at the end of the bookshelf, twisting a page of Dan Fang in her plain white hands, and her dark eyes under her long eyelashes were calm, she looked at Xia Ge. eyes, "Are you looking for an earth-level pill recipe?"

The fake smile on Xia Ge's face suddenly stiffened, "Uh... this... I... "

She bragged about the prefecture-level pill recipes. Where there are prefecture-level pill recipes, it's just to divert others' attention from the third floor.

Gu Peijiu walked up to her, holding a fragment of a pill recipe in her hand, and asked her, "Is it this?"

Xia Ge: "... "Dan Fang is really bullshitting... It's definitely not one of them.

But looking at everyone's coveted eyes, Xia Ge didn't dare to look at Gu Peiju, and said bitingly, "Ah... Yes, yes."

Although everyone did not dare to speak, they looked suspiciously at the half of the Dan Fang in Gu Peijiu's hand, and then looked at Xia Ge, whose face was drifting.

Gu Peijiu raised her voice slightly, "Huh?"

Xia Ge came back to his senses and immediately vowed: "Yes! That's right! Yes, yes, this is what I saw!"

Everyone: "… "

Gu Peijiu paused and swept her a glance, "This is the fragment of the earth-level pill recipe I put here before. It's useless. I just wanted to get it back, maybe you just saw it."

She paused, "If you want to see it, I'll put it here."

After saying that, he put the scraps on the bookshelf. However, no one dared to move, Gu Peijiu glanced at Xia Ge, "Come with me."

Xia Ge: "...Oh."

Gu Peijiu took her up to the second floor.

Those who were left, look at me, I look at you, and then look at the ground-level fragment that was placed on the bookshelf, after a few seconds of silence—

Swarm up!


"Fuck, I saw it first!"

"Fuck you, it's me first!!"

"… "

The bottom was torn into pieces, and the disciples on the first floor rushed over, "Hey, what are you doing! You have to fight outside, and you are not allowed to gather and fight here!!"

The light on the second floor was clear, and Gu Peijiu brought her up without saying a word. He just walked to the bookshelf and casually took out a book to read.

Xia Ge followed behind her, a little uneasy, she glanced at the book in the other's hand.

"Carved Wood".

... This seems to be...

Xia Ge turned to look at the area of the bookshelf, only to find that it was [folk arts].

The girl in front was flipping through the book, her back was straight, and the atmosphere was quiet.

Xia Ge couldn't calm down, she blinked her eyes, she had nothing to say, "Senior sister is interested in carving."

Gu Peijiu's hand turning over the book paused slightly, and after a while, she looked sideways behind her.

The teenager who followed her was dressed in sackcloth and linen, holding a book, with a red headband, slightly messy hair, and bright eyes. The dragon jade with missing horns hanging on his waist was gone, replaced by a black-haired puppet doll.

The doll has black hair and black eyes, red lips and white face, very delicate and lovely.

Gu Peijiu gave a "um", put the book back, and said in a light voice, "It's okay to read it."

Xia Ge: "Oh..."

Gu Peijiu glanced at the doll on her waist again, "Where's your jade?"

"Ah? Jade?" Xia Ge realized that the other party was talking about the ghost dragon jade, and she scratched her head, "Uh, that's someone else's thing, and I have to return it."

Seeing that Gu Peijiu didn't speak, but just stared at the doll on her waist, Xia Ge didn't know what to do, so she was a little embarrassed to say that it was carved by herself, so she just pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretending that she didn't see the other party looking at her doll.

Gu Peijiu said, "Puppets."

Xia Ge: "… huh?"

Gu Peijiu looked at her and repeated, "Puppet."

Xia Ge couldn't put it on anymore: "Uh, this puppet... This is from someone!"

Gu Peijiu looked into her eyes.

Xia Ge looked a little guilty, "Haha, look good."

Gu Peijiu thought thoughtfully, "Do you like it?"

Xia Ge: "Just... it's alright."

Gu Peijiu made an "oh" and was about to continue reading. Who knew she looked up, as if she saw something behind Xia Ge, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she reached out and pulled Xia Ge behind her back.

Xia Ge was pulled away by surprise, and the whole person was pulled behind Gu Peiju. The bookshelf and the girl in red and white maple blocked her tightly. Xia Ge let out an "ah", but immediately after hearing a voice He closed his mouth, shrank himself behind Gu Peiju, grabbed her clothes, and shrank himself a little tighter.

Chu Yi's cold and soft voice floated past from behind the bookshelf, "Who was the man with red hair just now?"

The servant walking behind her cautiously said, "This... I'm not quite sure."

The servants screamed miserably. This is the Danfeng Bookstore. Although there are disciples from Sword Peak and Beast Peak, most of them have Danfeng's red hair band on their heads. Is the concept too vague

When Chu Yi walked to the bookshelf where Gu Peijiu was, she paused for a while and glanced in Gu Peijiu's direction.

Gu Peijiu held a book that had just opened the title page in her hand, and felt the gaze of the other party. She raised her eyes slightly, turned slightly, and blocked the people behind her.

Chu Yi was stabbed by this gaze, neither light nor heavy, her brows furrowed, her eyes became gloomy, and finally she looked at Gu Peiju with a cold smile on the corner of her mouth, "It doesn't matter, I'll find it myself."

After all, throw your sleeves away.

Hearing Chu Yi's voice walking away, Xia Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Peijiu held a book in his hand and looked at her sideways, his voice was neither salty nor light, "Why do you hide from her?"

Xia Ge didn't know how to explain it, so in the end he could only pretend to be stupid: "Just... I want to hide."

Gu Peijiu lowered her head slightly and looked at Xia Ge's hand holding her belt.

Xia Ge followed her line of sight, and only then did she realize that she was still pulling on the other person's clothes, or the belt, and immediately retracted her Lushan claws, "Ah, that, it wasn't intentional, I..."

Gu Peijiu didn't seem to see that the other party grabbed her by the belt, and just continued to ask.

"If you want to hide, why did you just get together?"

Apparently, he saw the scene when Xia Ge sneaked up when Chu Yi couldn't see him.

Xia Ge embarrassed: "So, Senior Sister, you saw it..."

Gu Peijiu gave a "hmm", not saying that she saw Xia Ge as soon as she entered the library.

As for following the other party up to the third floor.

Gu Peijiu thought, um, she just happened to have a book on the third floor that she wanted to read, so she went up by the way.

Well, Xia Ge gave Chu Yi candy or something, and I saw it completely by accident.

Xia Ge held it back for a while, and then said sincerely, "I thought she needed help back then."

She is really a helpful disciple of Danfeng's three best disciples.

Gu Peijiu was silent for a while, as if thinking. After a while, the book in his hand slid from his hand and landed on the ground with a "click".

Xia Ge was taken aback.

Gu Peijiu looked at her seriously, "I need help too."

Xia Ge: "..." No, no, you...

After a while, Xia Ge bent over to pick up the book with a dark face and put it in the other person's hand, "Then you can take it."

Gu Peijiu took the book with one hand, made a "hmm", and then stretched out the other hand towards Xia Ge.

This hand was as white as jade, with the palm facing up, she just stretched out her hand to Xia Ge without speaking, just looking at her.

Xia Ge looked at her: "???" Here, the book is picked up, what else are you doing

Seeing that she was motionless, Gu Peijiu tilted her head slightly, her long eyelashes moved slightly, and her dark eyes reflected Xia Ge's blank face.

After a long while, she slowly withdrew her hand. For some reason, Xia Ge felt that the other party didn't seem very happy.

Well, why is this unhappy again

Gu Peijiu took the book and turned to leave. The girl in the red and white maple robes was arrogant, but Xia Ge inexplicably saw a bit of unwillingness.

and many more…

Thinking of Chu Yi, Xia Ge seemed to understand something, and was a little unsure.

"Hey! Senior Sister! Wait, wait..."

Gu Peijiu didn't look back, but her footsteps slowly slowed down. Xia Ge took three steps to go up and grabbed the corner of her sleeve.

Gu Peijiu looked at her hand and walked out of the range of the bookshelf. There were too many people. Xia Ge didn't dare to be presumptuous, she laughed shyly, and let go of the hand that was pulling on the other's sleeve. She raised her head and smiled at Gu Peijiu, " Well, just now, thank you."

Gu Peijiu looked into her eyes, her pupils reflected hers, Xia Ge thought about it, and said cheekily, "Senior sister, stretch out your hand."

Gu Peijiu lowered her eyes, looked at her for a while, and stretched out her hand obediently.

Xia Ge smiled and put the candy in her hand in her palm.

In the palm of her white jade-like palm, there was a pink candy wrapped in transparent candy paper.

"Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, I've never eaten it before, so I don't know if it's delicious." Xia Ge didn't know if she guessed correctly, she turned her head and looked at the window outside, Cheeky felt a little embarrassed for the first time, "Then What, when I am helpful, I don't have the habit of giving candy..."

Xia Ge paused, "But... forget it."

If the cloaked man of the black market is this man.

… just a candy bar, nothing.


The candy in the palm of his hand still had the warmth of the other's fingertips, Gu Peijiu clenched the candy tightly and changed the subject casually, "The puppets are beautifully carved."

Xia Ge instantly felt as if his tail was being stepped on: "Ah, this, this is from someone!"

Gu Peijiu gave a "hmm", "I know."

Hageton had an illusion of powerlessness as he punched cotton: "..."

Seeing Xia Ge's gloomy face, Gu Peijiu reached out and touched her hair, the corners of her lips couldn't help but hold a three-point smile, "Go back."

= =

half a month later.

The sun is just right.

"Alchemy, pay attention to a favorable time and place..."

On the stage, the goatee master stroked his beard and shook his head.

The Danfeng disciples who were wearing Danfeng plain clothes were sitting upright. There was a small incense burner on the small table in front of them. There was a pill book on the table, as well as the rice paper notes that they had prepared. It looks like there is a strong academic spirit in a small hall.

Xia Ge sat at the back, neatly dressed in Danfeng plain clothes, her book stood tall, her head buried, the charcoal in her hand danced on the paper, and under the book were sheets of scrap paper with messy lines. .

The Master glanced at the last disciple who seemed to be filling up the list, and narrowed his eyes.

"Xia Wuyin."

"Ah... here!"

Xia Wuyin stood up "rubbing", the book collapsed neatly, and hid the manuscript paper at the bottom under the red book, with a serious face, "Master, what advice do you have?"

The Master stroked the goatee and squinted, "You stand up and tell me, what medicinal herbs are in the blood pill this time?"

Xia Ge: "… "

No, you didn't talk about this just now. Didn't you just say how the pill furnace should be placed

Seeing that Xia Ge couldn't answer, the Master's face instantly became gloomy, he rolled up the book and walked to her side, spitting flying, "Xia Wuyin, you have to remember, you are different from other disciples, others will get a point, you It has to be very good!"

"You are a specially recruited disciple!"

"and also… "

The Master was about to take this opportunity to teach a lesson to this stinky boy who didn't pay attention to the class, when he suddenly heard Xia Ge earnestly said, "Huixue Dan has three main medicinal materials, namely blood refining grass, blood coagulation sand, and other herbs. There is a taste of white bone flowers."

Master: "..."

Xia Ge looked sincere, "Do you still want to ask about the accessories? I also know the accessories. You want glazed sand, condensed... "

Master: "..."

"Okay, okay, sit down." The master gave her a final look, "Don't do any more messy little tricks!"

Xia Ge sat properly and nodded obediently, "Yes."

After the Master finished teaching this, his eyes widened, "Okay, then, Huo Bai, get up and talk about the practice of greed and drunkenness?"

- Greedy and drunk? !

Xia Ge's hand was suddenly unsteady when he turned the book. The thick elixir in his hand "bang" hit the incense burner on the table. The pile of messy drawings under the book was immediately exposed to the broad daylight, and was clearly swept away by the Master's gaze.

Xia Ge: "… "

Before Huo Bai stood up, he heard the irritable voice of the goatee, "Xia Wuyin, get out and punish me!"

Xia Ge: "That, Master... I can explain... "

The goatee sneered, "Explain what? Explain the picture you made up in the Alchemy class? Or explain that you peeked at Ye Shi in the Alchemy class and didn't finish the homework and stayed in the Alchemy class to write?"

Xia Ge: "… "

Xia Ge: "...Well, sir, I also want to know how greed and drunkenness is practiced."

The goatee didn't look at her, and snorted, "Tell me Huo Bai, the practice of greed and drunkenness?"

Huo Bai: "..."

Huo Bai pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head, as if he had remembered something, and looked confident.

"Crazy laugh, drunk and exquisite, and..." Huo Bai read out one by one, sounding very confident. For some reason, Xia Ge saw the goatee's face getting more and more ugly.

Huo Bai babbled a lot, and the more he talked, the more confident he felt at the end, "In the end, there is still blindness, thinking girl!"

The goatee's hand that curled the book was full of veins.

Xia Ge vaguely felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously retreated back. Huo Bai didn't feel wrong yet, and was vaguely happy, "Master, am I right?"

The goatee seemed to have endured to the extreme: "You also get out of my way and punish me!!"

Huo Bai: "???"

Seeing Huo Bai's blank face, the goatee sneered, "I don't know why I asked you to get out? Okay, what am I asking you?"

Huo Bai: "... greedy and drunk."

Goatee: "What did you answer?"

Huo Bai didn't understand why: "greedy and drunk."

The goatee roared: "Get out! Get out of here! You answered that you are addicted to pleasure!! Who asked you how to make spring poison at such a young age

Xia Ge: "… "

Huo Bai: "..." day.

Everyone: "???"

Outside the hall, Qiuhu was fierce, Xia Ge was standing outside with a kettle on his head, and he was standing outside basking in the sun, while Huo Bai was also wearing a kettle and accompanied her.

A splendid special student from Danfeng, a splendid first place in Danfeng, but now they are all here, receiving the splendid illumination of the autumn tiger.

One is a sneaky puppet master, and the other is a demon spy with bad intentions. Hey, after the splendor is really bright, there must be some unsightly darkness.

Xia Ge wandered around with the kettle on.


Xia Ge was wandering around when he suddenly heard a muffled voice, "You made your doll yourself?"

Xia Ge subconsciously looked down at her doll, the pot on her head was about to fall down, she tilted her body, and she instinctively stabilized her body, adjusted the pot on her head, but not a drop of water spilled.

Once you get used to this life-saving escape skill, it will become something like a body instinct.

"... uh, that's it."

Xia Ge looked sideways at Huo Bai next to him, the boy was dressed in Danfeng plain clothes, his face was not as pale as when he was a white blade, and his cheeks were still ruddy, and he didn't look so crazy. He was very restrained, like a silent person.

Really a movie star.

Xia Ge thought that in addition to listening to greed and drunkenness as greed, she also said that the act of greed and addiction was a bit of a mental retardation, but, um, didn't she hear it wrong at first.

Huo Bai heard the words "Oh" and said no more.

Xia Ge just thought, I can't be so stiff, I have to find something to talk about.

But what to ask

Q: When are you going to steal the keys

Or ask: Who is your brother from Jianfeng, is it convenient to say

Or ask: Do you have a route to the Demon Sect, can you tell me a little bit

Any one of the three questions is like a mental retardation.

After thinking twice, Xia Ge decided to shut up and say more and more mistakes.

Huo Bai hesitated for a while, "Actually..."

Xia Ge: "Huh?"

Huo Bai was confused: "Where have I seen you?"

Xia Ge's heart suddenly tightened, and when he came back to his senses, he could not wait to write a hundred thousand blood books.

... Brother, you haven't just seen her "where".

She can see you wherever she goes, hey, except for that accident when she went to the tomb of the ancestors in Lingxi, I haven't seen you, I will count down, go out for a drink and meet you, take a test and meet you, go to the black market to sell one The medicine pill was also searched and killed by you in a carpet-like manner. After you come back, you can still see you when you pick up some clothes. At the end of the class, you still stand together.

What a fucking place to meet in life.

Xia Ge swallowed a mouthful of old blood silently, with a fake smile on his face, "... Ha, I'm just delusional, I think you look familiar too."

Fortunately, after the upgrade of Soul Capture, there is a function of fuzzy memory. The white blade at that time and Huo Bai now don't remember her, otherwise it's hard to say what's going on now.

"Um... maybe."

Huo Bai didn't speak any more.

However, Xia Ge felt that he still doubted something.

"Huo Bai, come in."

The master inside seemed to have lost his anger. He felt that compared to Xia Ge, the villain who took his alchemy class to draw formation diagrams, Huo Bai, who opened his mouth and said every ingredient of spring poison, was more like a plastic material, beckoning. Let him in, ignoring Xia Ge.

The hall door slammed shut with a bang.

Xia Ge: "… "

Well, although it's not a good thing, you can't be so eccentric. Hey.

Xia Ge held the kettle above her head gloomily and looked down at the doll on her waist.

The black-haired, black-eyed doll has red lips and white face, and the corners of her lips have a faint smile.

Looking at it makes me feel better.

The system said, "Are you going to let him go like this?"

Xia Ge: "...Why do I let him go... How can I let him go?"

System: "He's a spy, you know he's a spy."

Xia Ge: "Oh, yes."

System: "...Aren't you going to do something?"

Xia Ge: "Of course... such a good opportunity."

System: "What are you going to do?"

Xia Ge: "If you send me twenty aunt towels, I'll tell you."

System: "Oh, then shut up."

The sun above his head was getting stronger, Xia Ge looked at a plane tree not far away, and decided to lean against it quietly.

Although it seems pointless, but I still don't want to get tan...

Who knows that before taking a step, something suddenly slammed over, Xia Ge turned to avoid it, and turned his hand to catch it.

The thing in his hand was cold, with cold air and moisture, Xia Ge saw it, and there was actually a big frozen purple jade grape in the palm of his hand.

"Tsk, you're about to turn into a raisin, I'll give you some water."

The sound came from the tree. Xia Ge held the grapes in one hand and the kettle above his head in the other. He looked up and saw a slumped leg.

This leg was wearing a riding boot, and tucked loose white trousers into the boot to outline a slender calf. The owner of the leg kicked his feet at will, with a lazy voice, "Why, I can't stand this light, Want to be lazy?"

Xia Ge: "… "

Xia Ge's mouth twitched, "You..."

"It's okay to be lazy."

Chu Yao's voice was languid. She retracted her legs, sat on a branch, carrying a bunch of grapes, "I'll take you down the mountain to play, will you go?"

Xia Ge said righteously: "Don't go, I'm a good student."

Chu Yao was vaguely disdainful, "Danfeng's good student? What's the point?"

Xia Ge decided not to continue this topic, "Why are you here at Danfeng?"

Chu Yao took it for granted: "Poaching."

Xia Ge: "...?"

Chu Yao smiled maliciously, with sharp teeth on the corners of her lips: "As long as you fail the exam, you will soon become a special recruit of our Jianfeng."

Xia Ge: "… "

Hey, even if it's poaching, please don't say such malicious words in front of the person involved. Do you think she will be moved if you say this? It's so funny! Who would want to let themselves fail, mentally retarded.

Chu Yao: "You can play whatever you want, you can drink, I'll treat you."

Xia Ge skillfully peeled and bit the cold grapes in his hands, sobbing and sobbing: "Actually, there is a restaurant I've wanted to go to for a long time!"

System: "..." You're a fucking fake.

"But you have to talk to Mr. Xia." Xia Ge said righteously, emphasizing: "You have to say that you are taking me away, not my own will! It has nothing to do with me, I am innocent."

The system laughed coldly: "What a white lotus flower."

Xia Ge: "Shut up."

Chu Yao narrowed her eyes, looked at the young man below with a "you have to take full responsibility for taking me away", and said "Cut", "Okay."

After she finished speaking, Lei Leo jumped down from the plane tree, the blue corners of her clothes swept lightly in the air, and landed on Xia Ge's side. The bunch of grapes in her hand did not fall. He handed the grapes to Xia Ge, then took away the kettle on Xia Ge's head with one hand, the corners of his clothes fluttered, and walked directly towards the hall.

With a light head, Xia Ge let out a "hey" and came back to his senses, only to notice that she was carrying a sword on her back.

… The disciples of Jianfeng, as expected, carry swords on their backs all the time.

But no matter how you look at it, there is a bit of a smashing smell in it...

Chu Yao walked to the door, the hall door was closed, thought about it, and raised her foot.


She looked back at Xia Ge.

Danfeng's Danfeng plain clothes were worn on the boy's body, which fit him very well. His soft black hair was tied up by a red hair band, and a nondescript puppet doll was hanging around his waist. He stared at her with black eyes, and then made a Got a... knock on the door

She spoke cautiously.

"That, knock."

Chu Yao: "..."

"When adding ingredients, you should..."

Chu Yao snorted, put down her feet, and walked in without knocking or kicking.

The goatee got stuck, and narrowed his eyes to see the uninvited guest. He recognized Jianfeng's clothes, "Huh?"

"Hey old man." Chu Yao hugged her shoulders and pouted her chin outward, "I asked you to borrow someone."

The goatee's face was a little unsightly, "You people from Jianfeng, what are you doing in my Danfeng?"

"Saye?" Chu Yao raised her lips slightly, her eyes dissipated, and she lifted her chin outward, "I'm Saye, but people came to Danfeng to study, and I didn't see you planning to teach them anything. ."

The goatee immediately understood who the rescuer was here, and snorted, "Students who make mistakes should be punished!"

Chu Yao tsk tsk, glanced at Huo Bai, who was sitting on the side, and narrowed her eyes, "Students who make mistakes are punished, but it depends on the punishment method. Everyone wants a clear reward and punishment, although it is said that people's hearts are biased. Yes, but as a master, you can't be too partial."

She casually tossed the kettle full of water in her hand, her light brown eyes narrowed, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'll just go wild."

She flipped her hand and threw the kettle on the ground, with a crisp "pop", the water splashed everywhere, and laughed wildly, "Man, I'll take it away!"

All the disciples were stunned when they heard it. The Master's face was white with anger, and his hands trembled. "You", "you" didn't say a word for a long time, Chu Yao snorted, and "slap" the hall was overwhelmed. The door closed, and then he clapped his hands to Xia Ge, who was still standing outside the door under the big sun, "Okay, let's go."

Throughout the audience Xia Ge: "..." No, no, I didn't mean that...

Xia Ge is desperate.

Why don't you fucking tell me...

"Why is it like a piece of wood?" Chu Yao looked at her sideways, "Don't want to drink?"

Xia Ge stared blankly at the geese flying south above his head, holding grapes, his voice fluttering, "Ah, suddenly I want to roast geese, the kind of braised..."

Okay, after this battle, she is afraid that she will become popular again in Danfeng.

Thin blue.


Chu Yao squinted her eyes and looked up, pondered for a while, and then tapped her hand, "If there are no geese, will the red-crowned crane work?"

Xia Ge: "???"

Chu Yao: "There are many like that on Jianfeng, the one with the red head, have you seen it?"

"It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it." She paused, "If you want to eat it, I'll catch you a few."

Xia Ge: "… "

Who the hell dares to eat first-class national protected animals! ! Will it grow parasites? !

Xia Ge: "...No, I'm joking, let's go to a bar."

Chu Yao: "Have fun as you please."

There is a small town forty miles to the east of Lingxi Peak.

The name is Holly.

The trees in Holly City are all evergreen trees in winter, lush and lush, and the people in the city can be considered to live and work in peace and contentment, very prosperous.

And the restaurant that Xia Ge wanted to go to was called Dongqing Restaurant.

They went down the mountain casually, and neither of them changed their clothes. When the shopkeeper saw the two wearing Lingxifeng's school uniforms, he was even more attentive. "What do you two want?"

"I want Zhu Yeqing in your store!" Xia Ge had already thought about it, "The other side dishes are optional, and a little more wine, thank you."

The two found a seat upstairs by the window and sat down. The grapes in Xia Singer had been eaten along the way, and her tongue was still sweet. She was in a good mood when she was eating. She bent her eyes and said in Mandarin. It was even more hypocritical, "Master Chu is so busy, why did he suddenly come to me when he was free?"

Chu Yao held her cheek with one hand and snorted, "I'm happy."

... I can't take it.

Xia Ge looked out the window: "...Oh."

Chu Yao glanced at her, the boy rested his chin in both hands and watched the people coming and going under the window. He turned his face sideways, under his long eyelashes were dark cat eyes, his lips were bright red, and his long black hair was tied with a red hairband, revealing Small ears.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chu Yao always felt that this person's outline was softer than the last time he saw it.

Chu Yao couldn't help laughing, "Xia Wuyin, why are you becoming more sissy the older you get."

… you really speak up.

She still couldn't take it.

Xia Ge's mouth twitched, "Haha, is that so."

Chu Yao snorted, and didn't want to discuss this topic: "How long you want, I just want to ask you, come to Jianfeng?"

Xia Ge: "..." He really came to dig a corner.

Xia Ge shook his head and said sincerely, "Jianfeng is too tired, I can't bear the hardship."

"Tired? Are you actually tired?"

Chu Yao looked at her in disbelief, as if she didn't think that the reason why the other party rejected her would be this, and then she looked disgusted: "Why are you short and useless."

Xia Ge: "..." This mouth is more poisonous than Xiao Puppet.

… never mind.

Zhu Yeqing came up and served some dishes. When Xia Ge saw the wine, his eyes lit up slightly, and he filled Chu Yao with it, "I heard that his family's Zhu Yeqing is delicious, you can try it."

Chu Yao frowned and asked Xia Ge to fill up the wine and drink, and the two chatted without a word.

"Is there anything you hate?"

After three rounds of drinking, Chu Yao was a little drunk, her light brown eyes narrowed, looking at the setting sun outside the restaurant, the breeze was blowing, and she felt a lot more sober.

Very comfortable.

Xia Ge wasn't drunk, she held her chin and looked outside, twisting peanuts, and the breeze was blowing her face, and she felt extremely comfortable. Hearing the other party's question, she didn't even think about it, "Of course there is, I hate not being full, I hate not having money, I hate being poor."

Chu Yao took another sip of her wine, her light brown eyes glowing with drunkenness: "... That's it?"

Xia Ge hummed, "That's it, what else can I hate."

In other words, apart from these, the others, there is no capital to hate.

Chu Yao said "Oh", "Then I really envy you."

Xia Ge felt a little funny while being strange, "What's there to envy about being poor?"

Chu Yao shook her head, "If you have money, you won't be hungry. If you don't have money, you can earn money. Being poor for a while does not mean being poor forever. The things you hate can be changed."

She paused, looked at Xia Ge, her voice was hoarse, "Also, you have the ability to change."

Xia Ge looked out the window and didn't speak.

"What you hate, you can change, and you have the ability to change." Chu Yao said, "But what I hate is something I can't change."

Xia Ge was slightly startled, turned around and looked into her eyes.

The girl's light brown eyes reflected the setting sun outside the window, warm and strange.

Xia Ge is used to seeing beauty contact lenses in modern times, and she has the ability to turn into purple pupils after wearing them in a book. For a while, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her eyes, but now she suddenly realizes that the eyes of people around her are all That very pure black.

Chu Yao murmured, she stretched out her hand and slowly covered her eyes, her phalanges were pale and her voice was hoarse, "I can't change my identity, nor can I goug out my eyes."

"This is... I envy you the most."