Love from the Male Protagonist’s Harem

Chapter 87: dizzy


Hearing this, Gu Peijiu was silent for a while, and finally she squatted down and reached out to help the girl brush her wet hair.

Plain white fingertips ran across the cold cheeks, delicate and slightly warm.

"Get up."

she says.

Xia Ge didn't move.

Gu Peijiu said, "Still don't want to move?"

Xia Ge looked uncomfortably at the frog swimming back in the puddle: "...Go find the master."

There was no movement for a long time, but the paper umbrella above her head was still held firmly, blocking the wind and rain outside the umbrella for her.

Xia Ge raised his head, "You..." Why haven't you left?

Before he could finish speaking, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. The clouds in the sky were covered by the edge of the ink paper umbrella. The girl's embrace was warm. Xia Ge's eyes suddenly widened, but it was Gu Peiju's white neck.

Xia Ge's mind went blank for a moment.

She is all wet now...

After reacting, he wanted to struggle, Gu Peijiu shouted, "Don't move."

Xia Ge froze for a while, but really didn't move.

Gu Peijiu held an umbrella in one hand and held her in his arms with the other.

It's so light.

Gu Peijiu thought, thin and small.

As if feeling a little at a loss, Xia Ge slowly shrank into her arms, her voice soft as a mosquito.

"...Don't give anything to the master?"

"It doesn't matter." Gu Peijiu paused and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Xia Ge looked at the raindrops falling outside the umbrella, his head was a little chaotic, and he was also slightly lost: "...Rain Temple."

Gu Peijiu was slightly startled, "Rain Temple?"

Xia Ge suddenly came back to his senses, and then smiled: "I want to go to the Temple of Rain to pray for a bigger rain."

Gu Peijiu said, "Want to go now?"

Xia Ge stalked: "I'm kidding..." joking.

Gu Peijiu suddenly said, "Okay."

Xia Ge suddenly became anxious and struggled in Gu Peijiu's arms, "No, don't go!"

She buried her head, "I have a headache, I have a fever, I feel sick, don't go, don't go."

The sound of raindrops falling on the umbrella is crisp and clear, like the dancing point of the elves on the umbrella.

The timid voice of the boy who was holding on and being deliberately suppressed faded away, and finally there was a little girl's softness in his original form. The girl's refusal sounded like a lark singing in the rain, sweet and light.

Gu Peijiu silently waited for her to stop struggling in her arms, and when she finished her refusal, she said slowly, "Then don't go."

Xia Ge: "…You let me down."

Gu Peijiu: "Don't you want to move?"

Seeing Xia Ge being speechless for a while, Gu Peijiu's lips curled into a small smile.

"If you don't go to the Rain Temple, where do you want to go?"

she asked.

Xia Ge pinched the corner of her clothes, not daring to talk nonsense, and whispered, "Just, go back."

Gu Peijiu: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Xia Ge: "...It's not uncomfortable anymore, it's very good."

Gu Peijiu gave a "hmm", "I'll take you back."

The mountain rain was light and slow, Xia Ge didn't dare to look at Gu Peijiu's face, but in the girl's warm embrace, looking at the misty rain and mist in the mountains and forests, and the beautiful ink and paper umbrella above her head, her thoughts were mixed for a while, and she was at a loss.

When they got there, Gu Peijiu put her down, opened the door for her, and said, "Change clothes and take a shower."

After a pause, "You can skip the evening class."

Xia Ge said "Oh".

Gu Peijiu held the umbrella and looked at the girl with her head lowered and her hair still falling into the water. After a while, she said, "Have a good rest."

Xia Ge raised her head and looked at Gu Peijiu, who had put away her umbrella and her clothes were soaked wet by her.

Gu Peijiu and her were speechless.

Xia Ge hesitated for a while: "Senior sister, your clothes are wet."

Gu Peijiu shook his head, "It's okay."

Xia Ge said honestly, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

Gu Peijiu paused, as if he had heard something strange.

After a long while, she restrained the dark color in her eyes and said, "Get some rest, I'll deliver something."

After speaking, he held up his umbrella and slowly disappeared into the heavy rain.

Xia Ge suddenly said, "Senior sister, walk slowly."

The mountain wind was raining, and Xia Ge's words were a little indistinct in the sound of the rain. Gu Peijiu's footsteps stopped, and the red hairband danced with the black hair, and then he raised his feet and left here.

It just slowed down a bit.

The back of the girl wearing the Danfeng plain clothes slowly disappeared until she could no longer see it. As far as she could see, there were only the colors of flowing rivers and mountains, and the misty clouds and twilight rain.

Her embrace was so warm.

Xia Ge thought.

System: "Host."

Xia Ge: "Huh?"

System: "Please turn your head about forty-five degrees to the right."

Xia Ge didn't think about it, and subconsciously turned forty-five degrees to the right.

I saw that the bronze mirror on the dressing table reflected the shimmering light, showing a man whose hair was dripping with dripping water, and his clothes were wet and clinging to his body.

Or, Reservoir Dogs.

The system laughed: "Yeah, it's so beautiful."

Xia Ge stared at the narcissus in the mirror: "..."

There is an air of immortality in the whole person.


After closing the door, he quickly took off his clothes, took a shower, and put on sham clothes. Xia Ge lay on the bed, covering his head with the quilt, but the feeling that he just wanted to dig a Marinaya Trench to get in still didn't dissipate.

She wrapped her face in the quilt.

"Woooooo how can I be so embarrassed..."

The system couldn't believe it: "... You actually know how embarrassing you are?"

Xia Ge froze slightly, and after a while, "You take care of me."

Xia Ge rolled a few times on the bed, and after venting, felt a little dizzy.

Xia Ge murmured: "...Why do I feel a little dizzy?"

"Is it because Senior Sister is so good-looking." Xia Ge said, "I'm so dizzy and dizzy."

System Friendship helped her check her body.

a while.

"Host, I'm sorry to tell you, it's not that you are dizzy because of your fascination, you have water in your head and you are going to have a fever."

Xia Ge: "Oh."

... that's really a pity.


It is indeed a fever.

Xia Ge felt that his head was dizzy, very heavy, he had a headache, his head hurt, he couldn't open his eyes, and he couldn't speak.

Little puppet: "Let you die."

Xia Ge wanted to say something, but opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, his throat hurt.

Little puppet: "I told you you were going to get sick, why didn't you prepare medicine?"

- I thought I could get through it.

"You were able to survive before because Ye Ze was here."

Little puppet said: "But now no one can take care of you."

—Sorry, there have been a lot of things recently, I forgot.

Xiao Puppet seemed to have said something else, Xia Ge's head was chaotic, and he couldn't tell the difference. The heavy and tired body was pulling her, dragging her little by little, sinking, sinking.

until all consciousness was lost.

= =

Temple of Thousand Souls.

The blood-colored red carpet was spread all the way from the outside of the hall to the inside of the hall, with corners and eaves, carved beams and painted buildings, extremely delicate, and on the jade-carved throne, a girl with black hair swayed her legs, dressed in a red robe as bright as a full bloom. The blood lotus made her skin greasy and white, her long and narrow eyes were slightly raised at the corners of her eyes, and under the thick eyelashes, the pair of black pupils reflected the volatile candles in the hall, looking extremely mysterious.

On the blood-red carpet, the boy in white lowered his head, afraid to speak.

"Bai Zhi."

The girl's voice lazily said, "Three thousand puppet soldiers, if you can't take down a Gu Peijiu, forget it."

Bai Zhi lowered his head.

"Let you send someone to rescue the former priest, it's been a month, tell me..." Su Chuan lowered her head and fiddled with her nails, after a while, she raised her head with a half-smile, "You didn't even get the key? "

Bai Zhi was slightly sweaty, "Something happened..."

"Tsk." Su Chuan chuckled lightly, "It's really interesting, why do you have an accident when you do anything?"

Bai Zhi broke out in a cold sweat, "Please punish the teacher!... Please give me more..."

"Eyes are still ears." Su Chuan rested his chin in one hand, tilted his head, and smiled innocently, "One, any one is fine."

Bai Zhi was silent for a moment, then said, "... eyes."

Su Chuan said "um" with a slight smile on his lips, "Go on your own."

After confirming the punishment, Bai Zhi heaved a sigh of relief and said, "As ordered."

Bai Zhi got up, and after a while, as if he remembered something again, he hesitated for a while, "Sect Master..."

Su Chuan: "Huh?"

Bai Zhi said, "The scout said that there seems to be a puppet master in Lingxi Mountain."

Su Chuan's expression did not change, "Oh?"

Bai Zhi said: "I don't know if the news is true, but the spy said... He was bewitched by the little puppet for a whole month, and he didn't find anything wrong at all. Even this plan failed because he was caught by the puppet master's little puppet when he grabbed the key. The puppet blew itself up and trapped its hands and feet."

"But thanks to this time, I let my subordinates know... It turns out that our spies' movements are being monitored all the time." Bai Zhi said.

The little puppet's self-destruction awakened the white blade that was controlled by the soul capture, and naturally had a vigilant heart.

Su Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "That's it."

Bai Zhi hesitated for a moment, "Can I take the liberty of asking... what does the leader plan to do?"

Su Chuan's voice was lazy, but he didn't reply, "Go and receive the punishment."

Bai Zhi said, "Yes."

After speaking, he left, leaving the girl in red as blood, alone in the hall.

Lingxi Peak, puppet master, little puppet, counter-killing spies.

It's a wonderful countermeasure.

Su Chuanyu reached into her arms and rubbed the warm bone flute in her arms for a while.

"Come on."

Three black shadows sprang out from the hall, covering their faces and kneeling on one knee facing Su Chuan, overflowing with demonic energy and looking extremely gloomy.

"Check who the puppet master is."

The shadow headed by the shadow hesitated: "Sect Master, after finding out...?"

"Why, you still need me to teach you?" Su Chuan chuckled, with warm eyes and a lazy voice, "Although it's interesting, since it's in the way, let's kill it."

"As ordered!"

The three took the lead.

The night darkened slightly.

Su Ran paused, and finally took out the bone flute in her arms, her eyelashes as dense as butterfly wings trembled slightly, and she rubbed it for a while.

In the end, he took it back into his arms, the red dress was like a lotus, and he didn't say a word.

Whether the bones are desolate or deified, to that person, it is a pointless joke.