Love in Another Life: My Gentle Tyrant

Chapter 44: Escape to life


The more she listened, the colder she said, "I don't understand, will the queen mother kill her like this?"

"Hua Min, the queen mother's niece, also married the emperor as a concubine. What do you think? Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The political situation in Xiliang is very complicated. You can take your time and see for yourself."

Then you still throw me here? She gritted her teeth inwardly.

I quickly thought of another question: "But the queen mother can't give her death for no reason like this, right? And, listening to you, the emperor should like this little wife very much, why not save..."

The voice interrupted her quickly.

"According to the charge of poisoning the empress dowager, as for the emperor, he is now in the Qiushan palace. You can ask for more blessings."

"Poisoned," she murmured, and woke up suddenly, "what? The emperor's kid is not in the palace..."

The sound had completely disappeared from the air.

She widened her eyes. "You—go—?"

At this time, there was a lot of movement outside the door, and it seemed that a lot of people were coming here.

Her heart was beating wildly, she dragged her long skirt and rushed to the window lattice like a rocket. She stretched out her fingers and poked the window paper to look out. Outside was a courtyard, full of flowers and plants. , is the fairy grass, she was not in the mood to look at it at this time, only to see the men and women who were waiting in the courtyard, presumably it was the eunuch and the palace eunuch.

At the front of the courtyard is a gate. At the door, a red-yellow chair is quickly turning into a soft sedan chair, a large number of palace servants, and guards. The soft sedan chair has a tulle hanging down. She can't see the person sitting inside, and she says goodbye. It was the old demon of Montenegro who got it from the queen mother. The fear grew, and I thought my little life was over.

She called the man a few times in a low voice, but there was no response, remembering that no matter how bad the time travel in the book was, she would not end up dying like this. You say save me, now... can't sit still!

She was in a strange and strange situation recently, and she was dizzy for a while, but in fact Zhu Qi was very forbearing and restrained because of her childhood. She quickly looked at the room and saw that there was a small window on the other side. There are calculations.

He hurried over and pushed the window a little crack, God bless, life and death are here. Gritting his teeth, he saw that there was a corridor outside, and the scenery was different from before. The house divided a courtyard into two parts, which seemed to be the rear part of the courtyard, and only a palace maid walked by not far away.

Don't miss out.

She immediately pushed the window open and jumped down. The little palace maid was walking towards her, and was shocked when she saw it, "Concubine Nian..."

The voice quickly fell silent, Zhu Qi put down the fainted maid in his hand, pulled up her skirt and ran wildly, the gravel on the ground rolled into her feet, and she ignored it. Fortunately, I learned karate for a few years in school, otherwise...

Turning out of the corridor, there was a small door, she didn't want to immediately push the door and dodge out.