Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 84: Attractive


- How could she just watch you fall.

... as if recalling.

The person who seems to be aloof has always been on her side.

Before you know it... already, many times.

Mojia Village, entry competition, black market.

Senior Sister... She is obviously a girl who looks so cold.

When she held her hand, it was always not as cold as she saw.

Hands are warm.

Xia Ge stayed where he was, looking at the stars in the sky for a long time.

a long time.

"Go back, I'm tired."

After walking a few steps, there was a glimmer of light in the sky, Xia Ge stretched out her hand, and then a familiar little red ribbon wrapped around her wrist vividly.

It is the little love.

"It's hard work." Xia Ge said, little Acacia rubbed her wrist affectionately, then tied herself into a beautiful bow, and then proudly threw her "wings".

Xia Ge: "… "

Probably understands what it means... "I'm going to tie my own knot now?"

Xia Ge boasted embarrassingly, "Oh, Xiao Xiangsi, you are really amazing."

"You are also very powerful." The girl's chuckle sounded like a ghost.

Xia Ge was suddenly startled, "Who?!"

There are many snow-white flowers and trees on Danfeng Road.

As soon as Xia Ge turned his head, he saw a blue-clothed girl sitting on a snow-white flower tree, with black hair and a cold moonlight in her apricot eyes.

The petals are flying, and there is no trace of romance. More, it is an indescribable chill.

... Yes, you can avoid the first day of the first year, but you can't avoid the fifteenth.

Chu Yi.

"Yo, isn't this the little sister of Jianfeng I just saw." Xia Ge calmly said, "It's so late, why don't you go back."

Chu Yi smiled lightly, "Don't you want to see the talented young man in Danfeng's legend?"

Xia Ge smiled: "I see now, Miss Sister, let's go back quickly."

Chu Yi jumped lightly from the flower tree, and her white sleeves embroidered with beautiful silver butterflies floated in the wind like a beautiful arc like a butterfly. She landed on the ground lightly and silently.

"What's the hurry?" Chu Yi said slowly, "Isn't there a little doubt that I haven't figured out yet?"

Xia Ge blinked, "What question?"

Chu Yi raised her hand slightly, and a beautiful silver butterfly flew from the distant sky, flashing bright fluorescence, and landed on Chu Yi's fingertips, she smiled lightly, "For example, the one on your hand What happened to that Yimei suddenly appearing in Jianfeng."

Before Xia Ge could reply, she said "oh" again, "Or... why, it will bring my silver butterfly to the house of your Danfeng eldest disciple."

Xia Ge opened his eyes and said nonsense: "No, Miss Sister, you are so beautiful, you must be wrong, my clothes are very well-behaved, they never hurt flowers and plants, and they never bring anything strange home, let alone Maybe to Jianfeng."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and moved his fingertips lightly, the silver butterfly floated softly in the air, "But my butterfly soul told me that it was chasing from Jianfeng all the way, and it was this clothing charm in your hand."

"Oh?" Xia Ge was half-smiling, "Where's the evidence?"

"Even if you're from Jianfeng, you can't just say something wrong. You said that your Yindie is chasing my Yimei..."

She showed the thin red ribbon on her wrist, "You have to have proof."

What everyone saw behind was a shining golden ball-shaped clothing charm. The sky in front was dark and covered in muddy water. It was difficult to tell what the red ribbon looked like. Only Yimei is not hers, and the sentence "Xia Wuyin is with me" said by the elder sister is an alibi, even if Chu Yi suspects that she is a spy, she can't really do anything to her in the end.

And there is the testimony of the elder sister, even if it is finally found out that Yimei is hers, it is nothing.

Chu Yi paused, probably thinking of the joints, the smile on her lips was slightly retracted, the moonlight was like silver, she looked at Xia Ge, and after a while, she smiled again, "Xia Wuyin, did you say anything? Are you very attractive?"

Xia Ge: "… Is there any?"

She didn't think she was attractive, but she thought she was annoying.

After a long while, Xia Ge's eyes widened in disbelief, "Miss, you like me."

Won't be torn down, will it? No way? How long has it been

Chu Yi said decisively, "I don't like it."

Xia Ge breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, that means someone else likes me."

Chu Yi: "..."

Xia Ge suddenly felt that Chu Yi looked at her with cold eyes, and her voice was vaguely cold, "Are you worthy?"

For some reason, Xia Ge vaguely felt as if he had accidentally caught something.

Is it...

No, won't it

"It doesn't matter if the charm of clothes today is yours or not." Chu Yi looked up at her with a smile on her lips, and her almond eyes were piercing, "I advise you to do it yourself."

After speaking, don't say more, wave your sleeves and leave.

The other party left soon.

System: "This tone... You robbed her man?"

Xia Ge: "… "

Although it's not robbing men... but I always feel that the concept is almost the same.

Seeing that Xia Ge didn't answer, the system was incredulous: "You really robbed her of a man?"

Xia Ge: "Why are you so stupid, just thought you were smart, shut up."

system:"… "

= =

After everyone returned from Danfeng to Jianfeng, they couldn't take a rest, and they kept sleeping, almost a carpet-like search, which was very strict.

Guards in particular.

"Not a single place can be spared!"

"Apart from the escort, who is not in the dormitory tonight?"

"… "

Because of this spy incident, the surrounding area was in chaos, and there were nervous disciples of Jianfeng everywhere.

At such a critical time, Ye Ze was in a daze.

He looked at the jade in his hand and felt a mess in his head. One moment it was the place where the jade appeared, and the next moment it was a handsome young man with wet hair coming out of the room of Senior Sister.

"Ye Ze, Lord Chu, let us take a look around."

Li Liu said, "Let's go."

Ye Ze came back to his senses after hearing the words, made a low "um", and followed.

The two walked away.

"Brother Ye doesn't look very good." Li Liu scattered the leaves, chatting while walking forward, "Is something wrong?"

Ye Ze was silent for a while, "It's nothing."

"That's it."

Finding that Ye Ze didn't seem to want to talk much, Li Liu changed the subject and said, "Alas, the demon sect's actions have been a little too big recently, and it's actually so arrogant."

Ye Ze gave a "hmm", "I don't know what they want to do."

"Who knows."

As he was talking, Li Liu seemed to have suddenly discovered something and looked eastward, "Hey, there seems to be some movement over there... You wait here, I'll take a look."

Ye Ze said: "Senior Brother Li, do you want me to go and see it together?"

Li Liu waved his hand, "Hey, no need, no one has checked over there yet, you should go and have a look."

Ye Ze didn't follow, watching Li Liu's back disappear into the shadows of the trees, he stayed silent for a while, then looked down at the Ghost Dragon Jade with a horn missing in his hand.

—Hahaha, little leaf, look at my dragon jade! No longer afraid of being haunted by evil spirits!

—Hey, Ye Ze, this wine is strong, but it’s really effective, drink it until dawn.

After watching for a while, Ye Ze lowered his eyes, silently put away the jade, and walked in the direction pointed by Li Liu.

The trees were heavily shadowed, and the moon was dull. After walking for a while, he suddenly heard a soft ringing of bells.

A very crisp sound, one after another, continuously, like a camel bell in the desert, ringing in the quiet night, it seems strange, and a bit sensible.

… the ringtone again

He thought of the bell that often said "won't ring".

Ye Ze frowned slightly, put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and walked towards the place where the sound was made.

The ringtone was elegant, clear for a while, and blurry for a while. Ye Ze followed the source of the sound and walked through a wild fruit forest. Occasionally, he stepped on a few rotten persimmons. Mosquitoes were buzzing. Ye Ze frowned. It became a lump, but when I saw the tree full of apples and persimmons, I thought inexplicably, if the kid named Xia came to this place, he should be very happy.

Ye Ze paused, not allowing himself to think about it any more. After passing through the wild fruit forest, he saw a thorn in the eye, and the graceful bell came from behind this thorn. There are still disciples patrolling outside the thorn forest. When the spies were caught outside and the troops were in chaos, there was no movement here. The disciples who were patrolling looked serious, and their bodies were full of spiritual energy. .

Ye Ze looked at it, and probably knew where this place was.

The thorn forest in front of Jianfeng Mountain Prison.

Behind it is... Jianfeng Mountain Prison.

The bell was still ringing, faintly.

Ye Ze was discovered not long after standing there, "Who?!"

Ye Ze didn't leave, just stayed where he was and waited for someone to come.

A square-faced inspector came over and saw Ye Ze, his face was extremely ugly, "Who are you? No idle people are allowed to approach here!"

Ye Ze took out his identity jade pendant, "I am from the Jianfeng Guard."

"Guardian?" The square-faced inspector took the jade pendant and looked at Ye Ze, his frowning still did not loosen, he put the jade pendant on Ye Ze, "Then this is not the place you should come. !Let's go back!"

"Who is locked inside?" Ye Ze took the jade pendant and paused, "Why is the bell ringing?"

"If you want to know who it is, you can know who it is, then you are incredible, stinky boy." The inspector pushed him, "But if you want to know, I can also tell you that the one locked inside is a The mad woman who kills without blinking! The sound of the bell is her demon bell! Anyone who hears it will die of blood mold for eight lifetimes!"

… bells… kill without blinking…

Ye Ze was pushed back and staggered. Hearing these words, his heart tightened for a moment.

The inspector didn't apologize for pushing someone, but said in a cold voice, "Let's go back, this is not where the little kid came from!"

Ye Ze pursed his lips, didn't speak, patted his clothes, finally glanced at the thorns behind the patrolling disciples, turned around and left.

... Who will be locked inside