Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 10: Your heart is like iron


"Empress Huihua, this is frostbite." Xuanji said with a blessing, neither humble nor arrogant.

Her attitude made Concubine Hua instantly furious, and said coldly, "It's disgusting! You don't need to give me this tea."

"Yeah, look at her hands and the dirt on her face. I don't know how many days she hasn't taken a bath." The concubines whispered, and the sarcastic laughter became more and more noisy.

"Maybe this hair has lice too. If I were Sister Hua Fei, I wouldn't drink this tea." Concubine Hui smiled.

"If you wish, let that cheap maid serve tea to the emperor and the queen." The queen mother weighed a sugar lotus seed and imported it without raising her eyes.

"Forget it, I just happen to be a little thirsty." Long Feili's eyes were sharp, he fell on Xuanji's hand, and turned his head slightly, as if he was extremely disgusted.

"The slave and maid follow the order." Ruyi responded, took the teacup in Xuanji's hand, and took out the handkerchief and handed it to her.

Nian Xuanji's eyes were red, but she only smiled slightly, closed the tear from the corner of her eyes, thanked her and took the veil.

She seemed to take that hand as someone else's, and she didn't hesitate. Perhaps only in this way would she not feel pain. Picking the dirty place and wiping it vigorously, the blister burst without rubbing, and the pus and blood abruptly soaked a piece of white handkerchief red.

"I'm no longer the master, but this temper is more precious than the master. I've gained a lot of knowledge." Concubine Hui snorted and said, "Don't be in a hurry, sister Xuanji, the handkerchief is not enough, my sister still has it here."

"Thank you, Niangniang." Xuanji thanked her and said to Ruyi in a low voice, "Aunt Ruyi, I'll wash this veil before returning it to you."

Ruyi just wanted to say no, then nodded again.

A concubine smiled and said, "Don't make it difficult for Aunt Ruyi, who would dare to ask for this?"

Xuanji smiled bitterly, walked in front of Long Feili, knelt down, and handed him the printed white jade tea cup.

The slender hands are lined with white jade, and the snow skin is no longer to be found. What about the last person

Perhaps, the same is true for people, like the cloud and smoke swirling above the cup, it will disappear in a short while.

I didn't see him, I hated it, and he hated it too.

Then why bother to look at both.

But, the words that have been said are still in my ears.

"Ali, the female relatives of the prime minister's residence are innocent. They don't even know what their men are doing outside. My little brother is only six years old this year, haven't you hugged him too?"

He didn't even answer her, just glanced at her lightly.

"He's still just a child, he'll trade my life for it, okay?"

"Xiao Qi, your life has never been yours. In this case, how can this transaction be established?"

The candle shadows dimmed, and the man's phoenix eyes pulled over a long and narrow smile, and the haze was soft, as if what he was talking about were just the soft whispers he used to love and pity on the bed before falling asleep.

Yes, even her life is his, so what should she exchange with him

So after killing more than 300 people in Nian's family, it was only normal for him to strangle her by the throat.

Then what are you living for

Proving Long Feili's pity for Yu Mixiu, the young Wang made another perfect move.

Long Feili narrowed his eyes slightly, his attitude was lazy, and he did not pick up the cup.